[osg-users] Writing ProxyNode to file does not preserve correct filenames

2013-03-12 Thread Nick Jones

  I have an osg::ProxyNode that is a child of an osg::Group. The ProxyNode's 
filepath is relative (i.e. ./external/filename.ive) and I set it as such with 
the following line of code:

proxyNode-setFileName(0, ./external/filename.ive);

  Once the filename has been set on the ProxyNode, i write the group out to a 
file using the following line of code:

osgDB::writeNodeFile(*node, /dir/output.ive);

  However, I did not see the ProxyNode loading the correct file. I then 
performed an osgconv to convert the file from .ive to .osg format. There, I 
noticed that the filename of the proxy node is incorrect. It was pointing to 
/dir/filename.ive rather than ./external/filename.ive.

  How to I write the ProxyNode to a file so that its path is relative. I 
basically want the ProxyNode's filepath to be ./external/filename.ive rather 
than an absolute path. Is that even possible?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Is there any way to preload textures/geometry?

2012-08-13 Thread Nick Jones

  I am experiencing a performance decrease when OSG culls new objects into view 
for the first time. My current assumption is that the objects' textures and/or 
geometry must be pushed down to the GPU before it can be used. Once they are 
cached in the GPU, the performance returns to normal.

  Does anyone know of a way I can tell OSG to preload textures and/or geometry 
to the card during my load time? If I can preload all my data at load time, I 
won't have any performance decrease at run time. I am working on a real time 
system and I cannot afford the performance hits that I am getting.

Thank you!

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Re: [osg-users] Is there any way to preload textures/geometry?

2012-08-13 Thread Nick Jones

Buckley, Bob CTR MDA/DES wrote:
 osg::GraphicsOperation *gOp = camera-getRenderer();
 ((osgViewer::Renderer *) gOp)-setCompileOnNextDraw(true);

Thank You Bob! That did the trick...


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Re: [osg-users] Help! Particles in OSG 3.0.1 flip halfway through their lifetime...

2012-06-11 Thread Nick Jones

  Thank you for your quick reply. It may also be worth noting that if the 
particle system is created at run time, it seems to work correctly. However, 
when the particle system is saved to a file and then read back in is when the 
problem begins to show.

  I am in the process of creating a quick test case to show this. If I get it 
done in time before you find the issue, I'll post it on this thread.

Thank You,

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Re: [osg-users] Help! Particles in OSG 3.0.1 flip halfway through their lifetime...

2012-06-11 Thread Nick Jones

  That did it for me! It works once I changed the .osg file from 1 1 1 to 0 0 
0. Thank you very much for your help.

Thank You,

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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] How to use extensible file formats?

2012-04-16 Thread Nick Jones

I'm looking for someone to point me in the right direction regarding using 
extensible file formats such as .osgx. Can someone please help? I have looked 
around on the OSG website for any documentation but so far the fruits of my 
labor have been rather... fruitless. If there is a tutorial website or some 
documentation, that would be a really great help to my project.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Custom Vertex Shader with Parallel Split Shadow Maps

2012-02-01 Thread Nick Jones

  I am trying to integrate the Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) algorithm into 
my current project. I've noticed that the algorithm utilizes the fixed pipeline 
as it only incorporates a fragment shader. 

  However, my project requires me to write a custom Vertex shader as well. When 
I do that, it seems that the values in the gl_TexCoord of the fragment shader 
may be incorrect. If this is the case, it seems as if I am sampling the shadow 
map incorrectly as well.

  I came to this conclusion because while I do see shadows, they are 
incorrectly placed and change drastically when my camera pans around the scene.

  Does anyone know how to recreate the proper gl_TexCoord values in a custom 
vertex shader? If I could recreate them properly, then the fragment shader 
should work as well.

Thank you for your help!


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