
I have a 3rd party opengl library that i've wrapped in a 
"osg::Drawable::DrawCallback". In the "drawImplementation" of this callback i 
call the 3rd party renderer that draw something.
This library has a callback to integrate some text rendering. Now, i will use 
OSG to render this Text (with osg::Text). But i don't have any OSG render 
context available in this callback. One idea is adding this text drawing in a 
geode node and add this geode somewhere in the scenegraph. But i need this text 
in the current frame. So my second idea is:

1) getting the current states of OSG-drawing
2) creating a temporary scene-graph with transformnode, geode and a osg::Text 
3) render this sub scenegraph with OSG in this 3rd Party OpenGL Library - 
callback with the *current* state of the main scenegraph.

Is this possible ? 

What is the correct way to do this ?

Thank you!


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