Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-25 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Rambabu,

If you want to ask a question about a new topic start a new thread,
don't keep asking unrelated questions on existing threads.

Also actually try doing some research on your own account, there are
plenty of examples, books, doxygen docs, the answers to your questions
are all there, you just need to put the time into exploring things.


On 25 November 2016 at 11:25, Rambabu Repaka  wrote:
> Hi,In main function camera coordinates are 
> osg::Vec3initialCameraPosition(0.0, 0.0, 20.0);
> How i can change the camera view continuously along with the model movement.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Rambabu
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-25 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,In main function camera coordinates are osg::Vec3initialCameraPosition(0.0, 
0.0, 20.0);
How i can change the camera view continuously along with the model movement.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-24 Thread Sebastian Messerschmidt


Again, this is not an OSG-related question. You should really train your 
C++ skills before moving on to advanced topics.

Hi,What is the equivalent function for std::max in osg 3.4.0
   deltaMax  = std::max(deltaMax, delta);
  showing error not a member of std.

Without context (compiler, code, version ) it is impossible to help you.
std::max is defined in , so chances a missing include cuases 
the error are high. You could have gotten this information by using a 
search machine of your choice btw.

This hive-mind is supposed to help with more OSG-related stuff... so 
please try harder to solve the C++/programming problems before asking 
them here.



Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-24 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,What is the equivalent function for std::max in osg 3.4.0
   deltaMax  = std::max(deltaMax, delta);
  showing error not a member of std.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-24 Thread Robert Osfield
On 24 November 2016 at 10:35, Rambabu Repaka  wrote:
> Hi,
> dynamic_cast (*_oceanSurface->getCullCallback()) 
> (_oceanSurface.get(), );
> still showing error .How can i do ?

This isn't an OSG or osgEarth question.

You need to learn C++ or put in a bit more effort before firing off
trivial questions to the community.

You need to fix this problem yourself, you have to keep developing
your skills as a programmer.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-24 Thread Rambabu Repaka

dynamic_cast (*_oceanSurface->getCullCallback()) 
(_oceanSurface.get(), );

still showing error .How can i do ?


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-24 Thread Robert Osfield
On 24 November 2016 at 09:25, Rambabu Repaka  wrote:
> Hi,In osg 3.2.3 
> (*_oceanSurface->getCullCallback())(_oceanSurface.get(), ); is working but 
> in osg 3.4.0 error is showing
> Error   2   error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 2 
> argumentsD:\osgocean-master1\osgocean-master\src\osgOcean\OceanScene.cpp 
> 884 1   osgOcean
> How can i solve this ?
> in osg 3.2.3 getcullcallback() is in nodecallback
> in osg 3.4.0 getcullcallback() is in callback

You will need to adjust the problem code to use a dynamic_cast<> to
osg::NodeCallback, or change the problem code to call the
osg::Callback::run(..) method.  The parameter mean and order is
identical between the two types of callback.  The osg::Callback is
more flexible, which is it's reason for use in OSG-3.4 and beyond.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-24 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,In osg 3.2.3 
(*_oceanSurface->getCullCallback())(_oceanSurface.get(), ); is working but 
in osg 3.4.0 error is showing 

Error   2   error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 2 
884 1   osgOcean

How can i solve this ?

in osg 3.2.3 getcullcallback() is in nodecallback 
in osg 3.4.0 getcullcallback() is in callback


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-23 Thread Robert Osfield
On 23 November 2016 at 13:15, Rambabu Repaka  wrote:
> Hi,i am not getting silverling sky in osgearth,can anyone explain with 
> examples

SilveLiining is proprietary SDK:
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-23 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,i am not getting silverling sky in osgearth,can anyone explain with examples


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-23 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,separate osg sky source code is available or we have to extract from 
osgearth ?


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-22 Thread Robert Osfield
On 22 November 2016 at 04:16, Rambabu Repaka  wrote:
> Hi,Can anyone provide the link for download of jpeg and png plugins for osg 
> 3.5.1 version.

Please spend more effort on crafting your posts so that has the
information that relevant to your question.

Your posts makes the assumption everyone else KNOWS what platform you
are working on.

Your posts makes the assumption everyone else KNOWS what build tools
and options you are using for your current version of the OSG that you
are using.

Thing is, NOBODY except YOU knows this information.

It really doesn't take much time to actually think about what might be
relevant to others when asking questions, it's just requires basic
programmer knowledge and a bit of consideration towards others.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-21 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,Can anyone provide the link for download of jpeg and png plugins for osg 
3.5.1 version.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-18 Thread Robert Osfield
On 18 November 2016 at 11:50, Rambabu Repaka  wrote:
> Hi,How to convert the .osg files like cessna.osg to .flt files.

To just convert files via the osgconv utility:

   osgconv cessna,osg cessna.flt

This only works for plugins that support writing of nodes, most 3d
plugins don't support writing, but in the case of OpenFlight you are
lucky it does.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2016-11-18 Thread Rambabu Repaka
Hi,How to convert the .osg files like cessna.osg to .flt files.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-07 Thread Luca Colombari
Hi Paul,
 sorry last question about your courteous answer.
Continuing with the analysis and study of the OSG code now it's clearer to me 
what you meant about feauters that are recognized in FLT plugin.
Now I've understood that FLT plugin is only mapped with OSG objects so
an OSG file written with features like:
- osg::Group
- osg::Geode
- osg::StateSet
- osg::Texture2D
- osg::Geometry
- ... and so on
can be correctly translated into OpenFlight format by FLT Plugin.
Features like:
- osgVolume::Volume
- osgVolume::Image Layer
are not recognized. 
So one way could be to try mapping osgVolume object to FLT records by knowing 
the OpenFlight format and how write their information into the .flt file.


The osg file I posted to you have been instead generated with osgVolume objects 
by using the osgVolume plugin and example code: in fact OpenScenGraph gives the 
possibility to generate a volume of images directly by using osgVolume 
executable application.

If my intention is to generate a VOLUME of dicom images seen as overlapping 
dicom images I'm wondering  if it is possible to obtain with OpenSceneGraph an 
osg file that uses only osg features (for example osg::Group instead of 
osgVolume::Volume and so on).
So another way for me could be re-write or generate a new osg file written only 
with osg features and not with osgVolume features not recognized by FLT plugin. 
I'd like to know if possible your last opinion about the possibility to create 
a volume of images without using osgVolume application (objects) but only osg 

Thank you very much

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-07 Thread Paul Martz

Luca Colombari wrote:

Hi Paul,
Features like:
- osgVolume::Volume
- osgVolume::Image Layer
are not recognized. 

Right, currently not recognized or used by the FLT plugin.

So one way could be to try mapping osgVolume object to FLT records by knowing 
the OpenFlight format and how write their information into the .flt file.

Right. You would need to figure out how to support these OSG features when 
creating the FLT file, using OpenFlight's (relatively speaking) limited features.

By the way: I've never seen a FLT file used to store volumetric data. But, if I 
recall correctly, FLT does support 3D textures.

If my intention is to generate a VOLUME of dicom images seen as overlapping 
dicom images I'm wondering  if it is possible to obtain with OpenSceneGraph an 
osg file that uses only osg features (for example osg::Group instead of 
osgVolume::Volume and so on).

That's an interesting approach. You wouldn't need to modify the FLT plugin if 
you could do that.

I'm sure the osgVolume nodekit has many useful features, but honestly I don't 
think it's required to create an OSG scene graph to render volumetric data. In 
fact, I remember seeing an OSG app running at SIGGRAPH 2004 that was displaying 
volumetric data. This was long before the osgVolume nodekit existed. So, 
certainly this is possible.

I'm not sure exactly what your scene graph needs to display. But the general 
approach for rendering volumetric data is to use a 3D texture with several 
screen-oriented triangle pairs. You'd orient those to the screen with a shader. 
This can all be done with core OSG and no need for the custom node types present 
in the osgVolume nodekit. It should export to FLT.

  -Paul Martz  Skew Matrix Software
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-06 Thread Luca Colombari
Hi Paul,
 Posted the osg file generated with command:
osgvolume --images *.dcm -o OSG_output1.osg
By opening it with a text editor you are able to see the entire structure 
sholud be converted in another format together with the reference to the DDS 
texture file autogenerated with osg file.

Posted also the converted FLT file from OSG file with command osgconv 
OSG_output1.osg FLT_ConvertedOutput1.flt without any option. 
By opening it with text editor what I can see is quite incomprensible but it is 
clear that any features have been exported (apart the definition of a volume 
Now I'm moving to try getting a full description of an OpenFlight format to 
understand better how records could be witten into a flt file.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-06 Thread Paul Martz

Luca Colombari wrote:

The FLT plugin doesn't have a dependency on the osgVolume nodekit. You'll have 
to figure out how to map osgVolume objects to FLT records. Good luck with that.

  -Paul Martz  Skew Matrix Software
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-05 Thread Luca Colombari
Hi Paul,
I have followed your suggestions: 
- by using command osgvolume it is possible to obtain OSG output file  (with 
related DDS texture file) or to obtain an IVE file: these are correctly 
visualized with command osgviewer;
- the FLT file generated by using command osgconv to convert from OSG or IVE 
format to FLT (OpenFlight) format is basically empty without substantial 
information related to volumes, imagelayers , references to external textures 
file and so on. 
So you are right because if I re-convert the FLT file to a second OSG or IVE 
output file than these are not more correctly visualized: by editing all these 
files with a Text Editor I can compare first correct OSG output file with 
second OSG output file with lost information.

So I supposed that the FLT_WRITER code of flt_plugin could be rewritten by me 
to allow a correct conversion from OSG or IVE to FLT format.

I'm taking it useful to use this forum to know if someone have encountered the 
same conversion problems from a specific format to FLT format: so I can 
understand if I'm missing something about correct use of OpenSceneGraph 
commands (or implemented code) or if it is actually necessary to implement 
their own additional code for FLT_Plugin made available in the OpenSceneGraph 
2.9.6 version.

Thanks again for your attention and for your eventual new answer based on your 
knowledge in this context.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-05 Thread Paul Martz

Luca Colombari wrote:

So I supposed that the FLT_WRITER code of flt_plugin could be rewritten by me 
to allow a correct conversion from OSG or IVE to FLT format.

OSG supports many more features than FLT. The FLT importer doesn't exercise all 
OSG features. Similarly, the exporter doesn't (can't) support converting all OSG 
features to FLT.

The FLT exporter was designed primarily to support exporting the same subset of 
OSG features used by the FLT importer. Thus you should be able to load a FLT 
file into OSG, then export it back to FLT, and get something close to the 
original FLT file. It was not a goal of the exporter (nor is it possible) to 
support exporting arbitrary OSG scene graphs.

Please post here with a list of the OSG features in your scene graph that are 
not being exported to FLT, and what OpenFlight record types you plan to use to 
support these features in the exporter.

  -Paul Martz  Skew Matrix Software
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-05 Thread Trajce (Nick) Nikolov
Can you also post the FLT file ?

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Paul Martz wrote:

 Luca Colombari wrote:

 So I supposed that the FLT_WRITER code of flt_plugin could be rewritten by
 me to allow a correct conversion from OSG or IVE to FLT format.

 OSG supports many more features than FLT. The FLT importer doesn't exercise
 all OSG features. Similarly, the exporter doesn't (can't) support converting
 all OSG features to FLT.

 The FLT exporter was designed primarily to support exporting the same
 subset of OSG features used by the FLT importer. Thus you should be able to
 load a FLT file into OSG, then export it back to FLT, and get something
 close to the original FLT file. It was not a goal of the exporter (nor is it
 possible) to support exporting arbitrary OSG scene graphs.

 Please post here with a list of the OSG features in your scene graph that
 are not being exported to FLT, and what OpenFlight record types you plan to
 use to support these features in the exporter.

  -Paul Martz  Skew Matrix Software
 osg-users mailing list

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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-04 Thread Luca Colombari

  I'm new with OpeneSceneGraph 2.9.6: i'm analysing plugin code to understand 
if there is the possibility to generate an OpenFlight (.FLT) file together 
with textures by starting directly from a list of DICOM files or by starting 
from the .OSG and .DDS files generated with the command:
 osgvolume  --images  *.dcm  -o  OutputFile.osg .
At the moment the .flt file obtained by the command
 osgconv  Output.osg  Output.flt  contains only the volume and not textures 
I need some suggestion to understand how generate also textures/image 
information to be able to visualize DICOM files from a generated OpenFlight 
Thanks in advance


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-04 Thread Paul Martz

Luca Colombari wrote:


  I'm new with OpeneSceneGraph 2.9.6: i'm analysing plugin code to understand if there is 
the possibility to generate an OpenFlight (.FLT) file together with textures 
by starting directly from a list of DICOM files or by starting from the .OSG and .DDS 
files generated with the command:
 osgvolume  --images  *.dcm  -o  OutputFile.osg .
At the moment the .flt file obtained by the command
 osgconv  Output.osg  Output.flt  contains only the volume and not textures 
I need some suggestion to understand how generate also textures/image 
information to be able to visualize DICOM files from a generated OpenFlight 
Thanks in advance

Are you saying that the .flt file doesn't store the textures, instead they exist 
as separate files? If so, that's correct: OpenFlight doesn't support storing 
texture image date within the .flt file.

  -Paul Martz  Skew Matrix Software
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Exporting OpenFlight from OSG and DDS textures

2010-05-04 Thread Paul Martz

Luca Colombari wrote:
 Thanks for the answer...

Ok, Currently I don't know very much the logic about OpenSceneGraph and I'm 
studing it by going into the code. So now my problem is to understand how can I 
generate an OpenFlight file by handling also all the related images. I need to 
convert DICOM files into OpenFlight model to use another tool that manages .FLT 
With OpenFlight Plugin code it is possible to convert (command 'osgconv') 
directly DICOM files /or intermediate generated .osg file (with external 
automatic generated DDS texture file) into a new .FLT file where is loaded the 
volume (nodes): now if I use the command osgviewer to visualize .flt file I am 
not able to see nothing, only an empty volume, because no textures are 
I have downloaded an example of .flt file together with .rgb and rgb.attr files 
and in this case I am able to visualize it with osgviewer.
So by using RGB plugin I have generate .rgb files from images read from DICOM 
files could I link the converted OpenFlight file with the external 
RGB textures? Sorry but I'm confused and I'm trying to understand how implement 
code with the use of OpenFlight plugin to generate an FLT file with handled 
textures and visualize a 3D image with osgviewer or other tools that support 
OpenFlight format.

Well, there's quite a few things that could be going wrong here. If you can view 
the DICOM file with DDS textures, then it sounds like your DDS plugin works. So 
I guess the question is: Why is it that when you view a FLT file, the DDS 
textures don't show up? First thing to check would be: Is it loading the DDS 
files? To find out, set OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG and then run osgviewer on your 
FLT file. Look through the output to see if it is finding and loading your DDS 
files correctly.

If it is loading them correctly, then next thing is to compare your first OSG 
file with your second OSG file to see what's wrong. For example, in your first 
post, you said you used osgvolume to create an OSG file called output.osg. Then 
you convert it to FLT and can't view it. So the question is why? The way to find 
out: convert that FLT file back to OSG, call it output2.osg. Then open both 
OSG files in a text editor and compare them side by side and look for 
differences to explain why the first file works and the second doesn't.

It could be the case that your first OSG file, output.osg, uses features of OSG 
that aren't supported in FLT. I don't have enough information to say for sure. 
You just need to investigate and debug.

  -Paul Martz  Skew Matrix Software
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