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Hi everyone,

Slight delay in the newsletter this time around, it's been a busy week! I've 
been working on the DocImpact changes, reviewing the docs and docs-specs core 
teams, and catching up with blueprint management and reviews from while I was 
on leave.

Since we're getting to the pointy end of the year, remember to call out 
successes using #success in our IRC channel. All successes get logged here: 
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes and it's a great way to show your 
appreciation for your fellow community members.

== Progress towards Mitaka ==

121 days to go!

139 bugs closed so far for this release.

RST Conversions
* Arch Guide
** RST conversion is complete! Well done Shilla and team for getting this done 
so incredibly quickly :)
* Config Ref
** Contact the Config Ref Speciality team: 
* Virtual Machine Image Guide
** https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/image-guide-rst and 

* Arch Guide
** Doc sprint in planning for December 21-22. Contact the Ops Guide speciality 
team for more info or to get  involved.
** Contact the Ops Guide Speciality team: 
* User Guides
** Contact the User Guide Speciality team: 

* This is now well underway, with the first two patches merged. One changes the 
default bug queue for DocImpact back to the projects' own queue, and the other 
changes all current projects (with the exception of the six defcore projects) 
to their own bug queue. There has also been some discussion on the mailing 
lists about this process change. The next step is to merge the new Jenkins job 
(https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251301/) which for now will be against Nova 
only so we can make sure it's working correctly before we roll it out across 
the board. Thank you to Andreas, Josh Hesketh, and everyone else who has helped 
get us this far, and to the Nova team who are allowing us to use them as guinea 

Document openstack-doc-tools and reorganise index page
* Thanks to Brian and Christian for volunteering to take this on!

Horizon UX work
* Thanks to the people who offered to help out on this! If you're interested 
but haven't gotten in touch yet, contact Piet Kruithof of the UX team. There is 
now a blueprint + spec in draft: 
and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252668/

== Speciality Teams ==

'''HA Guide - Bogdan Dobrelya'''
Finished IRC meeting schedule poll, finalised the Corosync/pacemaker patch 
(https://review.openstack.org/235893), participating and tracking progress with 
the HA for OpenStack instances research 
(https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/automatic-evacuation) to make it into the HA 
guide, eventually.

'''Installation Guide - Christian Berendt'''
Debian install guide nearly completed, testers needed; meeting time for the 
EU/US meeting will probably change from 13 UTC to 17 UTC; Aodh install 
instructions nearly finished, ongoing discussion because of missing SUSE 
packages; Japanese translation of the Liberty install guide published. 

'''Networking Guide - Edgar Magana'''
We are having our first official IRC meeting tomorrow at 1600 UTC. The goal is 
to find out what we can to complete during the Liberty cycle and have specific 
tasks assigned. Relevant patches: Create tags for the Networking Guide - WIP 

'''Security Guide - Nathaniel Dillon'''
No update this week

'''User Guides - Joseph Robinson'''
The User guide meeting on IRC worked, however attendance was down; the 
reorganization spec is updated with information from Big Tent Project navigator 
to define the scope (http://www.openstack.org/software/project-navigator) and 
information from the published nova-network to neutron migration study.

'''Ops and Arch Guides - Darren Chan'''
The arch guide RST conversion is completed. We plan on doing a virtual swarm 
this December. The doodle link was sent out last week and the poll is now 
closed. The final date for the virtual swarm is: 12/21-12/22.

'''API Docs - Anne Gentle'''
Working on usage docs for migration, how to build, what gets migrated, how the 
docs are assembled: 
Responding to spec reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/246660/ Revising 
patch to bring fairy-slipper into openstack org: 

'''Config Ref - Gauvain Pocentek'''
The RST migration is still in progress. The Manila section has been greatly 
improved in the process, and the Zaqar documentation should land during this 
cycle as the spec has been approved. 

'''Training labs - Pranav Salunke'''
KVM port is almost done. Planned to merge this by end of this week; Network 
configuration for the cluster is updated. Now it uses same network addresses as 
install guides; Welcome berndbausch into our team; Liberty port is in progress. 
Follow https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/training-labs-liberty for more details; 
Need to decide meeting time for weekly IRC meetings.

'''Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur'''
No update this week

'''Hyperviser Tuning Guide - Joe Topjian'''
Still on schedule. Halfway done with a first-pass cleanup. Should be ready for 
open contributions within 2 weeks.

== Core Team Changes ==

During last week, I announced some changes to the docs-specs core team. 
Previously, this core team was a small subset of docs core team members, with 
an understanding that we would wait for speciality team leads to +1 a spec 
relevant to their team before approving. Now we have formalised that process by 
inviting each speciality team lead to the docs-specs core team, so that they 
can +2A their own specs. Speciality team leads are listed on the wiki here: 
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams remember to 
engage them when you create a new spec for approval.

We have also reviewed the current docs core team list for December, and the 
results of that will be announced shortly. We will not be reviewing the team in 
January because of the holiday period, and will resume regular reviews in 
February 2016. 

== Doc team meeting ==

We held the APAC docs meeting this week. Big thanks to Joseph for running that 
while I was away, you can read the minutes here: 

Next meetings:
US: Wednesday 9 December, 14:00 UTC
APAC: Wednesday 16 December, 00:30:00 UTC

Please go ahead and add any agenda items to the meeting page here: 

- --

Just a note that this will be my penultimate newsletter for 2015. 

Keep on doc'ing!

- -- 
Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia
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