I'm a new OpenSceneGraph user and am looking for some advice to get me
started on an analysis I'm doing.  The problem is to try and find
"safe" paths through an urban environment - a path is considered more
"safe" if the points along the path are not visible from windows on
the buildings in the environment.  I have some 3D models of buildings
and I want to generate points (to simulate windows) on the walls of
the buildings and lay down other points on the ground (to simulate
potential traveling positions).  I would then use the
LineSegmentIntersector utility to see, for each point on the ground,
how many "windows" have unobstructed views of that point.  The
OpenSceneGraph library seems to have the ability to this kind of
analysis.  I've read through the excellent "Quick Start Guide" and
looked at many examples but am wondering if anyone has advice on how
they would approach this.  The approach I was considering was:

1) Examine the geometry of the model: identify the "walls" of
buildings by looking at the values of the Normals,
2) Create new geometry in the model to represent "windows" by randomly
placing them on the walls of the buildings
3) The "travel positions" are provided to me so I have to just create
geometry to represent them
4) For each travel position, find the distance to all the windows,
discarding any that are further than a certain distance or are
obstructed by other buildings.

Does this approach sound reasonable?  Are there utilities that are
available that might help me in identifying and placing the "window"
geometry on the buildings?  Can you suggest any of the example code I
should look at that might help me along?

Any advice is appreciated!  Thanks, John
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