Jerry Fischer who said:

>Being that the system that is place doesn't work now we should just 
>forget about trying to regulate flasks. It can't be done.

On this point I agree with you Jerry. I would add to "can't be done," "and 
should not be done."

In my opinion, flasks should not be regulated at all, if we are serious about 
orchid conservation. Mass in-vitro propagation of any orchid species, but 
particularly of an endangered one, should be encouraged in order to preserve 
the species; regulating flasks discourages this and works against conservation. 
There are those who will argue that seed collecting of endangered orchid 
species should be discouraged. I disagree, for collecting seeds of wild 
populations is less threatening to the species than digging them up. Mass 
propagation from collected seeds preserves the species, brings the price down 
and discourages wild collecting of plants by making it non-profitable.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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