Re: Error getting pooled Oracle connection

2001-02-07 Thread waheed_rahuman

can any one please in creating war file please help for  creating a war file

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SV: Error getting pooled Oracle connection

2001-02-07 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Error getting pooled Oracle connection

Check the docs or the spec or examples or this list.
It has been answered so many times you should get about 20 hits if you only looked it up in this list. :)

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: waheed_rahuman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 7 februari 2001 00:00
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: Re: Error getting pooled Oracle connection
 can any one please in creating war file please help for 
 creating a war file
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Factoring EJB Homes from within Session EJB

2001-02-07 Thread Christian Billen

Hi everyone, I have a newbie question so please don't shoot me :)

I have a web application and an ejb application composed of CMP and Session

I noticed that I needed to reference all the homes of my EJBs within the
web.xml and I wanted to know if it was recommended/safe to create one
stateless session bean which has all the ejb-ref needed in its ejb-jar.xml
and only reference that stateless session bean from my web app.  This way my
web app only needs to know about one Session Bean and that bean's
responsibility is factoring other home.

Does anyone see any problem with this approach?



Re: Factoring EJB Homes from within Session EJB

2001-02-07 Thread Alexey_Ryndin/Storactive

It isn't only web application, but general design practice to "facade"
entity beans by session bean or several session beans. First of all you
must use session beans to program business logic, so in one session bean
method you can call several entity beans to some perform task, so your
session bean become fine-grained. The second issue is encapsulation.
  Alexey Ryndin.

RE: Line feed in access log

2001-02-07 Thread Mikael Eriksson

This is solved know. By adding #13; at the end of the format attribute I
now get proper linefeeds.

/Mikael Eriksson

 -Original Message-
 From: Mikael Eriksson
 Sent: den 5 februari 2001 17:45
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Line feed in access log


 I'm having problem with the web access logs. I'm not getting
 proper carriage
 return + line feed in default-web-access.log. Is there any
 way to specify
 how new-lines should be handled?
  My program for analysing log files can't handle the current new-line
 character. I think I need something that works in Notepad,
 not just Wordpad
 (Yes, I'm stuck in Windows).


 Mikael Eriksson

Re: Factoring EJB Homes from within Session EJB

2001-02-07 Thread Thomas Hertz

Hello Christian,

CB I noticed that I needed to reference all the homes of my EJBs within the
CB web.xml and I wanted to know if it was recommended/safe to create one
CB stateless session bean which has all the ejb-ref needed in its ejb-jar.xml
CB and only reference that stateless session bean from my web app.  This way my
CB web app only needs to know about one Session Bean and that bean's
CB responsibility is factoring other home.

CB Does anyone see any problem with this approach?

We did that for our project and it works fine.

One 'SystemBean' session beans has all ejb-refs, and all other
beans only need to know about the SystemBean and can call a
getHome( String jndiName ) to obtain home interfaces..

I don't see any disadvantages except of the small performance
decrease, because you have an additional bean lookup/method call.
But as far as I can see, this decrease is very very small.

Greetings from Munich,



| /Thomas Hertz   |   [y] hybris GmbH | Software Engineering |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Schwere-Reiter-Strasse 35 | tel +49 89 306697- 0 |
|   | Haus 16, D-80797 Muenchen | fax +49 89 306697-99 |
| pgp fingerprint: D070 5D86 BE2D C3AF E2CC D2D8 C29A 7F68 7407 629E |

Table Normalization and Entity Bean JOINs

2001-02-07 Thread Boris Kozintsev


Since this question is not strictly orion-specific, rather general ejb-design issue, 
I am just giving a link to what I asked at
In a nutshell, what to do about table normalization and Entity Bean JOINs?

If somebody could reply there or here or in private, I would be most gratefull.


RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now what!!!

2001-02-07 Thread Daniel Cardin


You are right... the lookup from within any EJB works flawlessly. I am
trying to get it to work on the client side. 

See my other reply for more info... 

Thanks for your comment,


-Message d'origine-
De : Allen Fogleson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 6 fvrier, 2001 21:30
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now


As far as I can tell the DS lookup works in 1.4.7 I have an app that
many lookups and I just ran it unchanged from 1.4.5 to 1.4.7. Now
Granted I
am in orion so I just have to do a...

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/myDS");

So maybe it might not work with the initialApplicationContext??
the console belies that)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel Cardin
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 4:17 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now

Hi everyone!

I'm progressing... Orion 1.4.7 has support for DataSources in the
orion-console application.
If you select a DataSource, you will see a new panel allowing you to
enter SQL commands that will
be sent directly to the database through the DataSource + connection.

it WORKS in the console. So this implies that :

1. the concept is valid : you don't need to use a driver instance on the
client side, contrary to what
   some of you stated. No JDBC download, nothing... just a proxy
instance implementing the Connection interface
2. the client doesn't need to see the database server on the same
3. my datasources are configured PROPERLY on the server side... (I was
always doubting that
but normal DS, pooled DS, EJB DS etc. all work from my client
(actually only XA won't work now))

SO: since I get perfect access through the console, either

a) I can't do a JNDI lookup! (I doubt that)
b) the DataSource lookup is not working (yet) in 1.4.7
c) OrionConsole uses another method than a simple lookup to get the
DataSource object.

Please everyone, realize this is important for performance issues and
let's try to make it work!

Thanks for your help


RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now what!!!

2001-02-07 Thread Daniel Cardin


Are you sure that the JDBC driver isn't finding its way into the
classpath?  Did you try the console remotely from a machine that you
know doesn't have the JDBC driver?

Honestly, I haven't. But I still fail to see why it would be needed. 
If the data access was done using the "real" JDBC driver on the client, 
the connection to the database would have to be opened there... 
It's not the case. Running tests at home allowed me to prove that the 
Connection must be proxied through Orion because my client could not 
see the SQL server. The only conclusion is that Orion opens a connection

locally, pools it, and on demand gives a proxy to it allowing all 
database access to go through the App Server... 

You may already know this, but just in case:  Almost all of the orion
tools (including orionconsole.jar) are simply empty jar files with a
manifest that sets the Class-Path to include orion.jar and defines the
appropriate Main-Class.  You're still loading the orion.jar classes,
potentially activating whatever classloader loads jars (especially the
JDBC driver) out of the lib directory.  Did you take this into account
in your tests?

I know about the way orionconsole works, thanks :) I've actually spent
some time analysing com.evermind.gui.server and com.evermind.server to
out exactly what's going on. So far, I believe DataSource access goes
another JNDI bound object  the ApplicationAdministrator. I still have to
test that avenue fully. 

We now have four different theories about how application-client JDBC
works in app servers:

1)  Database-specific JDBC driver gets packaged with the application
client and loaded into the client VM.
2)  Database-specific JDBC driver gets http-classloaded into the client

3)  Serialized classes come from JNDI.  Actually, I think this is just
another way of saying #2, because java RMI uses http classloading to
the class definitions to a new client.

4)  App server provides a JDBC proxy which implements a proprietary
protocol (or at least RMI "object protocol") to communicate with the
server.  Note that this is not just simply a matter of remoting the
implementation of the Connection interface; you would have to remote
implementations of ResultSet, Statement, and any other interfaces
associated with JDBC.  And you have to be pretty smart about how you do
it, otherwise it's going to perform a lot worse than EJB methods.

I tend so far to go for 4, just because it is impossible that my client
from home had access to the server. No direct TCP/IP route from my 
subnet to the company's No way around that limitation

My understanding... please all feel free to add to this, especially
developpers !!!

A DataSource is a mechanism used encapsulate access to JDBC connections.
manages Connections with the ConnectionDataSource objects. In "theory",
a client
uses JNDI to lookup the DataSource object, gets an RMI proxy, and
retrieves a
Connection object. the way I see it, the DataSource implementation on
the server
side HAS to return a proxy to the Connection, which only resides on the

I don't see any other way around that explains why I could use the
console from
home and still get to the data.

Now, I think that the current DataSource lookup does not work as I
understand it
should. Maybe I'm not proceeding properly. But now that I have seen it
work in the
console, I will not stop until it works in my client application! :)

Does anyone out there *know* what Orion does?
Anyone? :) 


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Cardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:17 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now

Hi everyone!

I'm progressing... Orion 1.4.7 has support for DataSources in the
orion-console application.
If you select a DataSource, you will see a new panel allowing you to
enter SQL commands that will
be sent directly to the database through the DataSource + connection.

it WORKS in the console. So this implies that : 

1. the concept is valid : you don't need to use a driver 
instance on the
client side, contrary to what
   some of you stated. No JDBC download, nothing... just a proxy
instance implementing the Connection interface
2. the client doesn't need to see the database server on the same
3. my datasources are configured PROPERLY on the server side... (I was
always doubting that
   but normal DS, pooled DS, EJB DS etc. all work from my client
(actually only XA won't work now))

SO: since I get perfect access through the console, either 

a) I can't do a JNDI lookup! (I doubt that)
b) the DataSource lookup is not working (yet) in 1.4.7
c) OrionConsole uses another method than a simple lookup to get the
DataSource object.

Please everyone, realize this is important for performance issues and
let's try to make it work!

Thanks for your help


CGI problem handling parameters

2001-02-07 Thread Andy Freeman

Hello all,

I am having problems with the CGI handling functionality of orion, when
trying to include a site search (webinator from Thunderstone).

The problem is as follows:-

To get to the site search screen, you have to enter the url:

The above is a virtual path comprised of 2 parts ".../texis.cgi" is the cgi
program and "/webinator/search" is a parameter which is the path to the
search script relative to the web root.

I have the following tags in the global-web-application.xml document:


When the url is entered, the cgi program is
run correctly.

However when the remainder of the url is added (/webinator/search/), the
HTTP 404 - File not found message is produced. This is as if the cgi program
is not being detected.

Have I got a tag or something missing from the XML document, or is there a
problem with the CGIServlet?

If I try this under another web server, it works fine.

If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated
Many thanks

My final notes on DataSources... disappointing!

2001-02-07 Thread Daniel Cardin

Ok folks... 

Here's what I have found out. Contrary to what I believed, it seems
the Orion console uses another trick than a DataSource to run SQL 
commands on the server: the executeSQL method of the
class. I have managed to run commands from my client program using this 
snippet :

java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties();

p.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://server/application");
p.put("", "admin");
p.put("", "yoursecret");

ctx = new InitialContext(p);

ApplicationAdministrator appAdmin = (ApplicationAdministrator)

RowSet rs = appAdmin.executeSQL("jdbc/pooled/MyDS", "SELECT * FROM

This returns a serializable rowset from the server... That's it. Not
very disappointing. I really hoped DataSources would work from the
client side.
It seems you can only do it through the appadmin. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF

On another note, this line retrieves the list of all datasources for an

List sources = appAdmin.getDataSources();   

this is a List of DataSourceConfig objects, NOT DataSource. DSC contain
info about 
the various JNDI locations, username, password etc. all the properties
in data-sources.xml

Hope this turns out helpful to some of you!



RE: Client site HttpSession simulating

2001-02-07 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


 -Original Message-
 From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 06 de Febrero de 2001 15:41
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Client site HttpSession simulating
 Thanks a lot Juan, it's working.
 Is it possible for https session ?
Uh, I don't know, but I'd guess not. SSL has it's own kind of session
tracking that is very similar to a cookie. This is the preferred way of
doing it; and it will work on browsers that don't accept cookies
 I've also found out that URL rewriting syntax is server 
 specific, which
 means it's not part of the spec ?
it isn't part of the spec, but I think tomcat perfoms equal than orion.
 "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" wrote:
  you have to postfix any URL with ";JSESSIONID=id"
   -Original Message-
   From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 10:45
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Client site HttpSession simulating
   I have a site which stores user profile in HttpSession after
   user gets in
   supplying user id and password.
   I need to provide some client site batch operation on the
   site using standalone
   java client.
   I remember old servlet spec which allowed you to embed
   session ID into URL if
   there is no way to use cookies to handle HttpSession.
   The scenario is:
   1. My client java program creates HttpURLConnection for the
   site login response
   URL with valid user ID and password.
   2. Then client gets HTML response proving successful login.
   According to the
   application logic a new session has been created and 
 client receives
   "Set-Cookie" response header with some value like
   3. Assuming JSESSIONID is a name Orion wants to identify
   session id I include
   JSESSIONID=BGDBPNFMPDGO into query string for my next 
 client request.
   4. Client gets HTML response such as in case session was not
   established yet -
   new session has been created.
   So, Orion does not recognize "JSESSIONID=BGDBPNFMPDGO" in
   request pointing to
   existing HttpSession.
   Am I missing something obvious ? Or it might be some
   time/racing issues ?
   I need thins functionality very much. Any help would be
   greatly appreciated

Persistence layer details?

2001-02-07 Thread Globetrot Communications

Are the details of how Orion's persistence-layer
implements tables and relationships available


Satish Gupta

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Re: Factoring EJB Homes from within Session EJB

2001-02-07 Thread Nick Newman


We go one step further and use a plain class with static methods to obtain 
Home interfaces - one method per Home.  The class uses a stateless session 
bean just as you describe for the FIRST lookup, but thereafter uses a 
cached value that it saves.  That makes the scheme both more efficient and 
simpler to use (because the client can just write 
MyHomeFinder.getMyBeanHome() rather than having to go through the steps of 
looking up the stateless session bean).

If you decide to try this scheme PLEASE NOTE that the client code STILL 
REQUIRES an ejb-ref for the stateless session bean.  This is because the 
plain class is running in the same context as the client, and it may have 
to find the stateless session bean.


At 12:42 PM 2/7/01 +0100, you wrote:

Hello Christian,

CB I noticed that I needed to reference all the homes of my EJBs within the
CB web.xml and I wanted to know if it was recommended/safe to create one
CB stateless session bean which has all the ejb-ref needed in its ejb-jar.xml
CB and only reference that stateless session bean from my web app.  This 
way my
CB web app only needs to know about one Session Bean and that bean's
CB responsibility is factoring other home.

CB Does anyone see any problem with this approach?

We did that for our project and it works fine.

One 'SystemBean' session beans has all ejb-refs, and all other
beans only need to know about the SystemBean and can call a
getHome( String jndiName ) to obtain home interfaces..

I don't see any disadvantages except of the small performance
decrease, because you have an additional bean lookup/method call.
But as far as I can see, this decrease is very very small.

Greetings from Munich,



| /Thomas Hertz   |   [y] hybris GmbH | Software Engineering |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Schwere-Reiter-Strasse 35 | tel +49 89 306697- 0 |
|   | Haus 16, D-80797 Muenchen | fax +49 89 306697-99 |
| pgp fingerprint: D070 5D86 BE2D C3AF E2CC D2D8 C29A 7F68 7407 629E |

where should I place the image files

2001-02-07 Thread Guan, Thomas
Title: where should I place the image files


 I have deployed a ear file which includes image files on orion server. However, I did not see the image files on the web pages. Can someone tell me where I should place my image files? thanks.

Tom Guan (Shaohua)
856-857-1324 X 2525 
Senior Java Developer
NFI Interactive Logistics

JSP Debugging

2001-02-07 Thread Peter Beck

Hello Orion-Users!

Setting up debugging in JBuilder was quite straightforward.
It works well for Beans and Servlets, but breakpoints in JSPs just
aren't recognized.

So my question is: Has anybody successfully debugged JSPs with JBuilder?

My guess is that the debugger can't find the corresponding compiled
.java files and class-Files belonging to a JSP?
The classname in the .java file is different from the filename (e.g.:
"" defines the class "__jspPage4_addUser_jsp") and the
bytecode is written to Files which do not even end with .class (e.g.

The files Tomcat creates in the work directory follow more consistent
naming and debugging works...


Classloader Probs Solved

2001-02-07 Thread Roger Vaughn

I finally solved the classloader problems I had a
couple weeks ago.

The symptoms were I couldn't find resource files I
knew were in WEB-INF/classes, and I couldn't load
certain third-party jars.

I found that some of my classes were (necessarily)
being packaged up in my EJB jar file, as well as in my
webapp.  The problem was that even though I was
invoking these classes from JSP's, they got loaded
from the EJB jar file, *not* from the webapp.  This
left them using a classloader with very little in it's
classpath, and no knowledge of the webapp paths.  So,
effectively, those classes *didn't* know about

I realize now that this is normal behavior and not
bugs in the classloader, but it can be pretty
confusing - and hard to debug.  I got around the
problem by adding library tags to my
orion-application.xml that point to WEB-INF/classes
and WEB-INF/lib.  Now everything works correctly.

Does anyone know a better way to share classes or libs
between a webapps and EJBs? (in the same enterprise


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RE: Orion and openjoda

2001-02-07 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

If you ask me, these guys are dodgy merchants.

Their product seems to be just Jetspeed (free -
running on a pre built app server / database (hsql - ha!) combination
(either Apache Tomcat for the 'free' version, or Orion for the 'pro'

Their demo doesn't work at all, the download seems to be broken or just not
present (Jahia!) and the site is just packed full of meaningless marketing
mumbo jumbo.

Mmhmm, "good taste" my ass.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
 Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 7:37 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion and openjoda

 If you look at openjoda at, they have a product
 called openjoda, which is integrated with Tomcat
 ( and jboss(  If you view their
 joda pro, they are integrating with Orion, as the link at;jsessionid=DGOLNCBBGH
 MB demonstrates.  If you ask me, these guys have good taste.

EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?

2001-02-07 Thread Jim Archer

Hi All...

Does anyone know if many to many relationships between EBs is implemented 
on Orion 1.4.7?

I was going to write a bit of code to test it, but my laziness got the 
better part of me and I was hopeing someone else had already discovered 
this and could save me a bit of work ;-)



Error displaying images in v1.4.5

2001-02-07 Thread Roy, Jaideep


Is anyone seeing an error displaying images (any gifs, jpgs etc) in v1.4.5
and v1.4.7 of Orion. All the images in our application, that display fine
using 1.3.8, show up as broken links with either 1.4.5 or 1.4.7.

I get the following message when trying to display the image alone:

at com.evermind.server.http.ey.xv(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)

from v1.4.5


at com.evermind.server.http.e_.x5(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.e_.s1(JAX)

from v1.4.7

Any suggestions?

Jaideep Roy

Touching of application.xml does not properly reload my app..

2001-02-07 Thread Duffey, Kevin

Hey there,

I am trying to get my application to auto-reload so that when I modify a
class file, it reloads the app. The problem I am having is stayin "logged
in" to my site. Supposedly any HttpSession objects should be serialized in
some manner. When I reload the app (by touching application.xml), the
HttpSession objects disappear, thus I have to relog in again and again. Is
this a bug with Orion? I am implementing Serializable, but I do NOT have the
serialVersionUID thing in every one of my classes. Infact, on one JSP page,
I actually store a String in the HttpSession. That object, and one other
object are the only two that exist. Must I implement serailVersionUID for
this to work in EVERY class (and super class of classes) that are going to
be in the HTtpSession for reloading of web-apps to keep them in memory to


RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now what!!!

2001-02-07 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I posted this question to the ejb-interest list, and got back the two
attached responses.  The one from Richard Monson-Haefal is most
interesting, because it pretty much confirms that WebLogic uses a JDBC

I agree, being able to communicate with the database behind a firewall
means there must be some sort of proxy implemented by Orion.  It's not
just a simple question of putting an RMI proxy on the Connection (and
Statement, DatabaseMetaData, etc), though... you certainly wouldn't want
the ResultSet to be remoted otherwise you would suffer worse performance
than plain EJB calls.  And if you returned the ResultSet as a single
object you would have serious problems with large queries.  Interesting.

Why again aren't you implementing this logic server-side?  :-)


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Cardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 5:37 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now


Are you sure that the JDBC driver isn't finding its way into the
classpath?  Did you try the console remotely from a machine that you
know doesn't have the JDBC driver?

Honestly, I haven't. But I still fail to see why it would be needed. 
If the data access was done using the "real" JDBC driver on 
the client, 
the connection to the database would have to be opened there... 
It's not the case. Running tests at home allowed me to prove that the 
Connection must be proxied through Orion because my client could not 
see the SQL server. The only conclusion is that Orion opens a 

locally, pools it, and on demand gives a proxy to it allowing all 
database access to go through the App Server... 

You may already know this, but just in case:  Almost all of the orion
tools (including orionconsole.jar) are simply empty jar files with a
manifest that sets the Class-Path to include orion.jar and defines the
appropriate Main-Class.  You're still loading the orion.jar classes,
potentially activating whatever classloader loads jars (especially the
JDBC driver) out of the lib directory.  Did you take this into account
in your tests?

I know about the way orionconsole works, thanks :) I've actually spent
some time analysing com.evermind.gui.server and com.evermind.server to
out exactly what's going on. So far, I believe DataSource access goes
another JNDI bound object  the ApplicationAdministrator. I 
still have to
test that avenue fully. 

We now have four different theories about how application-client JDBC
works in app servers:

1)  Database-specific JDBC driver gets packaged with the application
client and loaded into the client VM.
2)  Database-specific JDBC driver gets http-classloaded into 
the client

3)  Serialized classes come from JNDI.  Actually, I think this is just
another way of saying #2, because java RMI uses http classloading to
the class definitions to a new client.

4)  App server provides a JDBC proxy which implements a proprietary
protocol (or at least RMI "object protocol") to communicate with the
server.  Note that this is not just simply a matter of remoting the
implementation of the Connection interface; you would have to remote
implementations of ResultSet, Statement, and any other interfaces
associated with JDBC.  And you have to be pretty smart about 
how you do
it, otherwise it's going to perform a lot worse than EJB methods.

I tend so far to go for 4, just because it is impossible that my client
from home had access to the server. No direct TCP/IP route from my 
subnet to the company's No way around that limitation

My understanding... please all feel free to add to this, especially
developpers !!!

A DataSource is a mechanism used encapsulate access to JDBC 
manages Connections with the ConnectionDataSource objects. In "theory",
a client
uses JNDI to lookup the DataSource object, gets an RMI proxy, and
retrieves a
Connection object. the way I see it, the DataSource implementation on
the server
side HAS to return a proxy to the Connection, which only resides on the

I don't see any other way around that explains why I could use the
console from
home and still get to the data.

Now, I think that the current DataSource lookup does not work as I
understand it
should. Maybe I'm not proceeding properly. But now that I have seen it
work in the
console, I will not stop until it works in my client application! :)

Does anyone out there *know* what Orion does?
Anyone? :) 


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Cardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:17 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now

Hi everyone!

I'm progressing... Orion 1.4.7 has support for DataSources in the
orion-console application.
If you select a DataSource, you will see a new panel allowing you to
enter SQL commands that will

RE: New example ant buildfiles

2001-02-07 Thread Korosh Afshar

That is great.

I have been looking for a ant script that I could incorporate into out CVS
nightly builds.

thnaks much.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 6:58 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: New example ant buildfiles

I've been meaning to post this for a while now but am just now getting
around to it.  I recently rewrite my ant buildfiles so that they:

a) Compile java source in a "single big tree"
b) Use the newer ant constructs for filesets
c) Use the war task
d) Eliminate all copying of files

The results are considerably cleaner (half the number of targets) and
generates no depreciation warnings.

I figure others might find them of use.  I've attached a trivial project
("servertest") which includes a basic buildfile and shows how the files
are laid out.  I've also attached a much more complicted buildfile
("similarity"), which shows one ejb-jar, a main web-war, a test web-war,
two application clients, and a lot of rmi compiling (some using IIOP,
which requires a nightly build version of ant).

Enjoy :-)

Jeff Schnitzer

New example ant buildfiles

2001-02-07 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I've been meaning to post this for a while now but am just now getting
around to it.  I recently rewrite my ant buildfiles so that they:

a) Compile java source in a "single big tree"
b) Use the newer ant constructs for filesets
c) Use the war task
d) Eliminate all copying of files

The results are considerably cleaner (half the number of targets) and
generates no depreciation warnings.  

I figure others might find them of use.  I've attached a trivial project
("servertest") which includes a basic buildfile and shows how the files
are laid out.  I've also attached a much more complicted buildfile
("similarity"), which shows one ejb-jar, a main web-war, a test web-war,
two application clients, and a lot of rmi compiling (some using IIOP,
which requires a nightly build version of ant).

Enjoy :-)

Jeff Schnitzer

?xml version="1.0"?

	$Id: build.xml,v 1.37 2001/02/07 11:26:43 jeff Exp $
	$Source: /usr/local/cvsroot/Similarity/build.xml,v $

	Build file for the Similarity J2EE application.

project name="similarity" default="javasrc" basedir="."

	property name="name" value="${}" /

	property name="output.dir" value="out" /

	property name="javasrc.dir" value="javasrc" /
	property name="javasrc.staging.dir" value="${output.dir}/${javasrc.dir}" /

	property name="app-ear.dir" value="components/app-ear" /
	property name="app-ear.product" value="${output.dir}/${name}.ear" /

	property name="ejb-jar.dir" value="components/ejb-jar" /
	property name="ejb-jar.file" value="${name}-ejb.jar" /
	property name="ejb-jar.product" value="${output.dir}/${ejb-jar.file}" /

	property name="web-war.dir" value="components/web-war" /
	property name="web-war.file" value="${name}-web.war" /
	property name="web-war.product" value="${output.dir}/${web-war.file}" /

	property name="test-war.dir" value="components/test-war" /
	property name="test-war.file" value="${name}-test-web.war" /
	property name="test-war.product" value="${output.dir}/${test-war.file}" /

	property name="console.dir" value="components/console" /
	property name="console.file" value="console.jar" /
	property name="console.product" value="${output.dir}/${console.file}" /

	property name="queen.dir" value="components/queen" /
	property name="queen.file" value="queen.jar" /
	property name="queen.product" value="${output.dir}/${queen.file}" /

	property name="orion.dir" value="/java/orion" /
	property name="lib.dir" value="lib" /

	path id="master-classpath"
		pathelement location="${orion.dir}/orion.jar" /
		pathelement location="${orion.dir}/ejb.jar" /
		pathelement location="${orion.dir}/mail.jar" /
		pathelement location="${orion.dir}/jndi.jar" /
		pathelement location="${orion.dir}/lib/junit.jar" /
		pathelement location="${orion.dir}/lib/junitee.jar" /
		fileset dir="${lib.dir}"
			include name="**/*.jar" /

	property name="debug" value="on" /

	target name="clean"
		delete dir="${output.dir}" /

 	target name="javasrc"
		mkdir dir="${javasrc.staging.dir}" /
		javac srcdir="${javasrc.dir}"
			classpath refid="master-classpath" /

	target name="javasrc-rmi" depends="javasrc"
		!-- Produce JRMP stubs for Buzz --
		rmic base="${javasrc.staging.dir}"
stubversion="1.2" /

		!-- Produce IIOP stubs and ties for Heartbeat --
		rmic base="${javasrc.staging.dir}"
iiop="yes" /

		!-- Produce IDL for Buzz --
		rmic base="${javasrc.staging.dir}"
iiopopts="-noValueMethods" /

		!-- Produce IDL for Heartbeat --
		rmic base="${javasrc.staging.dir}"
iiopopts="-noValueMethods" /

	target name="ejb-jar" depends="javasrc-rmi"
		jar jarfile="${ejb-jar.product}"
			fileset dir="${ejb-jar.dir}" /

			fileset dir="${javasrc.staging.dir}"
include name="com/similarity/ejb/**/*.class" /
include name="com/similarity/hive/**/*.class" /
include name="com/similarity/hiveutils/**/*.class" /
include name="com/similarity/queen/Queen_Stub.class" /

	target name="web-war" depends="javasrc-rmi"
		war warfile="${web-war.product}" webxml="${web-war.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml"
			fileset dir="${web-war.dir}" excludes="WEB-INF/**" /

			classes dir="${javasrc.staging.dir}"
include name="com/similarity/form/**/*.class" /
include name="com/similarity/servlet/**/*.class" /

			lib dir="${lib.dir}"
include name="Acme.jar" /
include name="ejbtags.jar" /
include name="utiltags.jar" /

	target name="test-war" depends="javasrc-rmi"
		war warfile="${test-war.product}" 

RE: ATM application not working in 1.4.0

2001-02-07 Thread Allen Fogleson

you might try updating the server, I havent had 1.4.0 in a while but it
definitely works in 1.4.5 and 1.4.7 I don't remember which server I had the
problem in but I have had it running in 1.4.5 and 7 now.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Globetrot
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 8:19 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: ATM application not working in 1.4.0

When I try to register on the web-page in ATM
application, I get the following exceptions! I was
hoping to use this application to see how exactly it
is doing O/R mapping.



javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: NamingException:
com.acme.atm.ejb.AccountOwnerManager not found
(JSP page line 3)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)

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Save Life

2001-02-07 Thread waheed_rahuman

 Please visit the link below. The site 
has promised to pay Re 1 to the earthquake 
victims for every visit to this page.

This is for the people of gujarat  all of us 
who  wants to help them.   Goto the website 
  Every click on its "SAVE A LIFE" button will result in 
 donation of food packets for the victims. It will not  cost 
anything to the people clicking on the site,  because corporations 
are paying for the donations.  Just two clicks would save a 
life...   I would appreciate it if you pass it along to 
your  friends  others which could help the needy.


orion http returning Connect Filed

2001-02-07 Thread Sergio Socarras

I been running some load test with the ZDWebBench tool
and notice that under heavy load (4 client with 60
threads each) orion a lot of times returns "Connect
Failed. --- Error Code 10061". I found the server.xml
connection field and have it set to:

Is this not high enough? With it set to this value I
keep getting these connection errors. What is the
default value for this. How can I fix this problem.


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A thank you to Orion from the Annapolis Java User Group

2001-02-07 Thread Michael Van

To Orion and the people who offer support for this product:


My name is Michael Van Geertruy and I am the founder and CEO of the
Annapolis MD Java User Group, JUGerNaut (501-c-4).  For the last 15 weeks
I've been teaching a course in this user group called "Java and the
Internet", using the OrionServer as a teaching platform.  That is, each
participant in the course was required to download a version of Orion at
home, and then use OrionServer for thier work in the course.

I chose Orion Server for a number of reasons.  Most notably:
* It is free for use as a development environment.
* It is a TRUE implementation of the J2EE platform.
* Its CPU footprint is very small.
* It has a robust implementation of servlets.
* It has easy to understand, XML-based configuration files.
* It contains xalen and xerces, which allowed us to touch on XSLT's.

On behalf of the JUGerNaut organization, I would like to thank you for
offering this tool for use in our development environment.  Without it, we
would not have been able to offer this training for FREE (the participants
paid no money to attend the course).  Indeed, many of the participants had
prior experience programming EJB's and commented on how superior your
product implements the J2EE when compared to Sybase, Oracle, and

Oral course surveys revealed that the participants in the course felt more
secure with the Java technologies of servlets, JSP's, CMP, and BMP using a
home-grown database-connection-pooling bean.  Additionally, this course
produced an EJB that will be used by a local charity organization (saving
them thousands of dollars in development costs).  Without Orion Server, the
quality of training that we gave and the direct impact this program had on
our community would never have happened.

By offering this training for free to all participants, and by training them
using Orion Server, we are growing EJB specialists in Maryland who are
partial to using Orion Server. This translates to experienced engineers
expressing an affinity for Orion Server in the workplace over other
competing technologies.  I sincerely thank you and your organization for
providing us this invaluable resource.

Thank you,

Michael L. Van
CEO, JUGerNaut

PS.  We are holding a graduation ceremony for this course and others on
March 14, 2001.  After the ceremony, we are offering open enrollment into
JUGerNaut (free) and thus, to a slew of courses we will be offering (free to
all participants).  They are:
Java Programmer Level Certification (13 - 22 weeks)
Java Developer Level Certification (16 weeks)
Java Architect Level Certification (depending on demand)
J2ME (the vm used on embedded systems)
Java Security API (14 weeks)
All courses use peer instruction (the students use books and a syllabus to
guide them as they study the topics together) and all courses are free to
partipants.  Additionally, we are rolling out a new legal-referral plan to
all members that will help to ensure they will never be "stiffed" on a
contract again.  Please contact me for more information.

RE: A thank you to Orion from the Annapolis Java User Group

2001-02-07 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Is there any chance of getting this course put online so that others outside
of Maryland can benefit? It sounds like you've built something quite unique
as a tutorial that teaches people the basics of servlets, XML/XSLT, EJBs

(I help run OrionSupport and we'd be happy to put it up / host it there)

It would serve as a nice compliment to the tutorials.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Van
 Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 5:17 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: A thank you to Orion from the Annapolis Java User Group

 To Orion and the people who offer support for this product:


 My name is Michael Van Geertruy and I am the founder and CEO of the
 Annapolis MD Java User Group, JUGerNaut (501-c-4).  For the last 15 weeks
 I've been teaching a course in this user group called "Java and the
 Internet", using the OrionServer as a teaching platform.  That is, each
 participant in the course was required to download a version of Orion at
 home, and then use OrionServer for thier work in the course.

 I chose Orion Server for a number of reasons.  Most notably:
 * It is free for use as a development environment.
 * It is a TRUE implementation of the J2EE platform.
 * Its CPU footprint is very small.
 * It has a robust implementation of servlets.
 * It has easy to understand, XML-based configuration files.
 * It contains xalen and xerces, which allowed us to touch on XSLT's.

 On behalf of the JUGerNaut organization, I would like to thank you for
 offering this tool for use in our development environment.  Without it, we
 would not have been able to offer this training for FREE (the participants
 paid no money to attend the course).  Indeed, many of the participants had
 prior experience programming EJB's and commented on how superior your
 product implements the J2EE when compared to Sybase, Oracle, and

 Oral course surveys revealed that the participants in the course felt more
 secure with the Java technologies of servlets, JSP's, CMP, and BMP using a
 home-grown database-connection-pooling bean.  Additionally, this course
 produced an EJB that will be used by a local charity organization (saving
 them thousands of dollars in development costs).  Without Orion
 Server, the
 quality of training that we gave and the direct impact this program had on
 our community would never have happened.

 By offering this training for free to all participants, and by
 training them
 using Orion Server, we are growing EJB specialists in Maryland who are
 partial to using Orion Server. This translates to experienced engineers
 expressing an affinity for Orion Server in the workplace over other
 competing technologies.  I sincerely thank you and your organization for
 providing us this invaluable resource.

 Thank you,

 Michael L. Van
 CEO, JUGerNaut

 PS.  We are holding a graduation ceremony for this course and others on
 March 14, 2001.  After the ceremony, we are offering open enrollment into
 JUGerNaut (free) and thus, to a slew of courses we will be
 offering (free to
 all participants).  They are:
 Java Programmer Level Certification (13 - 22 weeks)
 Java Developer Level Certification (16 weeks)
 Java Architect Level Certification (depending on demand)
 J2ME (the vm used on embedded systems)
 Java Security API (14 weeks)
 All courses use peer instruction (the students use books and a syllabus to
 guide them as they study the topics together) and all courses are free to
 partipants.  Additionally, we are rolling out a new legal-referral plan to
 all members that will help to ensure they will never be "stiffed" on a
 contract again.  Please contact me for more information.

Re: where should I place the image files

2001-02-07 Thread Petr Podsednik
Title: where should I place the image files

Try this:



You can then in your jsp pages use this 
construction to find images:
src="%=request.getContextPath()%/images/app-logo.gif" .
Hope this help

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 
  7:58 PM
  Subject: where should I place the 
  image files
   I have deployed a ear file 
  which includes image files on orion server. However, I did not see the 
  image files on the web pages. Can someone tell me where I should place 
  my image files? thanks.
   Tom Guan (Shaohua) 856-857-1324 X 2525 Senior Java 
  Developer NFI Interactive Logistics 

SV: ATM application not working in 1.4.0

2001-02-07 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: ATM application not working in 1.4.0

What version of the ATM was it that you used with 1.4.0?
A *lot* has changed since 1.4.0..
My sugestion is to download the latest orion and ATM.

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Globetrot Communications [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 7 februari 2001 17:19
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: ATM application not working in 1.4.0
 When I try to register on the web-page in ATM
 application, I get the following exceptions! I was
 hoping to use this application to see how exactly it
 is doing O/R mapping.
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: NamingException:
 com.acme.atm.ejb.AccountOwnerManager not found
 (JSP page line 3)
 at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

SV: where should I place the image files

2001-02-07 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: where should I place the image files

image files normaly goes with the rest of your web-content, that is, next to 
your html files etc.
idea would be to check the image URL:s.

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: Guan, Thomas 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 7 februari 2001 
  11:59Till: Orion-InterestÄmne: where should I place the 
  image files
   I have deployed a ear file 
  which includes image files on orion server. However, I did not see the 
  image files on the web pages. Can someone tell me where I should place 
  my image files? thanks.
   Tom Guan (Shaohua) 856-857-1324 X 2525 Senior Java 
  Developer NFI Interactive Logistics 

SV: Error displaying images in v1.4.5

2001-02-07 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Error displaying images in v1.4.5


are you trying to use Filters compiled with 1.3.8 on a 1.4.7 server?
If you are, please notice that the Servlet 2.3 spec has changed between these orion versions.

If not, I think you need to give us more details about how you are displaying the images.


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Roy, Jaideep [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 7 februari 2001 15:35
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: Error displaying images in v1.4.5
 Is anyone seeing an error displaying images (any gifs, jpgs 
 etc) in v1.4.5
 and v1.4.7 of Orion. All the images in our application, that 
 display fine
 using 1.3.8, show up as broken links with either 1.4.5 or 1.4.7.
 I get the following message when trying to display the image alone:
  at com.evermind.server.http.ey.xv(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
 from v1.4.5
  at com.evermind.server.http.e_.x5(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.http.e_.s1(JAX)
 from v1.4.7
 Any suggestions?
 Jaideep Roy

SV: EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?

2001-02-07 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?

no, its not there yet. :(

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 7 februari 2001 13:57
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: EJB 2.0 EB n--m implemented?
 Hi All...
 Does anyone know if many to many relationships between EBs is 
 on Orion 1.4.7?
 I was going to write a bit of code to test it, but my 
 laziness got the 
 better part of me and I was hopeing someone else had already 
 this and could save me a bit of work ;-)