Re: [osg-users] Turning off main osgViewer camera

2009-08-12 Thread jake chambers

Thanks for the replies. 

Brian: when I set the nodemask on the main camera to zero it no longer renders, 
which is good, but the FBO no longer gets rendered (I get a totally black image 
in the associated osg::Image). 

JP: If I just insert my FBO into the scene (as POST_RENDER) two things happen 
when I render a frame: I get the correct image in my FBO, but the main camera 
also renders. I want to be able to choose if the the main camera should render 
or not when the FBO is in use.

I looked at osgautocapture, but it doesn't do what I need to do because the 
main camera always renders (and has to as the saved image comes from a 
DrawCallback on the main camera).

I've also tried simply putting my fbo directly into the viewer with:


But when I do this not only do I not get an image in my FBO, but the viewer 
(with the normal camera) no longer renders afterwards.

I suspect a workable solution would be to create a duplicate Viewer, setup with 
only an FBO as the main camera, and which shares the scene  (and database 
pager, etc) with the first Viewer. Then when I need to save screenshot(s) I can 
just explicitly render with the second Viewer. But surely such a drastic 
solution shouldn't be necessary?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Turning off main osgViewer camera

2009-08-11 Thread jake chambers

I have an application where I setup a "normal" osgViewer view with 
setUpViewOnSingleScreen(). This works fine.

I also create an FBO camera to which I add my scene. When I want to take a 
screenshot of the application I call osgviewer->setSceneData(myFBOCamera) and 
render via osgviewer->eventTraversal() / updateTraversal() / 
renderingTraversals(). After I get the screenshot I restore my normal scene 
with osgviewer->setSceneData(mySceneData). This also works fine for taking 

What I want to do now is to turn off the "main" camera whilst I render the FBO 
(ie if I create a lot of screenshots for a movie I don't want to render to the 
screen). How can I turn off the main camera and render only to the FBO? 

I've tried calling osgviewer->setCamera(NULL) without sucess. Indeed when I 
meddle with the main camera I dont get a valid image from my FBO. I think this 
makes sense as the FBO is under the main camera(?). 

I also tried calling osgviewer->setCamera(myFBO) but no luck that way either. I 
also can't restore the original camera to the osgviewer.

Perhaps I am solving the problem the wrong way - is there a better method? 
Perhaps having two seperate osgViewer objects? But then I think I have only one 
conceptual "View" (my FBO always shows the same view as the main camera, it's 
only a question of if the main camera should render an image or not), so having 
one Viewer, one View and two Cameras feels correct - it's just that it doesn't 
work :-)

Thank you!


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