Hi Team,

I am using *omp* to control the OpenVAS scanning.

Able to launch the scan successfully using "start_task". For getting *status
*and *progress *of a scan I am using "*get_tasks*".

I am polling the status after every 30 seconds to get the latest.

Facing "*Failed to Authenticate*" error after my scan has launched, running
and has progressed around 30% or more than that.

No change in omp command, same credentials which was used to launch the

This Issue is not frequently occurred, but seen after 2-3 successful scans.


No of Targets: 3
Hardware details: 8GB RAM, 60GB Hard Disk

Openvas = 9
OpenVAS Scanner = 5.1.1
redis-server = 4.0.2
OpenVAS Manager = 7.0.2
Greenbone Security Assistant 7.0.2

Please help me out on this. Really struck on this issue not able to proceed

Thanks & Regards,
Ravi Keerthi MD
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