Freek de Kruijf wrote:
> Op dinsdag 20 maart 2018 17:05:58 CET schreef Kasimir _:
>> Both abort the boot process with the message: "Initramfs unpacking 
>> failed: write error"
>> Raspberry Pi 1:
>>      - Image: 
>> openSUSE-Tumbleweed-ARM-JeOS-raspberrypi.armv6l-2018.03.19-Build1.1.raw.xz
>>      - Console output:
>> Raspberry Pi2:
>>      - Image: 
>> openSUSE-Tumbleweed-ARM-JeOS-raspberrypi2.armv7l-2018.03.19-Build1.1.raw.xz
>> - Console output:
>> N�����r��y隊Z)z{.�櫛맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^�    ޭ隊Z)z{.�櫛�0�������Ǩ�
> I am able to get a little further.
> You probably did not clear the highest 1024 bytes.
> You can use:
> dev="/dev/sdX" # X is you device with SD card
> echo "Clear last 1024 bytes"
> ssize=$(/usr/sbin/blockdev --getss /dev/$dev)
> [ $ssize -ne 512 ] && echo "Sector size not equal 512" && exit 1
> size=$(/usr/sbin/blockdev --getsz /dev/$dev)
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$dev obs=1 seek=$(($size - 2)) count=2
I can confirm this with the Raspberry Pi 1.

I noticed a broken link in the /boot/ directory; the initrd symbolic
link points to initrd-4.14.14-1-default which doesn't exist.  Probably
not the cause though, as grub loads initrd.vmx directly and changing the
link doesn't make any difference.  Also the initrd.vmx file is 73MB -
which seems a bit large.


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