Upon reflection, in our modern era of everyone-is-always-connected, a
6-hour wait for posts to be OK'd would likely interfere too much with the
flow of discussion. I'm going to dial it back to an hour, and urge everyone
to do their own "cooling off" before posting anything.

So, ground rules for the discussion, into which you can launch, if desired,
as of Sunday morning, May 16th, US East-coast time:

 - everyone on the list is moderated

 - all CoC-related posts will be held for at least one hour; you must
remove your own post if you change your mind or wish to resubmit

 - all CoC-related posts must have the letters "coc" in the subject, e.g:

        Subject: CoC - this is the subject

  - watch your language; I'm a sailor, I know swearing. Do not go there.

  - be polite; no SHOUTING IN CAPITALS

  - no name-calling, personal attacks, or ad hominem arguments. ("I think
person A is a bad person, so their arguments are invalid.") Stick to
arguing about the value of the propositions, not the people in the

#   Failure to abide by these rules of discussion
#   will result in your temporary removal from the list.

Questions about the list interface, adjusting your subscription, etc.?
Direct them to:


Anything related to the list, or this discussion, and directed to my
personal email account will be deleted, unread.


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