Re: [osg-users] Best Practices and Switches

2019-05-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi David,

On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 20:52, David Heitbrink  wrote:
> In general my CPU load is pretty good, what I am really concerned about is 
> reducing the number of OpenGL calls/driver overhead. If I have 200 signs all 
> under there own switch, each sign is only 4-64 triangles each, and all the 
> signs share the same texture mosaic.  Having 200 unique drawls can get 
> expensive, especially for such a low poly objects. Ideally the 200 street 
> signs would get combined in the same draw object. My assumption was this 
> cannot happen with each sign being under its own switch.

Yes, you can't combine geometries and have primitives within them
controlled by a switch node.

> My second question is 2 part, if I remove the switches, would I want to then 
> export the result to a file and reload the file run, then run the optimizer. 
> Or would the performance of the optimizer be all the same if I ran it on a 
> graph that I had just programmatically removed the switches from. I am 
> basically concerned with running into "nodeWeCannotRemove".
> Also, the second part is..what criteria does the MERGE_GEOMETRY option 
> use to merge geometry.

It's long enough ago that I worked on this area that I can't recall
off the top of my head.  The only way for me to answer definitively it
would be to review the code, which you can also do :-)

As a general note, the osgUtil::Optimizer classes attempt to fix
issues that commonly appear in loaded scenes, it's not perfect, or
even the best optimization that you can do, it's an imperfect scheme
for fixing even less perfect databases.  Think of the Optimizer as
trying to catch and tame a horse that has already bolted from the

It's far better to build efficient scene graphs from the start and not
use the Optimzer at all.   For your particular usage case it may be
best to write your own classes to analyze the scene graph and decide
what to do about them.  It might even be that you'd want to write a
custom osg::Drawable, or subclass from osg::Geometry to implement a
scheme where all the signs are in a single custom Drawable/Geometry
object which has a renders each sign as a separate PrimitiveSet (which
represents a quad) then in the drawImplementation() you step through
the PrimitiveSet deciding which ones to dispatch to OpenGL or not.
Such as scheme would be lighter weight than having lots of switches
and separate geometries.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Best Practices and Switches

2019-04-30 Thread David Heitbrink
Thank you for your reply.

In general my CPU load is pretty good, what I am really concerned about is 
reducing the number of OpenGL calls/driver overhead. If I have 200 signs all 
under there own switch, each sign is only 4-64 triangles each, and all the 
signs share the same texture mosaic.  Having 200 unique drawls can get 
expensive, especially for such a low poly objects. Ideally the 200 street signs 
would get combined in the same draw object. My assumption was this cannot 
happen with each sign being under its own switch.

My second question is 2 part, if I remove the switches, would I want to then 
export the result to a file and reload the file run, then run the optimizer. Or 
would the performance of the optimizer be all the same if I ran it on a graph 
that I had just programmatically removed the switches from. I am basically 
concerned with running into "nodeWeCannotRemove".  

Also, the second part is..what criteria does the MERGE_GEOMETRY option use 
to merge geometry. 

For example lets say I wanted to go a step further, and remove the textures 
from the state sets, and add an attribute for a texture index for each vertex. 
Then I could say use a texture array or bindless texture in the shader to 
reference the texture to use. We should be able to start combining nodes with 
dissimilar textures.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Best Practices and Switches

2019-04-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi David,

On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 17:38, David Heitbrink  wrote:
> I have some scenes with tons of osgSim::MultiSwitch's, I think for some of my 
> scenes it can be in the low 1000s. For a scene these are typically setup 
> once, and then rarely changed. From what I understand a lot of the optimize 
> operations do not work across switches, which makes sense, I would think it 
> would be hard to merge geometry with something that can change.
> Since these switches rarely change, I was thinking about loading my switch 
> options from a file, then just removing the switches, and attaching the 
> selected child of the multi-switch to its parent. In general is this a solid 
> approach, or is just setting "DataVariance" to static for the switch good 
> enough?
> Typically the object size under these switches are pretty small. Often times 
> they are just 4 triangles.

Having 1000's of Switch nodes can create a CPU load that ideally is
only somethng you'd want to pay for if you are actively using them as
Switches.  If the Switches just get to one state and for the rest of
the applications life remain the same then just replacing them with
the subgraph that is enabled should provide a performance gain.

Another alternative would be to use the osg::Node::setNodeMask(uint
mask) instead of a Switch.  It doesn't have exactly the same
functionality as the switch but can be close enough for many tasks and
as all nodes have a NodeMask and they are always checked during
traversal you don't pay any extra cost in using the NodeMask as a

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Best Practices and Switches

2019-04-30 Thread David Heitbrink
I have some scenes with tons of osgSim::MultiSwitch's, I think for some of my 
scenes it can be in the low 1000s. For a scene these are typically setup once, 
and then rarely changed. From what I understand a lot of the optimize 
operations do not work across switches, which makes sense, I would think it 
would be hard to merge geometry with something that can change.

Since these switches rarely change, I was thinking about loading my switch 
options from a file, then just removing the switches, and attaching the 
selected child of the multi-switch to its parent. In general is this a solid 
approach, or is just setting "DataVariance" to static for the switch good 

Typically the object size under these switches are pretty small. Often times 
they are just 4 triangles.

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