Hello all,

I noticed the otherday that in our Openstack install (Kilo) Neutron seems to be 
the only project that was not logging the username/tenant information on every 
wsgi request.  Nova/Glance/heat all log a username and/or project on each 
request.  Our wsgi logs from neutron look like the following:

2015-11-05 13:45:24.302 14549 INFO neutron.wsgi 
[req-ab633261-da6d-4ac7-8a35-5d321a8b4a8f ] - - [05/Nov/2015 
"GET /v2.0/networks.json?id=2d5fe344-4e98-4ccc-8c91-b8064d17c64c HTTP/1.1" 200 
655 0.027550

I did a fair amount of digging and it seems that devstack is by default 
overriding the context log format for neutron to add the username/tenant 
information into the logs.  However, there is active work to remove this 
override from devstack[1].  However, using the devstack way I was able to true 
up our neutron wsgi logs to be inline with what other services are providing.

If you add:
logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s 
[%(request_id)s %(user_name)s %(project_name)s] %(instance)s%(message)s

To the [DEFAULT] section of neutron.conf and restart neutron-server.  You will 
now get log output like the following:

 2015-11-05 18:07:31.033 INFO neutron.wsgi 
[req-ebf1d3c9-b556-48a7-b1fa-475dd9df0bf7 <redacted username> <redacted 
tenant>] - - [05/Nov/2015 18:07:31]
"GET /v2.0/networks.json?id=55e1b92a-a2a3-4d64-a2d8-4b0bee46f3bf HTTP/1.1" 200 
617 0.035515

So go forth, check your logs, and before you need to use your logs to debug who 
did what,when, and where.  Get the information that you need added to the wsgi 
logs.  if you are not seeing wsgi logs for your projects trying enabling 
verbose=true in the [DEFAULT] section as well.

Adding [logs] tag since it would be nice to have all projects logging to a 
standard wsgi format out of the gate.

[1] - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172508/2/lib/neutron-legacy
Kris Lindgren
Senior Linux Systems Engineer
OpenStack-operators mailing list

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