[Oscc-discuss] Invitation To Submit Articles for OSCC MAMPU Newsletter

2009-05-18 Terurut Topik Stanly Tan
Dear all,

OSCC MAMPU is inviting articles for its e-Newsletter which is published
bi-quarterly on the its portal. The topic of the article would
preferably be the use of OSS within the Public and Private Sectors. 

The invitation is for anyone who has OSS-related information and wants
to share it with the public. All articles received will be reviewed for
acceptance before publishing. The selected articles will be published in
OSCC MAMPU's e-Newsletter, in which the respective proponents will be

Further information and template for submission are available on:

Please submit your article to:market...@oscc.org.my. For further
inquiries, please contact:

Tel:03-83191200 ext 826 or email sta...@oscc.org.my 

The article invitation is not for the purpose of syndication, but solely
for release in OSCC MAMPU Newsletter.

Thank you. 

Warmest Regards,

Stanly Tan
Open Source Competency Centre, MAMPU
Lot E302-E304, Enterprise Building 3,
63000 Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Tel. 603 83191200, Fax: 603 83193206
URL: http://opensource.mampu.gov.my


OSCC MAMPU MyMeeting Version 2.0 Release

OSCC Knowledge Bank Mailing List

*  To visit MAMPU Opensource on the web, go to: 

*  To visit OSCC Knowledge Bank on the web, go to: 
*  To unsubscribe from this group, please go here:

OSCC MAMPU Facebook.

[Oscc-discuss] Invitation To Submit Articles for OSCC MAMPU Newsletter

2009-05-18 Terurut Topik Stanly Tan
Dear all,

OSCC MAMPU is inviting articles for its e-Newsletter which is published
bi-quarterly on the its portal. The topic of the article would
preferably be the use of OSS within the Public and Private Sectors. 

The invitation is for anyone who has OSS-related information and wants
to share it with the public. All articles received will be reviewed for
acceptance before publishing. The selected articles will be published in
OSCC MAMPU's e-Newsletter, in which the respective proponents will be

Further information and template for submission are available on:

Please submit your article to:market...@oscc.org.my. For further
inquiries, please contact:

Tel:03-83191200 ext 826 or email sta...@oscc.org.my 

The article invitation is not for the purpose of syndication, but solely
for release in OSCC MAMPU Newsletter.

Thank you. 

Warmest Regards,

Stanly Tan
Open Source Competency Centre, MAMPU
Lot E302-E304, Enterprise Building 3,
63000 Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Tel. 603 83191200, Fax: 603 83193206
URL: http://opensource.mampu.gov.my


OSCC MAMPU MyMeeting Version 2.0 Release

OSCC Knowledge Bank Mailing List

*  To visit MAMPU Opensource on the web, go to: 

*  To visit OSCC Knowledge Bank on the web, go to: 
*  To unsubscribe from this group, please go here:

OSCC MAMPU Facebook.