
during the 31st of August OPNFV weekly Testing group meeting (3PM UTC, https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/819733085, #opnfv-testperf), we planned to share our feedback on the automation of vIMS stress test on OPNFV solution.

This work has been initiated during the last OPNFV plugfest in Paris (stress test) and has been finalized end of July (automation of the stress test for CI).

Based on the existing cloudify_ims test case (automation of cloudify/clearwater + signaling testing) developed by Valentin and automated since Brahmaputra, we are now able to generate realistic signaling load (more than 100.000 calls within 10 minutes) using Ixia loader.

Please note that tests have been executed on Orange OPNFV community lab including power consumption monitoring also introduced during last plugfest

The presentation will deal with:
- reminder on cloudify_ims test case
- Introduction of the new stress test
- Automation of this test
- Conclusions
- Q&A

Feel free to invite whom it may concern
Testing group meeting are open



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