Re: [osg-users] [osgCompute] FBO RTT -> CUDA Kernel -> FBO RTT Setup

2011-10-09 Thread J.P. Delport


On 07/10/2011 17:32, Conan Doyle wrote:

I went to the link for the cuda_auto_contrast example... looks like
it is part of flitr(?)... do I have to build all of flitr to build
this cuda example?

you only have to build it if you want a running example. Alternatively 
you can just study the code to see how an FBO texture is passed into 



J.P. Delport wrote:


On 05/10/2011 22:23, Conan Doyle wrote:


My schedule lightened up a bit... I have an extra 24 hours to
work on my osg/cuda problem, so I would like to incorporate CUDA
into osg the "correct" way, which I think may be osgCUDA.

Here's what I am currently doing

Step 1 App renders scene to a FLOAT texture via a FBO/RTT camera
Step 2 This texture is used as input to a shader on a second
pass/RTT camera.  The shader does some calibration stuff then
renders it to a full screen quad. Step 3 Final render pass
renders quad from step 2.

Here's what I NEED to do...

Step 1.5 Pass texture from Step 1 to a cuda kernel for
processing before the calibration pass (Step 2)


1.  Is this something I can use osgCUDA to do? 2.  Would it be
similar to the osgTexDemo? 3.  Can I use an FBO, or do I have to
switch to a PBO RTT?

1. Absolutely 2. Not sure, but I will forward you an example from
the osgCuda devs too. I can also point you to one of our examples
that does something similar. See the code here:

In the above example all you have to change is to place shader passes

before or after the cuda pass. E.g. take the glsl_shader example
and just change the texture types to osgCuda::TextureRectangle.

3. FBO is OK.

CUDA 4.0 is not necessary but would be cool as I have to use it
eventually, but to get past this proof of principal step I can
use 3.2... or 2.3...

CUDA 4.0 works fine and then you can play with Thrust too :)

cheers jp


Thank you!

Cheers, Conan

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Newbie Texture Question

2011-10-09 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
On 10/9/2011 9:28 AM, Robbo wrote:
> I am trying to learn OSG for use in Flightgear.  I have seen a technique used 
> regularly
> that I am not able to figure out.
> Essentially a scene is using an rgb file which is transparent and whilst 
> quite large
> (1024x768), contains many different 'icons' of smaller size and what appears 
> to be an
> 'alpha mask' for the main image area.  These icons appear to be extracted and 
> used within
> a dynamic scene, but I am not sure how this is done as it does not appear 
> obvious in the
> code (i was expecting some image coordinates at least).
> The particular example within Flightgear (for those who may be familiar) is 
> wxradar.cxx
> and wxecho.rgb)
> Could somebody please take the time to explain how this works in principle 
> and what the
> technique is called?

  Sounds a bit like a Texture Atlas.

  Yes, I would expect either the UV coordinates to be altered, or perhaps the
transform/translate of the texture coordinate matrix.

> Robbo

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere.
  Digital Imaging. OpenGL. Scene Graphs. GIS. GPS. Training. Consulting. 
"There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist." - 
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Newbie Texture Question

2011-10-09 Thread Robbo

I am trying to learn OSG for use in Flightgear.  I have seen a technique
used regularly that I am not able to figure out.

Essentially a scene is using an rgb file which is transparent and whilst
quite large (1024x768), contains many different 'icons' of smaller size and
what appears to be an 'alpha mask' for the main image area.  These icons
appear to be extracted and used within a dynamic scene, but I am not sure
how this is done as it does not appear obvious in the code (i was expecting
some image coordinates at least).

The particular example within Flightgear (for those who may be familiar) is
wxradar.cxx and wxecho.rgb)

Could somebody please take the time to explain how This works in principle
and what the technique is called?

Many thanks,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Open Flight characteristic not reflected in the current OSG

2011-10-09 Thread Paul Martz

On 9/29/2011 4:44 PM, David Glenn wrote:

Turns out that what you did worked but if you looked at the object that I gave 
you, it's solid ( its suppose to be transparent) The transparency is set at a 
node that is labeled WATER that introduces the transparency to the face 
(Primary) color.

Hi David -- I finally got a chance to take a look at this. Comments below.

  So my partner (John Markano) looked at GeometryRecords.cpp around some ware 
after line 431 (OSG 3.0.1) or 331 (OSG 2.8.1) he added the line:


_PrimaryColor.a() = 1.0 - getTransparency();

Then he thought this would have unwanted side effects

I agree. :-)

  (even though I didn't see any) and adopted a change in the same file but at 
line 257 (OSG 3.0.1) or 157 (OSG 2.8.1) change the code:



to the line :


colors->push_back(osg::Vec4(_PrimaryColor.r(), (_PrimaryColor.g(), 
(_PrimaryColor.b(), 1.0 - getTransparency()));

I zero'd in on the exact same change. I think this is the right thing to do. 
I'll post this to osg-submissions shortly.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Rendering From First Person

2011-10-09 Thread Rishabh Taneja
Hi Jeremy,

I am a newbie in osg. I am working on a project to build a virtual 
environment.After trying a lot, I am not able to create first person experience 
in my environment. Can you help me out in this regard.


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] BUG report: Collada orthographic support

2011-10-09 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Rodrigo,

I think the important point of contention is not whether this is a bug 
or a missing feature - this is just a detail. The point to clarify is 
about OSG's support for ortho cameras.

osg::Camera supports orthographic projection as you can see from methods 
like osg::Camera::setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho() and so on. We use this 
all the time.

The thing that is not supported is to load ortho cameras from COLLADA 
files, as you have seen. I agree with you that the changes needed to 
support this should be pretty small. So if you are willing to put in a 
bit of initial effort into understanding the code, you should be able to 
implement it pretty easily.

The OSG loaders are generally implemented by users like you who need 
such loaders. As is the case in most open source software, the work done 
generally covers the needed features only (because of time constraints 
of the people doing the work, yes, but also for the legitimate reason 
that if a feature is implemented but ends up not being used, it will 
likely not be tested thoroughly, and thus when the time comes for people 
to use it more extensively, it might not even work correctly). We 
routinely hear the expression "scratching the itch" in open source and 
agile development in general, meaning that people who do work will want 
to do the work that is relevant to them, no more and no less.

Now, you seem to want to use this feature, so it makes sense that you 
get in there and implement it. As I said, it should not be a significant 
amount of work.

Gordon's point of an application keeping control over cameras instead of 
cameras being loaded from data files does not need to concern you too 
much. I have seen apps that work as Gordon suggests, and others that 
need to load cameras from data files (the app then generally offers a 
GUI that lets the user choose which camera to look from). This is 
exactly what osg::CameraView was designed for (and not osg::Camera, so 
perhaps that's where the confusion comes from).

Looking at osg::CameraView, it seems this class doesn't support ortho 
projection, but it has a setting for field of view (which is also a 
projection matrix setting), so I don't think there is anything that 
would prevent it from supporting them.

If you need any help implementing the missing feature then we will 
gladly answer your questions.

Hope this helps,


On 09/10/2011 6:13 AM, Rodrigo Benenson wrote:

Thanks for your quick comment Gordon.

To me Its not a bug , its an unsupported feature :) so you cannot really 
reports it a as bug

I agree that the distinction between features and bugs is a fine line
most of the time.

Most projects use the tickets/bugs/issues system to keep track of
features to be implemented in the next releases, or to document
decisions related to not implementing specific features.

There are many features of what Collada can support that are not supported in 
OSG or other apps. ( this is also the same of other model formats)
Not every feature of of every formats is needed in OSG in general or really 
makes sense

If OSG supports a particular format I would expect the extend of the
support to be as wide as reasonably possible, and otherwise the areas
not implemented should be clearly stated the documentation.

I for one would Not want to use camera data in my application when loading a 
DAE model (or any format),  my application controls the camera not a model, I 
just want to load the models, what if I load 30 Dae models and they all have 
different cameras , which one should I use :(m but that’s me and my apps

Under that argument then the COLLADA module should not load any
camera. However this clearly not the case.

What makes me consider the current status more a bug than a "missing
feature" is the mentioned piece of code and comment that mentions

// TODO The current osg::CameraView does not support an orthographic view

to my understanding in current OSG, CameraView does support
orthographic view and is that sense, at the very least the comment is
incorrect (and should be updated to explain why OSG will not implement
this feature); or, more reasonably the missing feature can be easily
implemented now.

Too me your request is more an Application specific thing and you could extend 
your application to create that Ortho camera for you, it would be a good way to 
learn more about OSG

It is not specific to my application in the sense that, in my
application, some renderings will be done using perspective projection
and other ones with orthographic projections. In my application the
camera information is meant to be stored in a file, and I considered
the Collada files a reasonable (cross 3d tools) choice (to store both
the camera information and the models).
I canno

[osg-users] [vpb] Large VPB Database build fails without

2011-10-09 Thread Torben Dannhauer

I try to build a database with DEM but without textures. 
After 317 tasks it fails and has still 1595182 tasks pending. After the fail it 
blacklists the one machine and so finishes the run.

The log file of one of these tasks is the following:


0.129: Adding terrainTile 
5.253: getTaskName(5,33,0) no nest, 6 12
5.253: DataSet::_run() 6 12
17.588   : started DataSet::createDestination(13)
17.637   : Time for after_reproject 0.049001
17.686   : local_extents = xMin() -180.00 180.00
17.686   : yMin() -60.00 60.00
17.686   : AR=3.00 C1=3 R1=1
17.686   : createNewDestinationGraph
17.926   : Time for _destinationGraph->computeMaximumSourceResolution() = 
17.926   : Time for createDestinationGraph 0.240480
17.926   : Time for after_computeNeighbours 0.10
17.926   : completed DataSet::createDestination(13)
17.926   : Error: no destination graph built, cannot proceed with build.
17.926   : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesAdded 
terrain_subtile_L5_X33_Y0/terrain_L5_X33_Y0.osgb.task.0.added, 0
17.926   : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesRemoved 
terrain_subtile_L5_X33_Y0/terrain_L5_X33_Y0.osgb.task.0.removed, 0
17.926   : Time to write out DatabaseRevision::FileList - FilesModified 
terrain_subtile_L5_X33_Y0/terrain_L5_X33_Y0.osgb.task.0.modified, 0
17.926   : Elapsed time = 17.926306

The situation is the same if i resume the build with 


vpbmaster --tasks build_master.tasks 

It reloads all tasks from file and than again fails on the identical tasks.

I don't know why osgdem complains about the missing destination graph with


Error: no destination graph built, cannot proceed with build.

Any idea why it fails?

my system is:
Kubuntu 10.04  64 bit.
Kernel 2.6.38-11-generic 
OSG and VPB from trunk last week.

Thank you for your help,

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] BUG report: Collada orthographic support

2011-10-09 Thread Rodrigo Benenson
Thanks for your quick comment Gordon.

> To me Its not a bug , its an unsupported feature :) so you cannot really 
> reports it a as bug
I agree that the distinction between features and bugs is a fine line
most of the time.

Most projects use the tickets/bugs/issues system to keep track of
features to be implemented in the next releases, or to document
decisions related to not implementing specific features.

> There are many features of what Collada can support that are not supported in 
> OSG or other apps. ( this is also the same of other model formats)
> Not every feature of of every formats is needed in OSG in general or really 
> makes sense
If OSG supports a particular format I would expect the extend of the
support to be as wide as reasonably possible, and otherwise the areas
not implemented should be clearly stated the documentation.

> I for one would Not want to use camera data in my application when loading a 
> DAE model (or any format),  my application controls the camera not a model, I 
> just want to load the models, what if I load 30 Dae models and they all have 
> different cameras , which one should I use :(m but that’s me and my apps

Under that argument then the COLLADA module should not load any
camera. However this clearly not the case.

What makes me consider the current status more a bug than a "missing
feature" is the mentioned piece of code and comment that mentions

// TODO The current osg::CameraView does not support an orthographic view

to my understanding in current OSG, CameraView does support
orthographic view and is that sense, at the very least the comment is
incorrect (and should be updated to explain why OSG will not implement
this feature); or, more reasonably the missing feature can be easily
implemented now.

> Too me your request is more an Application specific thing and you could 
> extend your application to create that Ortho camera for you, it would be a 
> good way to learn more about OSG

It is not specific to my application in the sense that, in my
application, some renderings will be done using perspective projection
and other ones with orthographic projections. In my application the
camera information is meant to be stored in a file, and I considered
the Collada files a reasonable (cross 3d tools) choice (to store both
the camera information and the models).
I cannot just hard code the camera once and for all.

As I asked before,
is still someone in the reading list familiar with this part of the code ?
Any idea of how trivial or non trivial it is to fix this issue ?

I am not familiar with the specifics of the camera matrices handling
in OSG, but I would believe the issue to be "not very had" to resolve.

Best regards,

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 10:24 PM, Gordon Tomlinson
> To me Its not a bug , its an unsupported feature :) so you cannot really 
> reports it a as bug
> There are many features of what Collada can support that are not supported in 
> OSG or other apps. ( this is also the same of other model formats)
> Not every feature of of every formats is needed in OSG in general or really 
> makes sense
> I for one would Not want to use camera data in my application when loading a 
> DAE model (or any format),  my application controls the camera not a model, I 
> just want to load the models, what if I load 30 Dae models and they all have 
> different cameras , which one should I use :(m but that’s me and my apps
> Too me your request is more an Application specific thing and you could 
> extend your application to create that Ortho camera for you, it would be a 
> good way to learn more about OSG
> __
> Gordon Tomlinson
> IM:
> __
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Rodrigo 
> Benenson
> Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 9:26 AM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: [osg-users] BUG report: Collada orthographic support
> Thanks Jean-Sébastien for the quick answer.
> If the mailing list is the bug report channel, then here I go:
> I am currently working on an application that uses openscenegraph to
> render collada animations.
> When running my code on the collada files of my interest I get the
> following warning:
> Orthographic in  'Camera-camera' not supported
> not support orthographic projection will clearly "mess up" the rendering 
> output.
> Looking into the code I found