RE: FW: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues

2001-11-27 Thread Nathan Phelps

Amazing!  It would be one thing if this Geoffrey guy was being a jerk, but
my reading of his message indicates that he approached the problem very
sensitively.  This coupled with Andreas' (from SwiftMQ) comment about his
similar response from the JBoss folks make me think that maybe they've
forgotten what made them successful in the first place...developers like you
and I.

-Original Message-
From: Ray Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:54 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: FW: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues

I've been working with the swiftmq beta release (with Orion) and I have
noticed that Marc Fleury
has also spread his charm to the folks over on that list. The developers at
Swiftmq have
essentially been told to piss off by JBoss (I assume by Marc, since the
tone is the same). 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow.  I know people have complained about this list being a little slow,
 if this is what I get from the lead developer of JBoss on how to fix up
 JBoss performance to compare to Orion's, then ... well ... perhaps I
 be spending more time on this list.  I'm a little disappointed.  I have
 interest in both JBoss and Orion, and it's frustrating to get this kind of
 response from a key player in the JBoss community.
   - Geoffrey

RE: Microsoft JDBC Driver - Issues w/ Data Source

2001-11-16 Thread Nathan Phelps

I was hoping someone would answer this, because I'm not 100% sure of the
answer.  However, after looking at the Orion Support site, I'd recommend
changing class=com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource to
class=com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource  I don't know what that
changes, but it is worth a try.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 10:25 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Microsoft JDBC Driver - Issues w/ Data Source

I'm having some issues with using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver with

Let me give you some context:

Although I have some past experience with Orion (servlets, beans, jsp), I've
never used its Data Sources, so I know next to nothing about them.  And,
although the community and documentation have improved of late, Orion's
documentation is still pretty sparse.  When it came time to spend some time
with EJB, I moved over to JBoss, which has stronger documentation, for a
while, and while on JBoss, I started making use of the Microsoft SQL Server
driver beta, which has proved to be quite reasonable (which is not too
surprising, since it's the Merant driver).

Due to some performance issues, I wanted to see how the application we're
working on would run under Orion, so I downloaded the latest, and started to
try and configure it.  The basic steps were still pretty easy, but now I'm
stuck on the data source - no matter what I do, I can't seem to get Orion to
recognize the SQL Server driver.

Has anyone tried it yet?  Am I missing something obvious?

I put the driver JARs (three of them: msbase, msutil, mssqlserver) in
orion/lib.  I modified the data-sources.xml to use the driver, as follows:






When orion starts, it says the following:
Error initializing data-source 'jdbc/SqlServerDS': DriverManagerDataSource
driver '' not found

What does this mean?  It can't find the driver?  The JARs are in orion lib,
I've checked that several times, including that the driver name is right,
and the class is in the JAR.  I can't swear that Orion is loading the JARs,
because it doesn't put that out to the console or log files, so I don't
really know that it's doing that, but I'm assuming it is.

It does say 'DriverManagerdataSource driver', so perhaps the driver isn't
what it's expecting.  Should I be using another class?  Based on the
descriptions in the API docs and the Hypersonic example, this seems like a
reasonable class to use.

Suggestions?  Anyone know where I can go from here?


- Geoffrey Wiseman

Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
Medium One
t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
Think it.  Build it.  Work it.

RE: Oracle deal gag... but on a different note.

2001-06-11 Thread Nathan Phelps

On a different note concerning the Oracle deal:

I wasn't at JavaOne, but I've been reading all about it on the web.  One
news story that I've seen a lot about is Larry Ellison and Bill Coleman's
little fight.  Oracle has put Orion in the big leagues... I mean, Karl could
have produced all sorts of documentation that said Orion is better then
Weblogic, but BEA would have paid it no attention.  However, when Oracle
says Oracle is better then Weblogic, BEA certainly takes notice!

I consider this a great victory for Ironflare, the J2EE community, and every
single young person hacking away in his garage.  This proves it--a few
talented and committed developers can accomplish anything they set their
minds too.  I think Larry Ellison said it best, when, at JavaOne, he said
We have thrown out literally all of our old Java code.  The reason we threw
away all of our old J2EE implementations is we had to build a high
performance, scaleable version of J2EE. We think that this is a huge
breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
biggest threat to Java, which is performance.

And we, all of us on this list, know what Larry Ellison was really saying...

We replaced all our old Java code with the code from a small Swedish
company called Ironflare.  The reason we threw away all of our old J2EE
implementations was that, plain and simple, these two Swedish guys are
studs, and had managed to build a high performance, scaleable version of
J2EE when we had largely failed internally.  We think that this is a huge
breakthrough for the entire Java community because it addresses the single
biggest threat to Java, which is performance.


Now, that is sweet!

RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-19 Thread Nathan Phelps

I remember when you could post a message on this list, and within a few
hours a fix was available via autoupdate.  I knew they couldn't provide that
sort of service forever.  Things have really gone down hill since pre-1.1
days.  I guess that's what you get from a couple of young hackers in an
apartment in Sweden.  Maybe they really enjoyed the coding, but just don't
like running a business.  Once they found out how tedious it is, they

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Pridham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:25 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
team. Are they still around?

I agree with you.  Orion is a great product, but we are also having problems
getting proper support from Orion.  Even getting something as simple as an
invoice for the product (which is paid in full) has been a huge hassle.  Can
you imagine doing business with a company that does not provide simple
functions like support, accounting, customer management etc...???

I work for a company that provides J2EE solutions to our customers.  One
client has bought a license and we are getting ready for another purchase.
I am really beginning to wonder if that is a good idea.  I'd rather work
with an inferior product and have access to engineers that can help when a
crisis occurs.I think it may be time to dump Orion and use another

I think Orion is a GREAT product, but they MUST provide basic functions to
support that product.  If they were not ready to support the people who
bought the product, then they should not have started selling it!!!

Tom Pridham

-Original Message-
From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 5:24 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team.
Are they still around?

Hello all,

I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the orion team to
no avail.

First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla but for that I
need a account password.
I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password after creating a
new account or after requesting the account password to be send again.

Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. No response.

Then I posted my problem to this list
(Serious problem with Orion transaction processing: multiple connections
used within a single transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.

I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] februari 19, 2001. No

I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining these problems
and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.

I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously considering other
application servers right now as this kind of support is really not
acceptable in the long run. At least a simple acknowledgment of the
reception of the problem would give us the idea that someone is actually
monitoring [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the case
right now.

Having to switch to another application server is something I really don't
Overall I like the orion application server very much (certainly for
We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious which will have to
be solved otherwise we just don't have another option.
The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.

If anyone did have some contact with the orion team (mailbased or otherwise)
in the last month's I would be very grateful to know how they did that.

The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a Bugzilla
account recently.

Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the orion-interest
maillist still directly to their mailbox?
Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, and can
therefore only access the maillist at (re)Subscribing
again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.


| Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
|Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
| Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167  The Netherlands|
| Fax++31 (0)162 516872|

JavaMail from a Session Bean

2000-11-06 Thread Nathan Phelps
Title: RE: sql trace

I have a session 
bean which services all e-mail requests for my application. All works 
great unless the target SMTP server requires authentication. I can't 
figure out how to get authenticated!

I have tried 
sub-classing javax.mail.Authenticator and over-riding the method 
"getPasswordAuthentication()" which I have simply returning "new 
PasswordAuthentication("myusername", "mypassword")" I still receive an 
Exception though. I have looked all over for the answer. Any 



RE: New 2 Orion.

2000-10-07 Thread Nathan Phelps

You can cleanly shut Orion down using the following command: java -jar admin.jar 
ormi://yourservername admin youradminpw -shutdown
you can use the Orion console by right-clicking on the Server and choosing 
Shutdown from the Context-sensitive menu.


  -Original Message-From: Miles Daffin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 
  2:12 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: New 2 
  I have 2 questions for the 
  1) I can start Orion (1.3.8) usinga batch 
  file but I cannot believe that the only way to stop it is 'Ctrl - c'. Is 
  2) I find the instructions for creating a new 
  application a little scanty - does anyone know where I can find a real 
  idiots', step by tedious step, guide to setting up an alternative to the 
  default application?
  --Miles DaffinJava Developer, 
  Land: +31 (0)10 476 2412Mobile: +31 (0)6 2959 
  1423Permanent email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: JavaBean with Orion Server

2000-10-02 Thread Nathan Phelps

See the following tutorial:

You cannot communicate 'directly' with EJBs from JSPs without an
intermediate layer (JavaBeans, or a EJB tag library).  See the following
document concerning the Orion EJB tag library:

I would, however, recommend putting as little code as possible in your JSPs,
in favor of placing it in JavaBeans or Servlets.

-Original Message-
From: Fortino Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 11:46 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JavaBean with Orion Server

Hi all,

I just downloaded the Orion Server and I using with a JSP book and 
everything is working fine but now I am in a new chapter where I learning 
about JavaBeans but I am not able to run any JavaBeans.

What Should I need to do in order to run EJB?
Where should put the jsp and the html files whit ebj tags?

Do I need something else to use JavaBeans?


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RE: HOWTO Sun's Java Pet Store Orion 1.0 Cloudscape JDBMS win98

2000-07-08 Thread Nathan Phelps

Seems like a perfect fit for

-Original Message-
From: Kirk Kalvar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 3:09 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: HOWTO Sun's Java Pet Store Orion 1.0 Cloudscape JDBMS win98

I would be happy to only I'm do not have a public access website.  If
someone would like to host please contact me.




Kirk S. Kalvar


-Original Message-
From: Raphael Gillett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: HOWTO Sun's Java Pet Store Orion 1.0 Cloudscape JDBMS win98


Simply provide a link to your website. 
Very nice of you to do this. 
Thank you. 
Raphael Gillett 

Kirk Kalvar wrote: 

I developed a how to for jps and Orion 1.0 and tried to post it to
orion-interest.There was a zip file included in the post so I don't think it
made it.What do I need to do to post the how to and zip as an attachment?

The zip file contains the Orion configuration files for jps and the updated
estore-patched.ear with the orionsecurityadapter included.The howto.txt has
detailed instructions on installing jvm, j2ee, Orion (cloudscape) and jps
for win98. 

Would be good for newbies just getting onboard with orion (like me


Kirk S. Kalvar

All I have to say is...

2000-06-29 Thread Nathan Phelps


At least on Windows 2000 Professional.

C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin admin -shutdown

C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.1.4 initialized
Shutting down...


Nathan Phelps

RE: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Nathan Phelps

This issue is frustrating to me.  You'd think something as fundamental as
shutting down the server would work--it did in 0.9.  I really like Orion,
but I just can't recommend it to my employer if such fundamental features
don't work.  Ideally you won't be shutting down the server very often,
however when you are configuring and testing you do it a lot.  This issue
has received a lot of traffic on this list, but I have yet to hear anyone
for the Orion Team explain either a) what we're doing wrong to cause this
error, or b) that it is indeed a bug in the software and it will be fixed in
release 1.x.

I understand Orion is hard to beat for the price, but I'd gladly pay more
for a server I can shutdown!

Nathan Phelps

-Original Message-
From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 5:09 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: admin -shutdown

a follow-up to my earlier question on using the -shutdown command to the
admin.jar program:

assuming that localhost:8080 is not the port the admin server is listening
on (since its the HTTP port), I roamed through the few docs that exist and
came across RMI.XML, where the default RMI server port is listed as 23791.
Now, when trying that one (or leaving the port number empty, for that
matter), I get this:

command: "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 admin logos -shutdown"

Error: com.evermind.reflect.UndeclaredExceptionTypeException:

The contents of the log files are not of much help. Most log only contain
stuff like:
28.06.00 11:32 Stopped
28.06.00 11:34 Started

  -Original Message-
  From: Christian Sell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2000 01:42
  Subject: JSP page compilation classpath?

  I have an application with a JSP page which uses a tag from a taglibrary.
The taglib classes are under WEB-INF/classes as usual. However, when
invoking the JSP page, I get an error saying:

  Error parsing JSP page /jsp/JSPTestTag.jsp line 32
  Tag class com.itsit.wcf.adaptor.jsp.GetComponentTag not found:

  where does Orion look for classes during page compilation??

  Also, I will take another try at the following problem. This has been
posted by several people a couple of times, but to my knowledge without an
answer to date:

  When trying to shutdown the server with the comand "admin.jar
ormi://localhost:8080 admin pwd -shutdown" I get another error message:

  Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
  ion: Caught EOFException while reading the stream header; nested exception
is: Caught EOFException while
reading the
  stream header


EJB 2.0

2000-06-07 Thread Nathan Phelps

BEA Systems website says "BEA Delivers Industry's First Enterprise JavaBeans
2.0 Implementation."  Does the Orion team have plans to release a version of
Orion with an implementation of EJB 2.0 based upon the latest draft