[opnfv-tech-discuss] (no subject)

2016-10-10 Thread sun . jing22

  Sorry for not contacting you since lasttime at daisy IRC meeting .
  As you kindly mentained that you will help install rpms for build of 

  Here is the rpms lists,as many as 84.
  And this is for openstack Mitaka ,when we switch to Newton, maybe need 
some changes :

yum install -y atk
yum install -y docutils
yum install -y fontawesome-fonts-web
yum install -y gd
yum install -y gdk-pixbuf2
yum install -y gettext-common-devel
yum install -y gettext-devel
yum install -y git
yum install -y graphite2
yum install -y graphviz
yum install -y gtk2
yum install -y harfbuzz
yum install -y hicolor-icon-theme
yum install -y intltool
yum install -y librsvg2
yum install -y libthai
yum install -y libtool
yum install -y libXaw
yum install -y libXcomposite
yum install -y libXcursor
yum install -y libXft
yum install -y libXi
yum install -y libXmu
yum install -y libXpm
yum install -y libXrandr
yum install -y pango
yum install -y perl-XML-Parser
yum install -y Pygments
yum install -y python-anyjson
yum install -y python-boto
yum install -y python-d2to1
yum install -y python-django-appconf
yum install -y python-django-compressor
yum install -y python-django-openstack-auth
yum install -y python-django-pyscss
yum install -y python-eventlet
yum install -y python-eventlet
yum install -y python-greenlet
yum install -y python-iso8601
yum install -y python-jinja2
yum install -y python-keystoneclient
yum install -y python-kombu
yum install -y python-lesscpy
yum install -y python-lockfile
yum install -y python-migrate
yum install -y python-oslo-concurrency
yum install -y python-oslo-config
yum install -y python-oslo-i18n
yum install -y python-oslo-serialization
yum install -y python-oslo-sphinx
yum install -y python-oslo-utils
yum install -y python-pbr
yum install -y python-pint
yum install -y python-pygments
yum install -y python-routes
yum install -y python-scss
yum install -y python-six
yum install -y python-sphinx
yum install -y python-sqlalchemy
yum install -y python-sqlalchemy
yum install -y python-webob
yum install -y python-XStatic
yum install -y python-XStatic-Angular
yum install -y python-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap
yum install -y python-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop
yum install -y python-XStatic-Angular-Mock
yum install -y python-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker
yum install -y python-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS
yum install -y python-XStatic-D3
yum install -y python-XStatic-Font-Awesome
yum install -y python-XStatic-Hogan
yum install -y python-XStatic-Jasmine
yum install -y python-XStatic-jQuery
yum install -y python-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate
yum install -y python-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch
yum install -y python-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter
yum install -y python-XStatic-jquery-ui
yum install -y python-XStatic-JSEncrypt
yum install -y python-XStatic-Magic-Search
yum install -y python-XStatic-QUnit
yum install -y python-XStatic-Rickshaw
yum install -y python-XStatic-smart-table
yum install -y python-XStatic-Spin
yum install -y python-XStatic-termjs

 Thank you so much.

 Best regards,


opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list

[opnfv-tech-discuss] (no subject)

2016-08-24 Thread Luke Hinds

I wanted to open up to the community in more detail, the plans we have for
the security audit.

Its a four pronged process..

1. Look at dependencies (modules / libraries) used and attempt to verify no
known risks are associated with said dependencies.

2. Perform a secure code audit to look for potential security risks such as
shell executions, sql injections etc. More details here:

3. Look for use of weak cryptography / hashing algorithms.

4. Encourage compliance to the LF Badge program.

Members of the security team will each perform this audit, and will contact
the PTL and core committers on each project with the results.

The project itself, can then contact the security group to discuss or seek
advice, should they need it.

We are open to feedback on the whole process as well.

Our plan is try trial the process for Colorado,  and then have it as a
milestone for D-release.


Luke - OPNFV Security Group
opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list