Does one of you have the book *Origami Sekai no Tori* (Origami, Birds of
the World) by Kunihiko Kasahara? You can find here the cover and models in
the book:


If you click on the cover you'll be able to see a bigger image of it.

I was able to contact Mr. Kasahara, I was very interested in the complete
diagrams of his two models *Strutting Peacock* and *Long-tailed Chicken*.
There are only the crease pattern and folding of the base for both of them
in his book *Creative Origami*. Mr. Kasahara was so generous that he took
pictures of the diagrams for both models from his book *Origami Sekai no
Tori* and sent them to me. Unfortunately, the pictures are of very bad

That's why I'm asking for your help. I don't want to bother Mr. Kasahara
one more time. If you have the book, I can show you Mr. Kasahara's
response, including his pictures, as proof. In exchange, would you please
send me good quality pictures of the diagrams for both models? It would
mean a lot.

I really hope one of you has that book! If that's the case, please send me
a private message: gerardo(a)neorigami.com

Thank you in advance* : )*


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online <https://tiny.cc/knocu>*

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