I’ve been going the rounds of how to enable PAM for the busy box login tools.

At first glance it seems it is supported in the ‘menuconfig’ set of options.

However, upon performing the ‘make’ operation, the build fails as ‘libpam’ is 
not in the LDLIBS list, nor is it any path that the Makefile for Busybox uses 
to look for libraries.

There are some trouble reports, all of which are closed, none of which seem to 
reflect the current ‘menuconfig’ options.

So, the question is, does anyone use PAM with OpenWRT.

Alternatively, how does one require the ‘built in’ Busybox crypto functions to 
use SHA512 for password hashing, rather than the simplistic MD5 that seems to 
be the default.

John Clark.
openwrt-devel mailing list

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