Title: 9iAS - Error WTE-03503

During the installation of 9iAS on my system, with Origin DB residing on the same machine as the APP Server (as this is a trial installation, will shift to the appropriate arrangement once its all ok&tested), I am facing a problem in installing the Database cache. It got stuck at 96% with the error that Can't import users. I found this document on Metalink which said the workaround for this is to "use DBA studio and import users/sync users option". Can anyone explain this in more detail. I tried to launch DBA studio (the one which comes with Isuite and not the DBA studio of Oracle 8i-Origin DB- installed on the same machine) and for import it required Management server to be configured, which I did. But now when I try to launch DBA studio with the Management server option, it requires a username & password with the newly added management server name written in the management server field. Which username would it be.

What can be the problems with wte-03503, and possible solutions for that.


Hussain Ahmed Qadri


Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital

And Research center

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