
As of today, the project neutron-vpnaas is no longer part of the neutron
governance. This was a decision reached after the project saw a dramatic
drop in active development over a prolonged period of time.

What does this mean in practice?

   - From a visibility point of view, release notes and documentation will
   no longer appear on openstack.org as of Ocata going forward.
   - No more releases will be published by the neutron release team.
   - The neutron team will stop proposing fixes for the upstream CI, if not
   solely on a voluntary basis (e.g. I still felt like proposing [2]).

How does it affect you, the user or the deployer?

   - You can continue to use vpnaas and its CLI via the
   python-neutronclient and expect it to work with neutron up until the newton
   release/python-neutronclient 6.0.0. After this point, if you want a release
   that works for Ocata or newer, you need to proactively request a release
   [5], and reach out to a member of the neutron release team [3] for
   approval. Assuming that the vpnaas CI is green, you can expect to have a
   working vpnaas system upon release of its package in the foreseeable future.
   - Outstanding bugs and new bug reports will be rejected on the basis of
   lack of engineering resources interested in helping out in the typical
   OpenStack review workflow.
   - Since we are freezing the development of the neutron CLI in favor of
   the openstack unified client (OSC), the lack of a plan to make the VPN
   commands available in the OSC CLI means that at some point in the future
   the neutron client CLI support for vpnaas may be dropped (though I don't
   expect this to happen any time soon).

Can this be reversed?

   - If you are interested in reversing this decision, now it is time to
   step up. That said, we won't be reversing the decision for Ocata. There is
   quite a curve to ramp up to make neutron-vpnaas worthy of being classified
   as a neutron stadium project, and that means addressing all the gaps
   identified in [6]. If you are interested, please reach out, and I will work
   with you to add your account to [4], so that you can drive the
   neutron-vpnaas agenda going forward.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to ask questions and/or clarifications.


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/392010/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/397924/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/150,members
[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/502,members
[5] https://github.com/openstack/releases
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