Arne Schwabe wrote:

I am at the moment looking to integrating packet filtering into OpenVPN. My
reason to do so, are the following:
- Windows own Firewall does not work when routing/bridging is used
- I am not aware of a OpenSource Firewall for windows - Being able to do NAT without the help of the operating system can be very

I have not yet looked very much at the code. But I would like to ask if
this is a feature which could go into the main OpenVPN release. If I
unterstood this correctly the OpenVPN code is currently released under GPL
but available under a non GPL license. So newly added code needs to honour
this. But BSD licensed code (eg. parts of ipfw2 or pf code) would be okay?

There is already rudimentary packet filtering code in OpenVPN -- see
pf.[ch] in the beta 2.1 branch.


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