[osg-users] [forum] compile osgQt by osg3.6.3 fail

2019-08-27 Thread Shen Xin
i use osg3.6.3+visual 2017+ Qt5.10.1 complie osgQt,but fail.
error msg like:

1. ErrorC4430   missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does 
not support default-intosgQOpenGL  

2.Error C2146   syntax error: missing '>' before identifier 'GLfloat'   
osgQOpenGL  D:\code\cpp\osg\osg3.6.3\build0727\include\osg\GL

3.Error C2065   'GLenum': undeclared identifier osgQOpenGL  

4.Error C2653   'osgQOpenGLWindow': is not a class or namespace name

and so on...

that confused me a long time,if you know why ,pls tell me,thanks a lot!!!


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[osg-users] Display seemly infinite grid while using OrbitCameraManipulator.

2019-08-27 Thread Franco Tang
Now, I am developing 3-d application and using osg::Geometry to dispaly grid. 
In addition, I use OrbitCameraManipulator in my application.
Firslty, while zooming the camera, I had to scale the grid.
Secondly, while panning the camera, the grid do translation, so it would always 
displayed in the view.
Thridly, while rotating the camera, it is diffcult to handle because of 
arbitrary axis rotation. Sometimes it displayed terriablely.
For the second point and third point, I have terrible implement.
I am thinking about optimization diplay of grid in my application. I found some 
interesting implement, like vizard or u3d editor, which displayed grid seemly 
I found some implement about infinite grid in google. Does osg has some similar 
Can anybody give some tips?
Thank you!

Work life balance.

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[osg-users] osgFX::Outline lose material color while GL_LIGHTING set OFF

2019-08-27 Thread Franco Tang
I add a ShapeDrawable whose GL_LIGHTING was set OFF to osgFX::Outline.  
I found the border generated by stencil diplayed as ShapeDrawable's color 
rather than the color I set to osgFX::Outline. When I set GL_LIGHTING ON, it 
displayed correctly.
Then I tested with "cow.osgt" whose GL_LIGHTING was OFF, it displayed correctly.
I know when I set GL_LIGHTING OFF, the material would not reflect the color it 
However, I can't get the point. I am a new prgrammer on opengl and osg. Can any 
body tell me why and how to display the right color while GL_LIGHTING set OFF?
I am using osg3.4.1 on Windows 10 and do the test in examples/osgoutline.
Thank you!


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[osg-users] embedding osg::viewer

2019-08-27 Thread Noè Murr

I've already asked this question on the mailing list, but it was a secondary 
question and perhaps nobody read it. 

I'm trying to embed osg in a SFML view using the setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow 
method of the viewer.

The problem is that I cannot change the position where the viewer is displayed. 
OSG ignores the value that I give as first and second argument of the method 
and draws the frame always starting from the bottom left corner of the window.

I tried to change the value of the first and second argument even in the 
osgviewerSDL example because it use the same method to embed OSG, but even in 
this example the viewer always starts to draw the frame in the bottom left 

I'm going to attach the code of the example that I have changed on the lines: 
58 132 158 168

Do you know what's the problem?

Thank you!

Noè Murr

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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-27 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the test program.  I've created a CMake file and got it
compiling and running on my Linux system.  I tweaked the window creation so
it uses a multiple windows on a single screen as that suits by desktop
configuration better.  On pressing 'V' multiple times I get the white text
and GL errors reported on the second time the extra view creation happens.

I've put debugging code into the Registry and Renderer to see if my
addition to Renderer::releaseGLObjects() was working and found that when
the view gets removed this isn't called.  However, if I press escape and
the both view+windows get deleted then the Renderer::releaseGLObjects()
gets called.  I don't know why this isn't working as intended yet.

I have other work to get on with today so I'll need to return to
investigating this later, my guess is that we just need to tighten up the
handling of the removeView.

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