"pure vanilla extract... must contain at least 35 percent alcohol... 
natural (sometimes called pure) vanilla flavoring (which contains less 
alcohol) or powdered vanilla, made from powdered beans.

Imitation vanilla products... contain no real vanilla.
Vanilla was introduced to Europe in the 16th century and Queen Elizabeth I 
reportedly was wild about it [how wild ?]. Thomas Jefferson developed a 
taste for it when he was ambassador to France.
His recipe for vanilla ice cream is at www.monticello.org.

Vanilla is the original recyclable bean.
The whole (or half) pod can be used and reused, even after its seeds have 
been scraped out to flavor a dish.
Pop the empty bean in a container of sugar and let it sit for a week or so 
to flavor the sugar.
Once you've used up the flavored sugar, add more sugar and flavor again.
Continue until all the flavor is squeezed out...
(Need a more exact recipe? Add one or two vanilla beans to a pound of 
granulated sugar -- about 21/4cups. Keep in a tightly sealed container for 
a week or two, and you'll have vanilla sugar.) "

URL : http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/taste/18723869.html



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