Hi, I was wondering why my OSG application frees lots of memory when I
minimize its window, and why that memory is not freed if I don't. I noticed
that when I create some objects in the scene by loading flt model files and
remove them from scene afterwards that not all memory is freed (when looking
at application's allocated memory through Task Manager ).
If I minimize application's window afterwards then application's allocated
memory decreses to level as it was before creation of objects.

Any ideas what could be causing this and if this freeing of memory can be
executed by some function call ? I would be handy for me, to keep my
allocated memory low.

My application is using osgViewer::Viewer and dynamic terrain paging, OSG
2.8.0 rc3, Windows XP SP2, Visual Studio 2008.

I'm newbie at OSG's mailing list so I hope this was not discussed already.
I've been looking through mailing archives and I could not find answer to
this question.

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