[OGD] Large plastic pots

2005-02-09 Thread Peter Hirsch
Can anyone help me find 12 inch or larger plastic pots suitable for 
orchids?  Thanks.  Peter Hirsch

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Microfungus

2004-07-25 Thread Peter Hirsch
I asked Wes Addison, our most successful local Phal grower, who has 
evidently been struggling with Micro fungus for years.  He says: 
there are more than fifty know 'species', so identification isn't much 
help.  The stuff gets into the cellular structure, even of the keikies 
of the affected plants.  Bob Gordon, in one of his books, describes a 
method for suppressing the fungus for perhaps six months, but the 
symptoms always come back.  Given that fact, and that the method 
involves sequential treatment with three highly toxic (and smelly) 
substances, he has found it better simply to discard affected plants.
Peter Hirsch
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Spathoglottis plicata

2004-07-06 Thread Peter Hirsch
S. plicata most likely self-pollinates.  I had one, and only one, with 
a single inflorescence, growing with a Stanhopea in its basket in our 
greenhouse as a weed and it set seed.  Mark Dimmitt, who probably gave 
me the plant with its S. plicata passenger also believes the story.
Peter Hirsch
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Stanhopea jenischiana

2004-05-05 Thread Peter Hirsch
	Everyone knows that Stanhopea flower spikes emerge sideways 
or downward. But we have a plant labeled S. jenischiana with 
Stanhopea-like leaves and pseudobulbs, with a  2-foot-high 
vertical inflorescence with about 5 pink-to-red (not yellow) 
flowers.  Does anyone have ideas?
Peter and Marie
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)