Re: [osg-users] OSG books now on Amazon marketplace

2009-06-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

Hi all -- Just FYI... Lulu has arranged with Amazon to have the OSG 
books listed, using their "marketplace" reseller listing. This means you 
can now order OSG books by going to and searching for 

Very cool, good for visibility! Great work!

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CPU usage

2009-06-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi all,

I doubt that's the case if he's just running cow.osg.  More likely, 
VSync is not being properly detected on the ATI system, so the viewer is 
just running free and not waiting for the frame to be drawn on the screen.

I think Jason's guess is right on the money. Check your frame rates, 
you'll probably see that the nvidia system is running at a steady 60/75 
(whatever your refresh rate is) while the ATI system is going at several 
hundred frames per second (500 or more, most likely).

I've found the first time I run an OSG app on an ATI card, I have this 
surprise, so I have to set the vsync setting to forced on in the control 
center. I just always assume that vsync is on by default, and use ATI 
pretty seldom, so I'm always being bitten by this one...

Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] animation doc/tutorial

2009-06-06 Thread Rabbi Robinson
I recently started looking at the animation part of osg. I have read some 
examples and wonder if there is tutorial or formal documentation for it. For 
example, I would like to replace the linear interpolation in the example 
osganimationsolid with cubic bezier interpolation. It doesn't really seem there 
is a good way to find out. The online documentation is minimal and with all 
those templates and definition, it's really hard to find a good place to start 
with. Can some one help me out?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] maxium children count

2009-06-06 Thread Rabbi Robinson

Oh, the problem was somewhere else. Thanks for the debugging tip tho.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] WWDC 2009

2009-06-06 Thread Anderson, Ross
Are there any other Mac OpenSceneGraph users out here in San Francisco for
WWDC 2009?

If so, we should arrange a meet up to share tips and tricks.

Ross Anderson
Group 106 - Active Optical Systems
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
(781) 981-3344

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] maxium children count

2009-06-06 Thread Ismail Pazarbasi
2009/6/6 Rabbi Robinson :
> Hi,
> I am doing a PDB (protein data base) file importer. The number of atoms in a 
> typical database is about 4000 to 6000, I organize them in to groups with 
> positionattitudetransform. I noticed if the number of atoms exceeds certain 
> number, the program crashes in run time. So, is there a max number of 
> children allowed?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Rabbi
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

Hi Rabbi,

Please elaborate the crash; is there a C++ exception? If so, what is
it? Did you try to wrap the block with try-catch? STL containers may
throw different exceptions depending on what has gone wrong. You can
do something similar to following:
  // the you suspect to lead the crash
catch (std::length_error& le)
  std::cout << le.what() << std::endl;
catch (std::bad_alloc& ba)
  std::cout << ba.what() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& e)
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] maxium children count

2009-06-06 Thread Rabbi Robinson

I am doing a PDB (protein data base) file importer. The number of atoms in a 
typical database is about 4000 to 6000, I organize them in to groups with 
positionattitudetransform. I noticed if the number of atoms exceeds certain 
number, the program crashes in run time. So, is there a max number of children 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Building a geocentric database with heigh data

2009-06-06 Thread Sammy Guso
Hi Chris 'Xenon' Hanson,

How big are your 30m Landsat imagery tiles (from the Telascience archive of the 
OnEarth mosaic) ???

And did you create the whole earth or just a part of it?[/b][/quote]

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Re: [osg-users] Destruction order for static objects

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Fredrik,

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
> Now I've got confimation that this fix works I will put in a separate
> fix for the OSG-2.8 branch, this should be possible to backport to
> OSG-2.8.1.

I've now checked in the required changes the OSG-2.8 branch.  These
are to include/osg/Referenced to add the depends_on template, and the
src/osgUtil/RenderBin.cpp.   Both these changes will backport to

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Destruction order for static objects

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Fredrik,

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 12:58 AM, Fredrik
Orderud wrote:
> I have now checked out and built the current OSG "trunk", and can report that 
> statically built OSG now terminates properly without any errors in both debug 
> and release. Thank you very much for your help. :-)

Good to hear that this issue has for now been settled.  I suspect
other ordering issues will pop up over time and they are likely to be
equally obscure to track down, so we'll just need to keep an eye on
this non obvious dependency relationships.

> Your "RenderBin_195.cpp" hotfix, however, causes an compile error when 
> incorporating it into OSG 1.8.1. It seems this error is not due to the 
> "depends_on" change, but rater due to some other differences between your 
> RenderBin_195.cpp, and the RenderBin.cpp in OSG 1.8.1 (build errors attached).

Now I've got confimation that this fix works I will put in a separate
fix for the OSG-2.8 branch, this should be possible to backport to

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Jason,

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Jason Daly wrote:
> There's no loss of perpective that I can detect.  I think we're all still
> dealing with facts here.  The fact is that there is currently no way to
> install CMake 2.6 on a Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS in a way that can be
> easily maintained and administered.  The sysadmin's response may be a bit
> haughty, but nothing he said was untrue.
> From what I can tell, there are three ways to approach this.  Either OSG can
> continue to support CMake 2.4.5 until RHEL catches up to 2.6, or the
> sysadmins can make an exception and make CMake 2.6 available without an RPM,
> or the developers can stay with the current version of OSG until the next
> CMake becomes available on their systems.

The loss in perspective is that the illusion that RHEL/CentOS and all
the other long term supported linux distributions can bundle not only
the core operating systems but ten's of thousands of other open source
tools as one single supported and consistent entity.

No other operating system vendors attempt to do this - they just ship
the operating systems and the all the rest of the tools are provided
by extra separate entitities and typically provided by 3rd parties.
Some of these third party apps might rev at the same rate as the
underlying OS, but typically don't.

Now it's very cool that linux distributions do attempt this almost
impossible feat, but and it is humongous but there are problems with
this approach of bundling practically everything together and rev's at
the same rate is that in the 3rd party vendors can't be expected to
pay for the support for this locked in versions of their software for
the benefit of the linux distribution vendors.  This very thread is
about that fact that CentOS/RHEL have locked in versions of software
that is DIRECTLY cause support work for us - not just the CentOS/RHEL
users, but others who have nothing to do with developing or supporting
this distro's.   You might pay RHEL for support for doing this but are
you paying all the rest of the ecosystem like OSG community members
for the luxury of you using the tools that only come with a particular

So this is perspective that is missing.   It's your companies choice
to use a distro with locked in versions of software, and there is a
cost of this that goes far beyond your own company.  Who's to pay for

In the case of community like this core developers have to put up with
support hassles like this as just part of running a project, but we
need help, and help specifically from people who wish to use locked in
versions of software due to using CentOS/RHEL etc - you guys need to
spend the time in properly supporting software that you need, this
means allotting time and resources to help out with testing.  For
instance we have the CDash dashboard to tracking nightly builds.  Also
talk with your management about this issue - if you want the luxury of
using a fixed version of OS and associated tools then their is this
extra cost that you need to factor in, if you don't have the ability
to keep track of supported software then you have to pony up the 3rd
party support to cover this.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi John,

Try removing your OpenSceneGraph/CMakeCache.text file and the re-run
./configure to see if that kicks CMake into properly checking all the

Also try disabling the aggressive warnings to see if that prevents gcc
spitting out errors when compiling against ITK.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 10:25 PM, John Kelso wrote:
> Hi!
> I missed the earlier note about the cmake problem being fixed in the branch.
> Sorry to make noise about a fixed problem.  I do test (and squawk) when I
> can, but as we all know, life sometimes has other plans.
> I installed DCMTK in a local directory, and just tried to rebuild 2.8.1 in a
> clean build directory.
> The cmake command I used was:
>>  cmake \
>>>     -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HEVROOT/apps/osg/osg-2.x/installed \
>>>     -D INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR=`coin-config --prefix`/include \
>>>     -D INVENTOR_LIBRARY=`coin-config --prefix`/lib/ \
>>>     -D DCMTK_DIR=$HEVROOT/apps/dcmtk/dcmtk-3.x \
>>>     ../OpenSceneGraph
> When I make, it seems to still want to use our installed ITK for the DICOMED
> plugin, and bombs with the same errors.
> I also tried setting DCMTK_INCLUDE_DIRS and DCMTK_LIBRARIES instead, but got
> the same result.
> Is there something else I need to do to get OSG to use DCMTK instead of
> ITK?
> Thanks for your patience,
> John
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, Robert Osfield wrote:
>> Hi John and Jason,
>> Can we get a little perspective on this issue.  The build problem was
>> a warning that we've already fixed in OSG-2.8 branch.  As for snooty
>> admin's, best to leave them alone if helping you out is too much for
>> them.
>> The warning that occurred in OSG-2.8.1 because of something I merged
>> in from svn/trunk was in the release candidates and I made repeated
>> calls for testing... Had we known about the issue it would have been
>> fixed in less than five minutes and well before the release.  So
>> PLEASE don't ignore the calls for testing.
>> John, the errors you are getting in ITK look to have nothing to do
>> with the OSG.  Can you please look into this and provide feedback on
>> what is wrong.  There is chance the high levels of warning we use in
>> the OSG build now could be causing the compile to emit errors instead
>> of warnings when compiling ITK.
>> Robert.
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Image::getColor

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Guy,

This would be reasonable change.  Once you start looking at
automatically wrapping you should probably start thinking about
passing in the texture wrap mode to enable you to make the same
texture coordindate modulation as OpenGL will do, otherwise you'll
just be hiding a problem.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Guy Volckaert wrote:
> Hi,
> One of our developers noticed that the Image::getColor(const Vec3&) can 
> potentially crash if the UV coordinates are negative. Effectively, the 
> following function convert UV coordinates into S,T pixel coordinates and then 
> calls getColor(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned). Since the latter uses unsigned 
> as a paremeter, any negative UV coordinates will cause an out-of-bound access 
> in the image buffer.
> Code:
> Vec4 Image::getColor(const Vec3& texcoord) const
> {
>    int s = int(texcoord.x()*float(_s-1)) % _s;
>    int t = int(texcoord.y()*float(_t-1)) % _t;
>    int r = int(texcoord.z()*float(_r-1)) % _r;
> //osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"getColor("<    return getColor(s,t,r);
> }
> Vec4 Image::getColor(unsigned int s,unsigned t,unsigned r) const
> {
>    const unsigned char* ptr = data(s,t,r);
>    switch(_dataType)
>    {
>        case(GL_BYTE):              return _readColor(_pixelFormat, 
> (char*)ptr,             1.0f/128.0f);
>        case(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE):     return _readColor(_pixelFormat, (unsigned 
> char*)ptr,    1.0f/255.0f);
>        case(GL_SHORT):             return _readColor(_pixelFormat, 
> (short*)ptr,            1.0f/32768.0f);
>        case(GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT):    return _readColor(_pixelFormat, (unsigned 
> short*)ptr,   1.0f/65535.0f);
>        case(GL_INT):               return _readColor(_pixelFormat, (int*)ptr, 
>              1.0f/2147483648.0f);
>        case(GL_UNSIGNED_INT):      return _readColor(_pixelFormat, (unsigned 
> int*)ptr,     1.0f/4294967295.0f);
>        case(GL_FLOAT):             return _readColor(_pixelFormat, 
> (float*)ptr,            1.0f);
>    }
>    return Vec4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
> }
> I would like to propose the following change to correct the problem:
> Code:
> Vec4 Image::getColor(const Vec3& texcoord) const
> {
>    int s = int(texcoord.x()*float(_s-1)) % _s;
>    int t = int(texcoord.y()*float(_t-1)) % _t;
>    int r = int(texcoord.z()*float(_r-1)) % _r;
>    // Ensure that S,T,R coordinate are positive.
>    if( s < 0 ) s += _s;
>    if( t < 0 ) t += _t;
>    if( r < 0 ) r += _r;
> //osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"getColor("<    return getColor(s,t,r);
> }
> Any comments or suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Guy
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CPU usage

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Cory,

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Cory Riddell wrote:
> Does anybody see less than 100% CPU utilization when running osgviewer
> cow.osg on an ATI card? I had just been accepting that as normal.

100% CPU is not normal at all.

Running osgviewer cow.osg on my Intel Core i7 + Radeon 4670 + Kubuntu
9.04 (KDE) with Proprietary AMD/ATI drivers I get:

Tasks: 191 total,   1 running, 190 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  1.2%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 98.4%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   6021404k total,   935360k used,  5086044k free,38756k buffers
Swap:  8000328k total,0k used,  8000328k free,   353980k cached

 3507 root  20   0  586m 114m  25m S5  1.9   0:15.56 Xorg
 4223 robert20   0  254m  33m  22m S4  0.6   0:09.40 osgviewer
 3973 robert20   0  255m  23m  17m S1  0.4   0:04.44 kwin

The desktop compositor was on so added extra work, but as you can see
the CPU's are practically idle.  Note this test was done with vsync
enabled, with osgviewer running at a solid 60Hz.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problems with binaries

2009-06-06 Thread Christian Kramer
thanks for your reply Anna but theres a new turn in the history, if already 
compiled a new version out of the sources and now "osgviewerd xy.osg" works.

The next time i should do this before readingany Blogs ... sorry.

Thank you!


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