Title: Web application and Oracle session

Hi list !

environment :

userA  <-----connexion----->
userB   <-----connexion----->     OAS (htp package)  <----- 1 session ------>  Oracle8i (only 1 application schema)
...     ...
userX   <-----connexion----->

A web application is accessed by many users throw OAS which use only one session to access the database.
The application was never tested in multi-user context.
The problem now is that the users complain against the slowness of my database (!!)
I test the sql generated by the application and the response-time seems good.

So, my questions are :
- what's append to the Oracle Session when a user A stop his navigator with the "Stop" button while a user B is connected ?

- is it simply a lock problem ?
- is it possible to user several Oracle sessions with OAS ?
- any advices or experiences are welcome : how do you manage sessions in web application context ?

thankxx in advance

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