Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Development environments for infra's puppet modules

2016-08-30 Thread Michael Krotscheck
My tool of choice is vagrant - it's super easy to create a Vagrantfile,
write a quick shell script that idempotently installs any required puppet
modules, and then run puppet itself. An older example is the
puppet-storyboard module: git checkout, vagrant up, and you're off to the

That approach can be extended to simulating any openstack infra node
including slaves, servers, etc

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] New storyboard core reviewers

2015-07-10 Thread Michael Krotscheck
On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 8:29 AM Michael Krotscheck 

> It is quite telling (and I predicted this, just check the storyboard
> meeting logs form last April) that there has been zero progress on any
> storyboard alternatives since Vancouver.

I stand corrected on this (via IRC). There appears to be movement on
Maniphest, with some work outstanding for the OAuth integration.

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] New storyboard core reviewers

2015-07-10 Thread Michael Krotscheck
I think we need to actually define the project's relationship to OpenStack
first. As of Vancouver, there was no decision made on whether to move
forward on StoryBoard, Maniphest, or something else. This lack of any kind
of forward commitment, both in resources and mandate, or even the lack of
ability of anyone to make a decision on this, is exactly why I left in

So let me rehash the questions that were left unanswered in Vancouver.

- Is OpenStack going to use StoryBoard? If not, where is the alternative
and who is working on it?
- Who is actually going to work on storyboard?
- Is StoryBoard going to continue under infra?

It is quite telling (and I predicted this, just check the storyboard
meeting logs form last April) that there has been zero progress on any
storyboard alternatives since Vancouver.

So: If StoryBoard is not going to be used for OpenStack moving forward,
then no: We should not approve new cores, instead we should move the
project to the attic. Since OpenStack isn't using it, we should not waste
cycles or resources on it, though I encourage the CodeThink team to fork
their own.

If StoryBoard _is_ going to be used for OpenStack, then I personally feel
it should NOT be under the infra program, as membership of that program has
done nothing but slow down progress. In fact, I'm pretty certain that had
StoryBoard been incubated in stackforge instead, it would have make much
more progress, and I would still be working on it.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 7:10 AM Thierry Carrez 

> Hi!
> As you know, StoryBoard development was mostly abandoned by its original
> development team, following the Infra team decision to no longer make it
> its long-term strategy for OpenStack task tracking.
> However, development was recently rebooted by two new contributors: Adam
> Coldrick (SotK) and Zara Zaimeche (Zara_). Their contributions are now
> blocked by the lack of core reviewers. I approved what I could (in
> openstack-infra/storyboard). Their changes and reviews sound solid. But
> that is not really the question: since they are the only two active
> developers on StoryBoard today, I think both should be core reviewers
> for those repositories.
> The alternative is to put them into a world of change approval misery as
> they try to convince people who have moved away from StoryBoard to pay
> enough attention to it to allow them to merge their changes. There is
> only so much pain you can endure: it will ultimately result in them
> forking their future development on another platform. To avoid that, I'd
> rather reboot the team completely and give them the keys.
> Thoughts ?
> --
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
> ___
> OpenStack-Infra mailing list
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Resigning as StoryBoard-Core

2015-05-21 Thread Michael Krotscheck
Thank you for your help, too, Yolanda! You've been awesome to work with :)


On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:36 AM Yolanda Robla Mota <> wrote:

>  Hi Michael
> Sorry to hear about that. As you know I also had expressed my decision of
> resigning to be core, as I was unable to contribute to the project in the
> latest month.
> I wasn't doing that before to try to support you and evaluate your
> changes. But it doesn't make any sense to continue like that now.
> So i'll be resigning as well, and I hope that there is some better
> environment for StoryBoard to settle, and have more active contributors.
> It has been a pleasure to work on that, and learned a lot of you.
> Best
> Yolanda
> El 21/05/15 a las 11:16, Michael Krotscheck escribió:
> Hey everyone!
>  As many of you know, storyboard's been on a bit of a back burner
> recently, largely because members of the TC have acknowledged that the
> project was never properly resourced, and therefore have reversed their
> opinion on whether we should be trying to build our own task tracker that
> meets OpenStack's needs.
>  The discussion of whether to continue working on StoryBoard, and what to
> replace it with, had similarly been halted, with me being told explicitly
> that a decision would be made in Vancouver.
>  The session during which the decision was to be made just concluded, and
> the "decision" was to continue maintaining StoryBoard in a Status Quo mode
> until we can evaluate alternatives. These alternatives had been under
> evaluation since April. In short, the future of StoryBoard continues to
> remain uncertain, and I, as sole remaining active contributor, am again
> left hanging.
>  I am resigning, effective immediately, as StoryBoard Core, and will no
> longer contribute to the project. This moves the number of active
> contributors to the project to zero, effectively killing it. I also propose
> that storyboard, storyboard-webclient, and puppet-storyboard are
> immediately moved to the attic, as without contributors, there is no real
> narrative in which it could continue to live on its own.
>  Now that StoryBoard is no longer a viable alternative in the Task
> Tracking discussion, I trust that the TC and Infra team will come to a
> quick resolution on the topic.
>  Michael
> ___
> OpenStack-Infra mailing 
> listOpenStack-Infra@lists.openstack.org
> --
> Yolanda Robla Mota
> Cloud Automation and Distribution Engineer
> +34
>  ___
> OpenStack-Infra mailing list
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[OpenStack-Infra] Resigning as StoryBoard-Core

2015-05-21 Thread Michael Krotscheck
Hey everyone!

As many of you know, storyboard's been on a bit of a back burner recently,
largely because members of the TC have acknowledged that the project was
never properly resourced, and therefore have reversed their opinion on
whether we should be trying to build our own task tracker that meets
OpenStack's needs.

The discussion of whether to continue working on StoryBoard, and what to
replace it with, had similarly been halted, with me being told explicitly
that a decision would be made in Vancouver.

The session during which the decision was to be made just concluded, and
the "decision" was to continue maintaining StoryBoard in a Status Quo mode
until we can evaluate alternatives. These alternatives had been under
evaluation since April. In short, the future of StoryBoard continues to
remain uncertain, and I, as sole remaining active contributor, am again
left hanging.

I am resigning, effective immediately, as StoryBoard Core, and will no
longer contribute to the project. This moves the number of active
contributors to the project to zero, effectively killing it. I also propose
that storyboard, storyboard-webclient, and puppet-storyboard are
immediately moved to the attic, as without contributors, there is no real
narrative in which it could continue to live on its own.

Now that StoryBoard is no longer a viable alternative in the Task Tracking
discussion, I trust that the TC and Infra team will come to a quick
resolution on the topic.

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] A proposal to use phabricator for issue tracking

2015-04-03 Thread Michael Krotscheck
This proposal is all well and good, however (no offense intended) Monty's
got a history of putting out neat proposals and leaving "someone else" to
support it. Without identifying a dedicated person/resource that will
maintain phabricator, any discussion is moot.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:16 AM Thierry Carrez  wrote:

> Monty Taylor wrote:
> > As a follow up to my previous email about thinking about ceasing to use
> > storyboard, I have done some work towards investigating using
> phabricator.
> > [...]
> For the record, I'll repost some of the analysis I did for mordred on this.
> Main blocker: Ability to track tasks across projects/branches
> -
> One of the main features we need from a task tracker in OpenStack is the
> ability to track the completion of tasks across projects and branches.
> That affects vulnerability management, bug backports, and generally
> cross-project work. The fact that Launchpad has a limitation there (on
> the number of tasks it supports before timeouting) is issue #2 with LP.
> The problem is stated once, then a number of tasks affecting different
> groups are created, and the issue is closed when the last task is
> completed.
> In Maniphest as it stands, that would translate into one of those:
> 1- Create a single task that affects multiple "projects"
> 2- Create a main task and multiple subtasks, one for each "project"
> The main issue with (1) is that you can't track partial completion (i.e.
> which groups have completed their task and which haven't), which is the
> main goal of using a common task tracker.
> The main issue with (2) is that it's difficult to see what groups are
> affected from the "main" task (since it only lists task names), and the
> main task is not autoclosed when the last subtask is closed (requiring
> manual intervention).
> In both cases, the UI allows multiple "projects" to apply to a given
> task, which is great for tagging, but not so great when you want to
> track tasks per affected repository and branches. Finally, there is no
> concept of branches -- we would have to create one project for every
> repo/branch combinations.
> Finally, "projects" have no relationship between them. So even if you
> associated a task to project "openstack/nova--master" you would have to
> also manually associate it to project "nova" (as in openstack/nova +
> openstack/python-novaclient) so that Nova team members could also find
> it there. There is basically no projectgroup concept, which is issue #3
> we have with Launchpad.
> In summary, I think Phabricator's "projects" concept is a (really) neat
> *tagging* system, with associated dashboard and all. It's just not meant
> to cover multiple "projects" in the OpenStack sense. Our projects have a
> few properties which make them difficult to emulate with Phabricator's
> "projects": there should be only one per task, they have an affected
> branch (master, juno...), and they are grouped into higher-level
> structures that can be searched and browsed as well.
> Phabricator seems to be sized for single separate projects, and it's
> "project" concept is just a way to organize work within that single
> project. It is pretty obvious when you see what happens if you click one
> of their "projects": you end up in a dashboard with one item per bug.
> Imagine clicking openstack/nova and landing on a dashboard with
> thousands of bugs: it's just not meant to be used for that. It is
> excellent for tracking a subset of tasks and organizing them, but not as
> a higher-level structure.
> So in order to make it work, we'd need a whole new concept added, let's
> call it "repository". Each repository may have multiple branches
> associated with it. When you create a task, you select a repository and
> a branch (and only one). That field is clearly shown in the task name
> (no need to drill down to the subtask to find which repo/branch is
> actually affected by the task). Clicking on that will bring you to a
> list of bugs affecting that repository. Repositories can be grouped
> arbitrarily into repogroups which let you search and navigate issues in
> a set of repositories, rather than force everyone to rebuild queries to
> find, say, "all infra issues".
> Then we could encode a rule so that when the last subtask of a repo-less
> task is closed, the parent task is auto-closed. Then that /could/ all
> work for task coordination for OpenStack, although it would be slightly
> less convenient than Launchpad or StoryBoard (which do not require you
> to drill down to update subtasks, and keep the discussion in one single
> place).
> Could do a lot better: CLI/API
> --
> One of the main pain points with Launchpad is its partial API.
> Phabricator comes with the "arc" tool, but it is designed to drive the
> DVCS git-like featureset. There is no CLI for Maniphest, only a shortcut
> to make raw Conduit (API) calls. 

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Biting the bullet on issue tracking

2015-03-23 Thread Michael Krotscheck
Hey everyone!

It's quite rough to realize that the thing you've been advocating, working
on, and desperately trying to recruit contributors for is DoA, and that's
what I've been struggling with for the past few weeks. Even so, I was part
and parcel to coming up with Monty's recommendation, so this wasn't a

Don't get me wrong: I love the project. I love the team, I love our
technological vision, I love all these things. There are features that I
feel are unique - Federation, process-agnosticism, clean api/ui separation,
etc. - and given the opportunity (and proper resources) I would love to
continue working on it. However for all the excitement that I've received
over the past year, very little has solidified into any kind of concrete
contribution. It was time to call the bluff.

And yet... StoryBoard has been a fantastic test bed for JavaScript as a
first class citizen in OpenStack, and I'm going to continue moving that
forward. There are some missing parts of our infrastructure, some of our
existing tools need to be refined and documented, and there are some sticky
policy items that need to be proposed to the TC. I see no reason not to
continue supporting StoryBoard as that test bed, especially since the
infrastructure team is still using it. Once a reasonable sunset has been
reached (assuming new contributors don't magically materialize), my plan is
to dive into the other UI components in OpenStack.

A very special thank you Yolanda Robla-Mota, Mike Heald, Riccardo Cruz,
Nikita Konovalov, Aleksey Ripinien, Tom Pollard, and all the others who
have contributed over the past year. Y'all are awesome.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:03 PM Monty Taylor  wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> First, some background:
> A year and a half ago, Infra started down the road of of writing a
> replacement for the pieces of Launchpad that OpenStack continues to use.
> There were several reasons, but notable amongst them are:
> - Desire to use the forthcoming openstackid OpenID/Oauth as an SSO
> - Delay in long-standing bugs that affect OpenStack getting fixed
> The existing open source offerings that we investigated did not have
> adequate feature parity in the key data model areas that made Launchpad
> particularly compelling as a choice for us, and adding what we needed to
> the existing offerings would amount to substantial rewrites ... so we
> decided that we had no real choice but to write our own.
> Where we're at
> We've gotten far enough to get Infra moved on to storyboard, but the
> project has never really gotten resourced to the level it needs to be to
> truly responsive to the needs of our community. We're making good
> progress towards meeting the initial set of goals we set, but in the
> mean time several new requests have come in - such as from the UX team
> and the Product Management Working Group - that we cannot meet today and
> which at our current rate I do not believe we would be able to meet in a
> reasonable timeframe.
> At the same time, the state of the art around us has improved since we
> started. A year and a half ago, I was able to very honestly say that we
> needed to work on this effort because we simply had no other choice.
> That is no longer true. Existing Open Source offerings not only can
> represent a large portion of our data needs, but additionally can
> support the additional features that have been requested by our
> community today out of the box.
> The combination of the two of those makes the likelihood of us being
> able to convince people to pony up more resources seem more and more far
> fetched. I could be wrong, of course - it's possible that in response to
> this someone will start jumping up and down and commit engineers to the
> effort ... but I'm not holding my breath.
> Biting the bullet
> I think we should get out of the business of writing our own bug tracker.
> It's not an easy thing to say, and I don't say it lightly. There are
> things that storyboard models well that continue to be things that
> simply are not modeled elsewhere. However, I think it's important to
> know when good enough will do, and I think it's important to be able to
> step up and say that we tried valiantly, and everyone involved did a
> great job, and yet the world has moved on and writing a bug tracker is
> not, at the end of the day, what we're all here to do.
> We're looking at what our options are, and Thierry is examining them to
> see how tolerable their differences would be to our community.
> I propose that we have a solid answer and migration plan to put in front
> of people by Vancouver at the latest.
> Finally, I'd like to say thank you to the storyboard team for attacking
> a very hard problem with not enough resources.
> Monty
> ___
> OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[OpenStack-Infra] [infra] [storyboard] Nominating Yolanda Robla for StoryBoard Core

2014-12-23 Thread Michael Krotscheck
Hello everyone!

StoryBoard is the much anticipated successor to Launchpad, and is a
component of the Infrastructure Program. The storyboard-core group is
intended to be a superset of the infra-core group, with additional
reviewers who specialize in the field.

Yolanda has been working on StoryBoard ever since the Atlanta Summit, and
has provided a diligent and cautious voice to our development effort. She
has consistently provided feedback on our reviews, and is neither afraid of
asking for clarification, nor of providing constructive criticism. In
return, she has been nothing but gracious and responsive when improvements
were suggested to her own submissions.

Furthermore, Yolanda has been quite active in the infrastructure team as a
whole, and provides valuable context for us in the greater realm of infra.

Please respond within this thread with either supporting commentary, or
concerns about her promotion. Since many western countries are currently
celebrating holidays, the review period will remain open until January 9th.
If the consensus is positive, we will promote her then!



OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [storyboard] Paging results

2014-11-20 Thread Michael Krotscheck
For API clients that require access to large parts of the data set, I've
actually proposed a solution that doesn't involve the REST API at all. It's
likely that this particular spec will also be the backbone of storyboard's
federation (assuming we don't argue it into oblivion).


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Robert Collins 
> However for API usage, complete scans of result sets are much more
> common, and they caused substantial remedial performance work to be
> needed in Launchpad (which was also built with the idea that only the
> first few pages need to be fast).
> If I may be so bold, the rule of thumb 'if we can't do it fast, don't
> do it' is a very sensible one for many API implementations, and one
> that I rather suspect will apply here.
> -Rob
> --
> Robert Collins 
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [openstack-dev] [infra] [storyboard] Goodbye Infra on Launchpad, Hello Infra on StoryBoard

2014-11-20 Thread Michael Krotscheck
Hey there, Brad!

The answer to your question depends on who you ask. If you ask me, I will say: 
"Yes! Feel free to use it all you want!" If you ask Thierry or Jim Blair, their 
response will be “Oh please no”.

Our roadmap right now is as follows: 
- 1.1.1: Clean up straggling features from our infra release (most notably 
email and tags).
- 1.2: Support “Feature development”, the ability to track a larger body of 
work and group it into releases.
- 1.3: Support “Bug reporting”, the ability to submit a bug and have it follow 
a triage workflow.

I encourage you to keep tabs on our wiki where we’re doing feature tracking 
(until we can do it in storyboard proper), and judge for yourself when the 
implemented features are sufficient to support your project :). Here’s a link: 


> On Nov 20, 2014, at 7:45 AM, Brad Topol  wrote:
> This looks very cool!!!  Is it ready for the rest of the other projects to 
> start using as well? 
> Thanks, 
> Brad 
> Brad Topol, Ph.D.
> IBM Distinguished Engineer
> OpenStack
> (919) 543-0646
> Internet:
> Assistant: Kendra Witherspoon (919) 254-0680 

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [storyboard] Paging results

2014-11-20 Thread Michael Krotscheck
Hey there, Jay-

The use case is telling someone where they are in a result set, not
necessarily the ability to jump pages. Say, for example, a PTL who is
reviewing all the stories in their project to determine which of them are
no longer relevant. To them, a very simple "You are on #X of #YYY" gives
them an idea of how much work they have left, and allows them to split
their work with other cores: "Hey, can you go review 100-200 please?". A
good example is the Infra Bug Day that happens fairly frequently. A
different, but similar case is a hidden influencer trying to keep tabs on
their own team's work backlog, which stretches across different projects. I
encourage everyone to brainstorm more, I'm sure you can find them.

There is a rule in UX, which is quite simple: Always tell the user exactly
where they are. This rule was first clearly stated in "Don't make me
think", and there's been quite a bit of development on the concept since. A
TL/DR version: There's a nuanced difference between "paging through data"
 and "consuming a feed". In the former, a location indicator is critical.
In the latter, less so. This is the case no matter how large the data set
gets - Google still provides pages, even though they don't mean much given
the size of their results. The best way I've found to conceptualize these
two is as follows: If you put all your data into a spreadsheet, and removed
the row labels, would your user care?

I would characterize your use case as an individual contributor who prefers
to treat their task list like a queue. This is one valid use case, and
marker based paging solves your problem. However, the other use cases above
think of stories more like a spreadsheet, and they require an indicator of
where they are relative to the rest of entire set. From a practical
perspective, most usage would never go past the second page, so I am not
really concerned about the performance implications of simply passing
offset straight through to the SQL query, and I would hope that
storyboard's filtering capabilities are powerful enough that our users can
reduce the size of the result set to a manageable size. However, we ALSO
get all that with offset based paging, and we win the the ability to
support all the other use cases without sacrificing anything.

In short, using offset based paging requires a small investment of time,
costs a performance hit for a small subset of users, and allows us to meet
the needs of all of our use cases.

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] [storyboard] Paging results

2014-11-19 Thread Michael Krotscheck

My own UX tests have demonstrated a need for both page jumping, and being
able to communicate to a user where they are in their list. I'd be happy to
show you the videos if you have a few hours.

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

[OpenStack-Infra] [infra] [storyboard] Goodbye Infra on Launchpad, Hello Infra on StoryBoard

2014-11-19 Thread Michael Krotscheck
The OpenStack Infrastructure team has successfully migrated all of the 
openstack-infra project bugs from LaunchPad to StoryBoard. With the exception 
of openstack-ci bugs tracked by elastic recheck, all bugs, tickets, and work 
tracked for OpenStack Infrastructure projects must now be submitted and 
accessed at If you file a ticket on 
LaunchPad, the Infrastructure team no longer guarantees that it will be 
addressed. Note that only the infrastructure projects have moved, no other 
OpenStack projects have been migrated.

This is part of a long-term plan to migrate OpenStack from Launchpad to 
StoryBoard.  At this point we feel that StoryBoard meets the needs of the 
OpenStack infrastructure team and plan to use this migration to further 
exercise the project while we continue its development.

As you may notice, Development on StoryBoard is ongoing, and we have not yet 
reached feature parity with those parts of LaunchPad which are needed for the 
rest of OpenStack. Contributions are always welcome, and the team may be 
contacted in the #storyboard or #openstack-infra channels on freenode, via the 
openstack-dev list using the [storyboard] subject, or via StoryBoard itself by 
creating a story. Feel free to report any bugs, ask any questions, or make any 
improvement suggestions that you come up with at:!/project/456 

We are always looking for more contributors! If you have skill in AngularJS or 
Pecan, or would like to fill in some of our documentation for us, we are happy 
to accept patches. If your project is interested in moving to StoryBoard, 
please contact us directly. While we are hesitant to move new projects to 
storyboard at this point, we would love working with you to determine which 
features are needed to support you.

Relevant links:
• Storyboard: 

• Team Wiki: 
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] best way to add handlebars.js to infra?

2014-09-29 Thread Michael Krotscheck

On Sep 29, 2014, at 3:24 PM, Monty Taylor  wrote:

> I am a big fan of the tooling pattern in storyboard-webclient - since
> it's very much aimed at solving this. Some combination of krotscheck and
> I will make an example patch we can all point at.

I’ve added a WIP patch that starts to add the javascript toolchain. More work 
is needed

The builds that execute the javascript toolchain itself are found here:
OpenStack-Infra mailing list