Re: Perl Question - Split using |

2002-07-05 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Celine,

 After seeing the e-mails about Perl for Oracle-DBAs,
 I presume, my question wouldn't be completely
 inappropriate for this list.  
 So if you Oracle Gurus, can help me with this Perl
 problem,  I would greatly appreciate it.
 I have a problem with  split  when my delimiter is |.  
 I know that if I escape the pipe, split should work, 
 that is only when it is a literal like split(/\|/, abc|def|123)
 But when my delimiter is to be dynamically read from a
 file,  I have it in a variable.  Then this escaping
 stuff doesn't work..
 my $HeaderAttributes = abc|defgh|123;
 print $HeaderAttributes\n;
 my $Delimiter = \|;
 (@Fields) = split(/$Delimiter/, $HeaderAttributes);
 print Delimiter = $Delimiter Field[0] =
 instead of 
 Does somebody have a solution to this.

You might want to try and use the quotemeta function, to create a regex
variable, which backslashes all alphanumerics within string variables, eg:

my $HeaderAttributes = abc|defgh|123;
print $HeaderAttributes\n;
my $Delimiter = |;
my $regex = quotemeta($Delimiter);
(@Fields) = split(/$regex/, $HeaderAttributes);
print Delimiter = $Delimiter Field[0] = $Fields[0]\n;

At this end, this produced:

Delimiter = | Field[0] = abc

In a reckless bid towards on-topic status, I can only say that there's much
more of this kind of thing in Appendix C of Perl for Oracle DBAs, 'The
Essential Guide to Regular Expressions'! :-)

HTH! :)


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Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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RE: Free Java dba monitoring tool and Java source code

2001-04-21 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Sam,

 Andy any luck with installing the tool.
 I enclose word doc about the tool

Unfortunately, I've been on the road and living out of suitcases, in hotels,
for the last 3 weeks, teaching Perl for Learning Tree.  Also, our O'Reilly
book, "Oracle and Open Source" has been printed this week, and I've had to
write some articles to go with the launch, when it will be available to buy in
a week or two, once it gets from the printers to the retail warehouses!

Once life has settled down, I'll get onto your tool, and hopefully we'll be
able to run a section on it, once you've made it into a Java/Oracle world
leader, in our 2nd edition, IF we make it that far.  I'm hoping the subscribers
to this list, will help make that possible!  :-)



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

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Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

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Re: Free Java dba monitoring tool and Java source code

2001-04-17 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Sam,

 As part of my masters dissertation I have developed an SQL monitoring tool
 using Java/JDBC/thin drivers that allows the DBA to see who is taking up the
 resources currently in a database. 
 This is not at all a commercial venture, purely
 academic. Plus if you want to learn about Java/JDBC this can be an
 invaluable asset/starting point as you know the subject well and you can see
 how the tool has been built.

I'd love to see your Java Oracle DBA Open Source tool, up on a public internet
site somewhere for download! :-)

Some other Java-Oracle type Open Source links you might want to look at, to
help further your own work, are:

Apache JServ =
DB Prism, Java/Oracle servlet engine =
Tomcat (replacement for JServ) =
jDBA, another Java Oracle DBA tool =
ViennaSQL, Java/Oracle SQL tool =

jDBA may the one you're most interested in, but using Java as the programming
language for Open source projects, including Oracle ones, is growing rapidly in
popularity! :-)

Hope this is of some use 8)



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

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RE: Script to reverse engineer all objects in a schema to DDL?

2001-04-03 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Chris,

You could use Richard Sutherland's exciting Perl work, with his new DDL::Oracle
Perl module, and it's associated scripts, which you can find here:


Richard and I have also started embedding this automatically too within the
Orac Perl/Tk Perl DBI program, which now has Oracle development options, as
well as DBA login options, which you can find here:


You do have to load Perl, Perl/Tk, Perl DBI and DBD::Oracle (on Windows, Linux,
Solaris etc), but once you have all that (and why would you not want to? :),
Orac should just run straight up, with a host of scripts to reverse engineer
many/all? parts of the Oracle database (and now updated by Richard to work with
Oracle 8.1.7, parallel servers etc) or at least it hopefully will when you run
it, as we're still very ALPHA at the moment 8)

Orac is still very much a DBA tool, but we are progressing as rapidly as we can
with the developer options.



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

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Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).

Re: Does anyone know a link to 9i documentation?

2001-03-29 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Waleed,

Perhaps the best thing to do is to go to and then do
a search on "9i".  You should get loads of pages back, but these are very
fluid, changing regularly.  I've just done a search like this, and three you
may be interested in that came back were:


These won't last long though, and searching is the best bet, using something




O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

Do You Yahoo!?
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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).

[ANNOUNCE] Orac-1.2.3.tar.gz Perl/Tk Perl DBI Oracle DBA and Development Tool

2001-03-21 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Everyone,

Richard Sutherland and I are revamping the Orac Perl/Tk Perl DBI program.  This
now makes liberal use of Richard's DDL-Oracle Perl package (required for Oracle
usage) and we're also beginning to make use of Dean Arnold's DBD-Chart Perl
package (not required, but if available on your local Perl system, made use of,
if also accompanied by Tk::PNG).  Orac-1.2.3 is now available on CPAN, here:


(if your local Perl CPAN mirror is still only displaying Orac-1.2.2, you may
want to wait for 1.2.3 to propagate, as a few 1.2.2 buggettes needed immediate

DDL-Oracle is available here:


DBD-Chart is available here:


The use of Richard's DDL-Oracle package will hopefully, within a few weeks,
allow us to drop any restrictions as we gradually remove all of the old scripts
copyrighted to Brian Lomasky, and replace them with DDL-Oracle equivalents to
get to a full GPL status.

The other main change is that now Oracle Developers can now use Orac, as well
as Oracle DBAs.  There's not much functionality as yet, but we'll be adding to
this constantly.  

If any Oracle developers would like to send me any wish-lists, I'll do what I
can to add them into the program.  I'd like to provide an Oracle open source
alternative to Toad, if I possibly can.  I'm also on the lookout for any
DBA/Developer SQL scripts which give name/value information pairings which can
be turned into useful charts.  You can see examples of these charts here:


Finally, we're not taking many prisoners on this Orac development run, and
consequently the program will not be super-stable for the immediate future. 
Orac-1.2.0 is still recommended for stable DBA usage :-)

All suggestions welcome! 8)



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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Re: Free Oracle DBA tests on the web

2001-03-20 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Andrey,

 Hi DBAs !
 I'm looking for some FREE Oracle DBA / developer resources on the web :
 self-tests , OCP preparations materials , articles , books , etc ...
 Please share your resources !
 Thanks a lot in advance .


Check out the links in Table 1-1 on the following page:

It took me and Sean Hull a ridiculous period of time to collect all of those
(too much to mention).  If you'd like to read about how we did it, why we did
it, and get as much installation/user documentation on them all, as we could
physically squeeze into 500 pages, please book your copy now, of:

= (out around April 15th)

/cheap_salesman_hey_a_guys_gotta_eat :-)


PS The cheque's in the post.


O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

Do You Yahoo!?
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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

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RE: Oracle Monitoring Tools

2001-03-16 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Scott,
 Good to see you back!

It's good to be back! :-)

Sean Hull and I have been locked in a dark room for 12 months, and they've
finally let us out.  The light's so bright, I feel like Papillon getting out
after a Devil Island year in solitary :)

Good to see the list is still so anarchic.  I've missed it.  Do we still get
cake recipes on a Friday? =8-)



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

Do You Yahoo!?
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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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RE: Offtopic: Canada and America

2001-03-16 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Lee,

 Speaking as a neutral (English), I like both countries just fine and each
 has its good (and bad) points
 Out of the few places I have been to, I vote Vancouver No 1. 

As another neutral Englishman, I've only visited two places in North America,
Vancouver and San Francisco, and found both places amazing.  I'd be happy to
live in both, if my wife would let me, and call it a draw.  I'll never forget
sitting on the grassy bank surrounding English Bay in Vancouver, watching the
ships come in (shades of Bryan Adams), or walking across the Golden Gate bridge
in San Francisco watching the billionaires yachts sailing underneath.

The nearest equivalent we have in England is rowing a boat down the Thames! :-)



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

Do You Yahoo!?
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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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RE: Oracle Monitoring Tools

2001-03-15 Thread Andy Duncan

Hi Zhong,
 Hi all! I'm in the processing of evaluating different Oracle Monitoring
 tools. Any suggestions? 
 It's another beautiful day! 

You might want to try the following open source addresses:

Big Brother: (excellent for Sys Admin/Oracle DBA monitoring)

jDBA: (if you ask Ezra Pagel for monitoring, he might add it? :)

Karma: (Perl CGI Oracle monitoring)

Orac: (Perl/Tk clone of
Karma monitoring)

Oracletool: (Perl CGI Oracle Admin tool, good for conjunction
with Karma above)

Orasnap: (regular snapshot Oracle monitoring)

Orasoft: (more GNOME Oracle admin, tuning etc. tools than you
shake a GUI at - more being added all the time)

PhpOracleAdmin:, (could be what you're after?)

HTH! 8)



O'Reilly's "Oracle and Open Source": 

Orac, Perl/Tk and Perl DBI Database DBA  Development Tool: 

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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Andy Duncan

Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists

To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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