57 days - So says the Siggraph website


60 days - says the advanced program for BOF's. Good inexpensive hotels are
still available.


Option 1 for release of osgDisneyland

1)      Print the tee shirt

2)      Announce osgDisneyland

3)      Deliver in 2014

Note: This is similar to the Jello Equation paper accepted at a previous
SIGGRAPH and actually published in the paper proceedings.




Option 2 for release of osgDisneyland

1)      Create Graphics for ride

2)      Make it spin or whatever

3)      Show it off at the BOF

Note: Feel free to include a mesh of your face on the front of the ride. J



1)      Just have oodles [American slang for many] of OSG researchers give
really amazingly fantastic cool lectures on how absolutely totally massively
useful OSG is at the BOF

2)      Three 20 minute slots or four 15 minute slots or five 12 minute
slots or combinations of the preceding


Historical Note: PLAN B usually materializes 10 to 20 days before SIGGRAPH
when people finally get their travel plans solidified. However,
osgDisneyland would require upfront planning. I can coordinate the logistics
but people might want to chime in early on off  list to me.


John F. Richardson

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