/humility off

Just wanted to share some screenshots with you guys:


The arabic.png screenshot is from a request earlier.

The markup PNG's demonstrate a feature I just added moments ago that
allow you change font weight, style, and family __MIDWAY__ through a
layout! Notice how everything is still styled properly and looks crisp,
even though we're using different glyph texture caches--bold, italic,
and different fonts at different sizes.

Sure, we have to change state every time you change font decor, but
there's no other choice. All that remains now is support for underline,
strike-through, and font color changes (a bit harder to optimize since I
push a stack of TexEnvCombine() objects around) and we'll seriously be
rocking. Well, and I gotta' figure out why the quality sucks on Windows,
but I'm very close to knocking that out! 

(osgPango absolutely works on Windows, I got it up and running last
night. However, Pango can use either Freetype or ClearType to render,
and by default it uses ClearType and looks pretty crappy. I just found
out how to make Pango use the Freetype backend instead, so I'm anxious
to get home and try that out instead, since it's Freetype on Linux that
make all those screenshots look so good. :))

I'm very happy right now; I seriously have the skillz. :)

/humility on

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