[osg-users] get the texture from StateSet

2007-11-24 Thread Davide Vitali
Hi all, I have a osg::StateSet* and I want to get the osg::Texture.
How I can do?

thank you
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Creating shapes using Geometry

2007-11-24 Thread Renan Mendes
I'll try and do it on my on, at least at first
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] I can't use VirtualPlanetBuilder..!

2007-11-24 Thread ümit uzun

Hi All,
I want to ask you simple question? I working to make my terrain database during 
a week but I cound'n do it! I only have stripted screen! I try to use osgdem -t 
someGeoTiff_Texture -d someGeoTiff_Height -o output command to 1kb images 
which stayes in http://www.cc.gatech.edu/projects/large_models/ps.html web 
site. When I use this command to make database it takes almost 2 days :) Is it 
normal period to make database? And when it finished I only see the strips on 
the screen! What is the problem I can't find?
Thanks to Everbody...
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Proposal to change the way the Colladapluginhandlesthe DAE object

2007-11-24 Thread B B
So now with MPI dead, Collada is really the only way to go. I cant see a future 
for Openflight. As Paul Martz said about the acquisition of MPI How the mighty 
have fallen. Its great that the Openscenegraph community have contributed to 
  Gordon was right after all and all the evil people in MPI management have 
been fired. They did get what was coming to them.
  Looks like our main competition is having a hard time. See thread below from 
vis-sim.com  Joined: 19 Mar 2007 Posts: 16 Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:52 pm 
Post subject: \ 

Pixelpusher you are relying on MPI tools because you are probably forced to. \ 
Wouldnt you pick other tools if it were up to you ? Besides what do you 
disagree \ 
with that I have said or Urban Legend has said in his post about MPI becoming a 
bit player and not being able to pay the big bill that is coming due soon and \ 
their awful business practices and arrogant management ? Back to top 
UrbanLegend \ 
User Joined: 11 Apr 2005 Posts: 988 Location: USA / UK Posted: Fri Mar 23,
 2007 4:58 pm Post subject: \ 

UrbanLegend User Joined: 11 Apr 2005 Posts: 945 Location: USA / UK Posted: Wed 
Dec 27, 2006 1:57 pm Post subject: Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:35 pm Post
 subject: Changes in the vis-sim industry \ 

Lot of changes this year. Engenuity buying out Acusoft. MAk purchased by \ 
Singapore training, E amp; S bought by Rockwell, Parallax buying MPI. \ 
Wonder what 2007 is going to bring. Looks like E amp; S is doing pretty \ 
well under Rockwell. Speaking of MPI, the jungle drums inside MPI say that it \ 
was a pretty terrible year financially. Customers have sneered at the new \ 
products. That would mean more layoffs at MPI in January. The drums also say \ 
that Parallax is going to fire the CEO after the first of the year and talking 
to Stephen Gersuk about running the company. These are interesting times. Back 
to top UrbanLegend User Joined: 11 Apr 2005 Posts: 945 Location: USA / UK \ 
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:57 pm Post subject:

Interesting view point, Stephen is one of the brightess and most intelligent \ 
person in the Vis-sim world , he must really be laughing out loud, I highly \ 
doubt that he would touch MPI with a barge pole apart, maybe to wave good 
bye... \ 
_ Self defence is not a function of learning tricks but is \ 
a function of how quickly and intensely one can arouse one's instinct for \ 
survival - Master Tambo Tetsura Back to top simsim Guest Posted: Wed Dec \ 
27, 2006 2:57 pm Post subject: \ 

i worked at MPI at that time. My understanding was that Stephen was a victim of 
devious underhanded scheming by the present CEO and was forced out. He was \ 
stabbed in the back by him. What a shame and what a loss to MPI. I
 left soon after since I did not agree with the lack of ethics of the 
management \ 
at MPI. Back to top simsim Guest Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:08 pm Post subject: 

You have a lot of experience in this industry UL, how long do you think MPI 
will \ 
survive ? Back to top UrbanLegend User Joined: 11 Apr 2005 Posts: 945 Location: 
USA / UK Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:33 pm Post subject: \ 

How long is a piece of string ? I don't see a growth market for MPI , they can 
probably survive in the shrinking market as bit player, with some enormous new 
players in Modeling, survices and API market. We will see some very interesting 
changes in the 2007-8 with some interesting and exciting
 productsand services coming to market from some very big companies I'm under \ 
NDA but can say that these companies have Billions in turn over and are 
spending \ 
like 20x MPI's turnover just in dev for tools that will impact the vis-sim \ 
market, this will effect most of the smaller vis-sim companies like MPI as they 
will eat in to a market that is quickly running away from the old traditional 6 
years to build a sim that is 10 years out of date Theres a whole slue of \ 
automatic feature extraction and automatic terrain generation and feature \ 
creation tools coming that will shrink the markets for products like Creator, \ 
CTS, Geo etc.. What I have seem behind closed doors make me glad I'm no longer 
in such a small company like MPI Will MPI survive long term not without a lot 
of \ 
change IMO, they need some one at the top the commands repect work force and \ 
industry Also lets not for