Hi, everyone! It's been ages since I've needed to write in with an admin
note, but the current topic has lots of people posting, and so I fear we
need a reminder on the editorial style we enforce on the list, namely:

 quoted material FIRST, new material LAST

So when you want to reply to the list:

 (1) use "reply" (not "reply-all") and make sure that you're sending to the
list posting address, and ONLY the list posting address  - no CC's:


 (2) EDIT the quoted material down to that which is absolutely necessary to
give context to your comments;

 (3) EDIT the subject line, if necessary (true for digest readers) to make
it applicable to your specific thread;

 (3) go to the bottom of the email composition window and enter your new

This modest effort on your part greatly increases the readability of your
messages to your world-wide audience of over 1200 people. Remember, too,
that lots of people read messages in the archives, and well-edited content
with context makes a huge difference there.

And, yes, we are aware that this is the exact opposite of the way every
mail application in the universe have trained us to behave by now, but
there's a method to the madness: it makes the content much, much easier to
follow. This is especially true for the very many list members who read the
list as one long "digest" each day, with all the messages strung together
in one long post.

Thanks! Now go fold something (anyone know if the Blade Runner Unicorn
exists anywhere?) and come back and tell us about it!

for the list admin gang

P.S. And, yes, occasionally you'll see someone with an un-moderated list
account send in a message that isn't quoted this way. When this happens,
they get email from us, and their accounts are moderated for a set time as
a reminder of the formatting. Fair's fair!

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