[osg-users] Problems with osg::Text in anaglyph stereo with 3.6

2020-01-03 Thread Andreas Goebel

first of all: Happy new year everybody!

I am porting an application of mine from osg 3.4 to 3.6 .

I have a strange problem with text objects in anaglyph stereo. Some of
them are not correctly separated to red / cyan, they stay in their
original color (and thus produce heavy artifacts when viewed through

The problem did not occur with version 3.4. I can provide an .ive-file
that shows the error (with osgviewer when viewed in stereo), but this is
33 MB in size, so I thought it would not be welcome to send it to a
mailing list.

Strangely the problem does not show on all of my text objects, so maybe
someone has a pointer for me what I can to on my side to prevent this.

You can find the testfile here:

It contains a co-ordinate system, the numbers on the axes show the
symptoms whereas the two point-labels (which I have included for
reference) do not.

Best regards,


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Expert computer slow problem solve within 30 minute (Fix it)

2020-01-03 Thread Camila Hill
Checking the hard disk, cleaning useless files, examining the cables, 
scanning the system for viruses, etc. are the alternatives users take to fix 
slow computer 
Though these solutions are useful in many cases, contacting the tech 
support professionals for effective services is the only choice if these 
solutions go useless. 

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