I found this old post in the OpenWrt-Devel mailing list
( https://lists.openwrt.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2012-January/013587.html )

I also have a Buffalo WBMR-HP-G300H and I installed OpenWrt r35047
/ LuCI Trunk (trunk+svn9599) on it. This LuCI extension for viewing DSL
line parameters isn't there. Is there a package I can install
on top of that? Can you provide any help? It would be most appreciated,
probably not only by me, but by most of the many users of this modem/router
as well.

Thanks for reading to the end of the message :)

I am quoting the old message below, since it's a year old.

--- Original Message ---

From: lee.essen at nowonline.co.uk
Date: Thu Jan 19 21:51:17 CET 2012 
Subject: DSL support and luci integration

I've been using trunk on a Buffalo WBMR-HP-G300H ADSL router with great 
success, so I've been looking at the existing DSL support and am keen to 
help out getting it better integrated.

I'm conscious that there are likely to be a number of different DSL 
devices needing support and have been thinking about a way to have 
relatively standard support in LuCI but with flexibility in 

I have put together some patches to start doing this, but thought it 
best to check the concepts before getting too far ... also I don't know 
if anyone else is working on this or if other ideas have been discussed.

So basically:

A single "control" script that is shipped as part of the relevant 
driver (or app) for the device. For me, this is the lantiq one.
The control script (my suggestion is:  /etc/init.d/dsl_control) would 
be responsible for the normal start and stop as any rc script would be.
But also ... the control script can be used to get the DSL status, 
either in human readable form, or in a standard form parsable by Luci.

In this way any DSL implementation need only provide basic start, stop 
and status information and then it could easily appear in LuCI to 
provide line status, speed and noise information without any hardware 
specific detail in LuCI.

Just by way of example:

root at OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/dsl_control status
Line State:             UP [0x801: showtime_tc_sync]
Data Rate:              4.064 Mb/s / 448 Kb/s
Line Attenuation:       49.0dB / 26.5dB
Noise Margin:           12.2dB / 25.0dB

Or, the LuCI compatible version ... I went for a "loadstring" approach 
that returned a lua table:

root at OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/dsl_control luastat
local dsl={}
dsl.data_rate_down_s="4.064 Mb"
dsl.data_rate_up_s="448 Kb"
return dsl

I've also implemented the basic summary in the LuCI admin overview page 
which looks pretty nice, updates regularly (you can see the noise margin 
changing) and doesn't seem to place much load on the system.

There's a bit more to do, it currently doesn't actually check the 
daemon is running etc, also I think a "start_available" and 
"stop_available" variable might be a nice way to control whether LuCI 
should allow start and stop buttons ... possible on the network admin 

Anyway ... just a few ideas, interested in thoughts, I can post the 
current patches if there's interest, or happy to explore other ideas if 
I'm way off the mark.




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