Re: [osg-users] Usage of osg::Node clone methode.

2010-01-21 Thread Guillaume Saby
Well i feel stupid...

I finally found why it didn't work. During a debugging session, after having 
passed my five turn of loop, who work like a charm, i try to continue runing my 
program, and the five trees where here...

It appears that the srand(time(0)) made inside the loop made only one tree 
apears when you don't step by step the program in the loop 

I just put the srand before my loop, and it work like a charm

Sorry for the inconvenience

Tanks again for your help.

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[osg-users] Usage of osg::Node clone methode.

2010-01-20 Thread Guillaume Saby

I'm actually in my second year for a diploma in IT. We curreently work on a 
group project using OpenSceneGraph.

We're making a turn by turn tactical game. On our map, we want to load some 
trees. We have a .obj model (soon .osg) and use osgDB::ReadNodeFile to load it, 
and put it in a PositionAttituteTransform with the good pos.

The problem is that it took some time to load the model (around a second)...I 
try to avoid it by copying the already loaded model, using the clone function 
of osg::Node in a for loop, and puting the cloned node inside a newly created 
PositionAttituteTransform ...

But only one tree apears on the map. 
If i use each time osgDB::ReadNodeFile in the loop, it works, i've got my tree, 
but it took ~ 5 second for 5 trees

Here's my code, maybe more clear than my english...


//Loading of the model
osg::ref_ptrosg::Node Arbre = osgDB::readNodeFile(modeles/arbre.obj);

osg::ref_ptrosg::PositionAttitudeTransform temp;

for(int i = 0 ; i  5; i++)
temp = new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform;

osg::Node* copy = dynamic_castosg::Node*(Arbre-clone(osg::CopyOp()));

this is my class which inherit from osg::Group.

Did i use it wrong? Is it not possible to copy a node loaded byt 

Thank you![/code]

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Re: [osg-users] Usage of osg::Node clone methode.

2010-01-20 Thread Guillaume Saby

Well this doesn't work ^^...

I tried, and only one tree appears, but if a do :

for(int i = 0 ; i  5; i++)

osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* temp = new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform;



This work, i got all my trees

But thanks for your help anyways.

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