Re: [osg-users] First recipe from cookbook won't compile with given source code

2019-01-18 Thread Rodrigo Dias
Thank you, Julien.

Though there are two different CMakeLists.txt files 
( and, I 
tried with the first one, because you said so. I had to give a value to the 
OPENSCENEGRAPH_LIB_DIR (/usr/local/lib64) in CMake, but it still gives me an 

> Could NOT find OpenCV (missing:  OpenCV_ROOT_DIR OpenCV_LIBRARIES_RELEASE 
> CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are 
> set to NOTFOUND.
> Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake 
> files:
> linked by target "osgnanovg" in directory 
> /home/rodrigo/Videos/osg/rodrigo/osgRecipes-master/integrations/osgnanovg
> Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
> See also 
> "/home/rodrigo/Videos/osg/rodrigo/osgRecipes-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
> See also 
> "/home/rodrigo/Videos/osg/rodrigo/osgRecipes-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

And with this I cannot "make" or "make install" it. The readme gives an even 
more incomplete direction (say nothing about the OPENSCENEGRAPH_LIB_DIR 
variable, and why not use the default set by OSG?). Going the way I was going, 
I managed to compile and run most of the recipes in chapter 2. I wouldn't mind 
giving up one recipe or another just because I didn't install some obscure 
library. So, maybe using g++ is an easier option? (This includes me losing 
years with Borland Delphi, instead of learning and dominating C++ and CMake 
stuff. Shame on me!)

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Re: [osg-users] First recipe from cookbook won't compile with given source code

2019-01-18 Thread Julien Valentin
use cmake with provided CMakelist.txt (

Rodrigo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm following the OpenSceneGraph 3 Cookbook 
> ( to learn more about 
> OSG. So I created a directory Cookbook following the directory structure from 
> the source code here 
> (
> Before compiling the first recipe 
> (,
>  I had copied the "Common Functions" from the textbook (pages 38-39), into a 
> file called "CommonFunctions". When compiling (with g++ on Linux) I got the 
> following error:
> > $ g++ observer_ptr.cpp -I../.. -losg -losgDB -losgGA -losgText -losgUtil 
> > -losgViewer -o observer_ptr
> > 
> > In file included from observer_ptr.cpp:11:0:
> > ../../CommonFunctions: In member function ‘virtual bool 
> > osgCookBook::PickHandler::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter&, 
> > osgGA::GUIActionAdapter&)’:
> > ../../CommonFunctions:47:62: error: binding ‘const 
> > osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection’ to reference of type 
> > ‘osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection&’ discards qualifiers
> >   osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection& result = 
> > *(intersector->getIntersections().begin());
> > 
> ../.. is the path to the CommonFunctions file. I tried a few const_cast 
> operations, but I don't have so much experience with C++ and couldn't solve 
> it. I commented out this two lines and the program compiled fine and ran, 
> though clicking on the objects wouldn't dismiss them (guess that's what these 
> lines do).
> Then I noticed they have this "CommonFunctions" file together with the given 
> source code, so I replaced mine with theirs (CommonFunctions and 
> CommonFunctions.cpp). But when compiling, a new error:
> > $ g++ observer_ptr.cpp -I../.. -losg -losgDB -losgGA -losgText -losgUtil 
> > -losgViewer -o observer_ptr
> > 
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o: In function `main':
> > observer_ptr.cpp:(.text+0x79): undefined reference to 
> > `osgCookBook::createText(osg::Vec3f const&, 
> > std::__cxx11::basic_string, 
> > std::allocator > const&, float)'
> > observer_ptr.cpp:(.text+0x103): undefined reference to 
> > `osgCookBook::createHUDCamera(double, double, double, double)'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTV18RemoveShapeHandler]+0xb8):
> >  undefined reference to 
> > `osgCookBook::PickHandler::handle(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter const&, 
> > osgGA::GUIActionAdapter&)'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTV18RemoveShapeHandler]+0x18):
> >  undefined reference to `typeinfo for osgCookBook::PickHandler'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTV18RemoveShapeHandler]+0xb8):
> >  undefined reference to 
> > `osgCookBook::PickHandler::handle(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter const&, 
> > osgGA::GUIActionAdapter&)'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTV18RemoveShapeHandler]+0xe0):
> >  undefined reference to `typeinfo for osgCookBook::PickHandler'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTV18RemoveShapeHandler]+0x218):
> >  undefined reference to `typeinfo for osgCookBook::PickHandler'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTV18RemoveShapeHandler]+0x428):
> >  undefined reference to `typeinfo for osgCookBook::PickHandler'
> > /tmp/cca0xsAB.o:([_ZTI18RemoveShapeHandler]+0x10):
> >  undefined reference to `typeinfo for osgCookBook::PickHandler'
> > collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> > 
> Can anybody please tell me what am I doing wrong?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Rodrigo

Twirling twirling twirling toward freedom

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Re: [osg-users] Capturing all visible nodes

2019-01-18 Thread Julien Valentin
You have to setup cullcallbacks of your drawables 

drawable->setCullCallback(new MyCullCallback);

it then will be called during osgViewer cull traversal...

ijwolf8 wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've looked everywhere for this, and have tried to piece together examples 
> I've found online, but I am having no luck accomplishing what conceptually 
> seems like a very simple task.
> The overall goal is to take all nodes within view and send them to UV space 
> for texture mapping. The only part I can't get down is the first 
> part-capturing all visible nodes within view.
> I've read through several posts on this site (removed links because "You must 
> have 2 posts before you can post URL's/Links."), but they all end without a 
> real solution. The last one in particular just confuses me:
> "Just write a NodeVisitor that has it's traversal mode set to 
> But that wasn't the question? It was to get all visible nodes, not ALL nodes?
> Either way, I've attempted to implement these codes and more, but I just 
> don't understand the structure of node visitors and callbacks enough to make 
> progress. For example, one of the posts contained this code that seemed very 
> promising:
> Code:
> class MyCullCallback : public osg::NodeCallback 
> { 
> void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) 
> { 
> // osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = nv->asCullVisitor(); 
> osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = dynamic_cast(nv); 
> if (!cv->isCulled(*node)) 
> { 
> std::cout << "Node is visible: "<< endl; 
> } 
> if ( cv->isCulled(*node)) 
> { 
> std::cout << "Node is NOT visible: "< 
> } 
> traverse(node,nv); 
> } 
> }; 
> I tried the following code along with it, but it just throws an error and 
> freezes.
> Code:
>   MyCullCallback* cb = new MyCullCallback();
>   osg::NodeVisitor* nv = new osg::NodeVisitor();
>   //cb->operator()(myGroup, nv);
> So how exactly am I supposed to utilize it? Do I have to initialize 
> NodeVisitor with an initial node? If so which do I chose?
> If there's anymore information I can give please let me know. I've researched 
> all sorts of frustum culling, node visitors, and manually capturing visible 
> nodes with ray tracing, but I figure there has got to be a simpler way to do 
> this!
> Thanks for any and all help,
> Isaac

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Re: [osg-users] [Any feedback welcome] possible lack of robustness of the VAO path

2019-01-18 Thread Julien Valentin
The following code exibits crashes with VAO path 




class GeomLoaderCB : public osg::Camera::DrawCallback//  osg::NodeCallback
int _thresremoval;int _nbaddedatatime;
GeomLoaderCB(int thresremoval=1,int 
nbaddedatatime=1):_nbaddedatatime(nbaddedatatime),_thresremoval(thresremoval) {}
mutable std::list > _geoms;
void setGeometryList(osgUtil::GeometryCollector::GeometryList c) {
for(auto f : c)
virtual void operator () (const osg::Camera&  camera ) const {
osg::Node * node=const_cast()->getChild(0);

osg::ref_ptr  gr = node->asGroup();

OSG_WARN<<"removing "<<  gr->getChild(0) ::iterator it= _geoms.begin();
int cpt=0;
while(it!=_geoms.end()&++<_nbaddedatatime ) {
OSG_WARN<<"add "<<  (*it ) 

osg::Group * root=new osg::Group;
//osg::Camera * root=new osg::Camera;
GeomLoaderCB * loader=new 
loader->setGeometryList(   geomcollector.getGeometryList() );

osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler);
viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler);
viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler);

viewer.setSceneData( root);


if you want my test sample:
for ex It fails  with args :
BIGCITY.ive --remove 150 --add 100 

I believe there's a bugso I'd be glad if someone validate it...
note: toggling statshandler prevent crash

Thanks in advance

mp3butcher wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote a sample code exibiting crash with my scene
> If you'd have 5 min to waste, i would be glad you confirm with your own 
> scene...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Julien

Twirling twirling twirling toward freedom

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[osg-users] Capturing all visible nodes

2019-01-18 Thread Isaac Wolf
Hello all,

I've looked everywhere for this, and have tried to piece together examples I've 
found online, but I am having no luck accomplishing what conceptually seems 
like a very simple task.

The overall goal is to take all nodes within view and send them to UV space for 
texture mapping. The only part I can't get down is the first part-capturing all 
visible nodes within view.

I've read through several posts on this sight (removed links because "You must 
have 2 posts before you can post URL's/Links.")

But they all end without a real solution. The last one in particular just 
confuses me:

"Just write a NodeVisitor that has it's traversal mode set to 

But that wasn't the question? It was to get all visible nodes, not ALL nodes?

Either way, I've attempted to implement these codes and more, but I just don't 
understand the structure of node visitors and callbacks enough to make progress.

For example, one of the posts contained this code that seemed very promising:


class MyCullCallback : public osg::NodeCallback 

void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) 
// osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = nv->asCullVisitor(); 
osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = dynamic_cast(nv); 
if (!cv->isCulled(*node)) 
std::cout << "Node is visible: "<< endl; 

if ( cv->isCulled(*node)) 

std::cout << "Node is NOT visible: "

[osg-users] Converting an osg::Matrix to osg::PositionAttitudeTransform using decompose?

2019-01-18 Thread Jad Killian
I have a matrix that is constructed as follows:

osg::Matrix final;
final.preMultRotate((worldRotation * inverseWorld).getRotate());

What I'm basically trying to do is rotate a child by first calculating a world 
rotation and then converting it to a local rotation by multiplying by the 
inverse world transform. The problem is that if the parent is non-uniformly 
scaled, the result is weirdly sheared. So I thought I would remove the parent 
scale, rotate, then apply the parent scale back, which is what I think the 
above lines do, but please feel free to correct me.

Now what I want is to convert the result to a PositionAttitudeTransform. But 
I'm not getting correct results doing the following:

osg::Vec3d t, s;
osg::Quat r, so;
final.decompose(t, r, s, so);

I suspect that the "scale factor" parameter is the issue, since it has non-zero 
values and Im not using them, but I'm not sure what it even is.

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