Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] statically linking osgPlugins for Android [SOLVED]

2012-09-17 Thread James Cotton
I managed to get OSG compiled without issue for Android and incorporate it into 
my application.  However, the models I would like to use are .3DS and I'm 
trying to get the 3ds plugin used.  It was disabled in the build process, but 
was reenable without much issue.

However, I don't know how to tie it into my application.  Currently the Android 
toolchain builds OSG statically but when I enable debugging messages the code 
is still looking for .so plugins. This is also an issue for the texture files 
( So I have two questions for possible solutions:

1) is there a way to make things that currently use plugins use statically 
linked code?  Like an alternative registration to permanently register those 
plugins at init and make sure the code gets linked in?
2) if not, can anyone suggest how to make the plugins build as a .so and the 
core code to build as a static library (for Android).

Or any other approaches you guys can suggest.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] statically linking osgPlugins for Android

2012-09-17 Thread James Cotton
So after tweaking the CMakeList.txt for the plugins I have png/jpeg's going to 
their appropriate plugins statically linked.  However, I'm still not seeing 
textures.  I get these warnings:


08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' is supported.
08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc' is supported.
08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture' is supported.
08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.532: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_ARB_texture_multisample' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.542: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 'GL_ARB_shadow' is not 
08-23 11:11:31.542: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_ARB_shadow_ambient' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.542: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_APPLE_client_storage' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.542: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_EXT_texture_integer' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.542: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Created new 0x650ec8a0 TextureObject, 
_numOfTextureObjects 1
08-23 11:11:31.542: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Scaling image 
'/storage/sdcard0/Models/TEXTURE.PNG' from (350,50) to (256,64)
08-23 11:11:31.552: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension 
'GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.552: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Created new 0x66d90bc0 TextureObject, 
_numOfTextureObjects 1
08-23 11:11:31.552: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Scaling image 
'/storage/sdcard0/Models/CC.PNG' from (788,393) to (1024,512)
08-23 11:11:31.882: I/Osg Viewer(3689): OpenGL extension '' is not supported.
08-23 11:11:31.882: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Setting up osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER
08-23 11:11:31.882: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Warning: Material::apply(State) - not 
08-23 11:11:31.952: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Warning: Material::apply(State) - not 
08-23 11:11:31.952: I/Osg Viewer(3689): Warning: Material::apply(State) - not 
08-23 11:11:31.952: W/Osg Viewer(3689): Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid 
enumerant' at after RenderBin::draw(..)
08-23 11:11:31.952: D/Osg Viewer(3689): end cull_draw() 0x652b7670

I know I saw some other threads about textures and android but I'm a bit out of 
my depth here so if anyone could point me in the right direction...  Sorry for 
taking my own thread OT.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] statically linking osgPlugins for Android

2012-09-17 Thread James Cotton
Great, thank you very much.  That fixed it!  

Edit: At the risk of derailing my own thread, the plugin then tries to find 
imageio to load the textures, but that isn't available on android (and looks 
like it's designed to be apple specific).  What plugin should I be looking at?

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [osgPlugins] statically linking osgPlugins for Android

2012-08-23 Thread James Cotton
I managed to get OSG compiled without issue for Android and incorporate it into 
my application.  However, the models I would like to use are .3DS and I'm 
trying to get the 3ds plugin used.  It was disabled in the build process, but 
was reenable without much issue.

However, I don't know how to tie it into my application.  Currently the Android 
toolchain builds OSG statically but when I enable debugging messages the code 
is still looking for .so plugins. This is also an issue for the texture files 
( So I have two questions for possible solutions:

1) is there a way to make things that currently use plugins use statically 
linked code?  Like an alternative registration to permanently register those 
plugins at init and make sure the code gets linked in?
2) if not, can anyone suggest how to make the plugins build as a .so and the 
core code to build as a static library (for Android).

Or any other approaches you guys can suggest.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Qt widget scene shows up black

2012-03-17 Thread James Cotton
The demo application osgviewerQt shows the grid of images as black,
but the dump truck works just fine.  It's not a problem finding the
file because trying to add the dumptruck to the layout instead of one
of the others makes it disappear.

I ran my app with OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=debug and don't see anything
apparent in the file between the condition where I have a single view
popup (works) versus embedded into a widget (black screen).

This is using qt 4.8.1 and osg master from github, OSX 10.7.3.  I've
tried compiling it various ways (+/- framework, qt for openthreads) to
no avail.  Changing threading models with the application switches
didn't help either.  Oh, and it's not related to window decoration as
without that the popup still works.

Any suggestions on how I can proceed debugging this?

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