What the?:)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 4:22 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Yea, Paul, what gives?

Are you saying that we should all
just stop learning, give up, FDISK /MBR
our NT hard drives, Bobbetize our nether parts 
and head for the coast?


Are ya?

Gawd, I wish Eric were here; he'd slap
you around with the Barbie you so clearly need. 


(that was the obligatory 'smiley', indicating humor)


p.s. btw, as a former conslutant, one thing i 
learned was, whenever my clients asked anything 
about oracle on NT, I just laughed cynically, shook 
my head disconsolately, and said "NT?  It'll never be 
scalable. It's really just a  buggy piece of poop."  

p.p.s  I just used the word "poop" because I was with 
my kids for the entire weekend. Many concepts in a young 
person's daily flow of events center around "poop". It 
in no way reflects on my Rigidly Authoritarian Employer's 
view on life. 

p.p.p.s Even the phrase "Rigidly Authoritarian Employer" has
nothing to do with my employer, workplace, co-workers, or
stance on political correctness.

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Author: Kevin Kostyszyn

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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