Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Viggo,

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way to know whether or not the scene-graph has been modified?

The OSG has very localised mechanisms for tracking dirty state, such
as in osg::Image and osg::Array, but there isn't a general mechanism,
such a mechanism would be pretty expensive to implement both in terms
of code complexity and CPU cost per frame so it's not something that
has been implemented.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-23 Thread Viggo Løvli

Hi Peter,
What you say is true in most cases. The 'simplest' way to do this would be to 
tell my system that the node-tree need re-formatting each time we call OSG to 
add children. That would require two calls each time, and also requre humans to 
remember to implement both calls. This opens for human errors, which at least I 
dont want (I am lazy).
I want to make my module (the one that need to format the node-masks) 
independent of the rest of the system, and to ensure that the rest of the 
system will not need to know about my module.
I also want to be able to add 3rd party libraries to my application without 
re-writing them to do special calls to my module when they add nodes to the 
So, the conclusion I have is that I need to automatically know when I need to 
format the node-masks.
The osg::Group has a callback function named osg::Group::childInserted.
I can make my root-node into a sub-class og osg::Group where I implement the 
childInserted function. This way I will get a callback each time someone add 
nodes to my root-node. If a module create it's own osg::Group and add children 
to it dymically then I would not know anything about that.
I also saw Roberts reply and I agree that a dirty system on the node-tree would 
be very expensive. I knew that my question was a longshot.
I am now thinking about other solutions to achieve my goal. The goal is to 
render the world with 3 slave cameras. One shall render all render-bins up to 
bin 9. One shall render bin 10. And the 3rd shall render bin 10 and up. So bin 
10 is rendered twice. This is to fix some glitches on transparent polygons that 
intersect each other while needing to write to the depth-buffer.
Ok, so another solution would be to force a camera to only render a certain 
number of bins.
I have not seen any place in the code around camera or cull-settings that you 
can specify a camera to stay within a limited range of render-bins, so I guess 
this won't be as easy either?
Do you have any suggestions on how to be able to render one bin twice in the 
same frame. The first and second render of the bin shall have a few 
render-states set differently.

Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 07:58:37 +0200From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 

Hi Viggo,
Don't know the details of your code, but if you are adding a sub-node then you 
have code already that is called for adding the sub-node and
thereby you know when the scene-graph has been modified?
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, My code is currently formatting the node-masks of the whole scene-graph 
before we start rendering. The formatting code is only ran once.If a sub-node 
is added to the node-tree afterwards then I want to run my formatting code 
again. Is there any way to know whether or not the scene-graph has been 
modified? Regards,Viggo

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Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-23 Thread Peter Wraae Marino
Hi Viggo,

This is only a suggestion (you may have other reasons). To avoid the human
error as you called it, meaning that if someone forgets to call the reformat
then you should have a method that 3rd party code/humans must use when
adding to your scene, for example

void CMySceneManagerThingy::AddToScene( osg::Node* pNode )
// add to wherever you want the pNode to be added in the scene
code here

// reformat your scene as you want
code here

on the other subject about rendering multitimes the same object.. you should
just create a new group and add your objects to that group
and the group to the scene (do this as many times as you want)..
don't know why you should be messing around with the renderbins? unless you
are trying somekind of render pass?


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Peter,

 What you say is true in most cases. The 'simplest' way to do this would be
 to tell my system that the node-tree need re-formatting each time we call
 OSG to add children. That would require two calls each time, and also requre
 humans to remember to implement both calls. This opens for human errors,
 which at least I dont want (I am lazy).
 I want to make my module (the one that need to format the node-masks)
 independent of the rest of the system, and to ensure that the rest of the
 system will not need to know about my module.
 I also want to be able to add 3rd party libraries to my application without
 re-writing them to do special calls to my module when they add nodes to the

 So, the conclusion I have is that I need to automatically know when I need
 to format the node-masks.

 The osg::Group has a callback function named osg::Group::childInserted.
 I can make my root-node into a sub-class og osg::Group where I implement
 the childInserted function. This way I will get a callback each time someone
 add nodes to my root-node. If a module create it's own osg::Group and add
 children to it dymically then I would not know anything about that.

 I also saw Roberts reply and I agree that a dirty system on the node-tree
 would be very expensive. I knew that my question was a longshot.

 I am now thinking about other solutions to achieve my goal. The goal is to
 render the world with 3 slave cameras. One shall render all render-bins up
 to bin 9. One shall render bin 10. And the 3rd shall render bin 10 and up.
 So bin 10 is rendered twice. This is to fix some glitches on transparent
 polygons that intersect each other while needing to write to the

 Ok, so another solution would be to force a camera to only render a certain
 number of bins.
 I have not seen any place in the code around camera or cull-settings that
 you can specify a camera to stay within a limited range of render-bins, so I
 guess this won't be as easy either?

 Do you have any suggestions on how to be able to render one bin twice in
 the same frame. The first and second render of the bin shall have a few
 render-states set differently.



 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 07:58:37 +0200
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is

  Hi Viggo,

 Don't know the details of your code, but if you are adding a sub-node then
 you have code already that is called for adding the sub-node and
 thereby you know when the scene-graph has been modified?


 On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My code is currently formatting the node-masks of the whole scene-graph
 before we start rendering. The formatting code is only ran once.
 If a sub-node is added to the node-tree afterwards then I want to run my
 formatting code again.

 Is there any way to know whether or not the scene-graph has been modified?


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Peter Wraae Marino - OpenSceneGraph support site
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-23 Thread Viggo Løvli

Hi Peter,
This is the problem I am trying to solve:
Two partly transparent polygons intersect each other. Example: A tree created 
from two quads. The tree has many pixels that is completely opaque, and many 
pixels that is semi visible (transparent) and of course many invisible pixels.
If you render them without writing to the depth buffer:
- One will partly owerwrite the other.
If you render them with writing to the depth buffer:
- One will partly block the other.
Render them twice.
First render without writing to the depth buffer.
Second render with writing to the depth buffer.
When you have multiple trees then trees that are close to each other will some 
times overwrite or block each others, so I need to solve this too. It can be 
solved by rendering all trees in one pass, then all trees again in a second 
pass. Rendering each tree independently in two passes will only solve the 
problem for that tree while it can still block or overwrite other trees. So I 
must render all trees without writing to depth buffer and then all trees again 
with writing to depth buffer.
This solution works greatly.
The following is a new problem occurring when I am trying to render parts of 
the scene-grapth two times:

I need to reduce the number of polygons I render twice.
So, all completely opaque polygons need to be rendered only once.
All transparent polygons must be rendered twice.
The node tree is quite complex. It contains many different nodes which are 
turned on and off at runtime.
I need to detect who got transparent polygons. This problem is solved by a node 
visitor that checks the node's stateset and sees if it contains the BLEND state 
turned on.
I can also say that render bin 10 is the only bin that contain transparent 
If I want to go for the group node solution then I need a group that point only 
to transparent objects, and another group that point to the same objects. I 
then need to render both in one go. Sounds doable, but would be quite messy 
when you shall fo example add LOD nodes that contains both transparent and 
opaque objects. I would need to split them apart runtime and actually rewrite 
the whole tree. I do not think that is doable.
My solution was to mask the nodes so that I could use the cullMask on the 
camera to decide wether I want to render opaque objects or transparent objects. 
So I can have 3 cameras.
First one render opaque.
2nd renders transparent without depth write.
3rd renders transparent again with depth write.
The solution works like a dream this far.
So what is the real problem?
If someone add anything to the node tree, then I need to pre-process the nodes 
and set nodeMasks on them.
I can as you suggest write an interface function that all of our code must use 
to add nodes to the tree. It would work nicely.
Any future code will then be dependent on my library. Not a high price to pay.
Any future 3rd party products we use will also have to use my add function. 
This may cost more. If the products create a sub-tree which it give back to me  
then I can add it through the function. If the product later on through OSG 
callbacks decide to add more nodes then I have a huge problem. They would not 
use my function and would proably have 0x as node mask which means they 
would be rendered one time per camera I use.
So... I am struggeling to avoid this function. If I can somehow know that 
something is added to the tree, then I can simply re-format the tree. Any 
future products will therefore work automatically and no human errors can break 
the system.
Sorry for writing such a large mail, but its hard to explain with letters :-) I 
hope it clearifies my problem.

Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:10:45 +0200From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 

Hi Viggo,
This is only a suggestion (you may have other reasons). To avoid the human 
error as you called it, meaning that if someone forgets to call the reformat 
then you should have a method that 3rd party code/humans must use when adding 
to your scene, for example
void CMySceneManagerThingy::AddToScene( osg::Node* pNode )
// add to wherever you want the pNode to be added in the scene
code here
// reformat your scene as you want
code here
}on the other subject about rendering multitimes the same object.. you should 
just create a new group and add your objects to that group
and the group to the scene (do this as many times as you want).. 
don't know why you should be messing around with the renderbins? unless you are 
trying somekind of render pass?
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Peter, What you say is true in most 

Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-23 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Viggo,

I think you are on totally wrong take w.r.t trying to track changes in
the scene graph, for what is effectively just a custom transparent
renderbin setup, and has little to do with the scene itself.

The way you should tackle it is to customize the rendering backend so
that the bins you require are built for you.  One one for instance
would be to post process the RenderStage and its contents after the
CullVisitor has filled it in.


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Peter,

 This is the problem I am trying to solve:
 Two partly transparent polygons intersect each other. Example: A tree
 created from two quads. The tree has many pixels that is completely opaque,
 and many pixels that is semi visible (transparent) and of course many
 invisible pixels.

 If you render them without writing to the depth buffer:
 - One will partly owerwrite the other.

 If you render them with writing to the depth buffer:
 - One will partly block the other.

 Render them twice.
 First render without writing to the depth buffer.
 Second render with writing to the depth buffer.

 When you have multiple trees then trees that are close to each other will
 some times overwrite or block each others, so I need to solve this too. It
 can be solved by rendering all trees in one pass, then all trees again in a
 second pass. Rendering each tree independently in two passes will only solve
 the problem for that tree while it can still block or overwrite other trees.
 So I must render all trees without writing to depth buffer and then all
 trees again with writing to depth buffer.

 This solution works greatly.

 The following is a new problem occurring when I am trying to render parts of
 the scene-grapth two times:
 I need to reduce the number of polygons I render twice.
 So, all completely opaque polygons need to be rendered only once.
 All transparent polygons must be rendered twice.

 The node tree is quite complex. It contains many different nodes which are
 turned on and off at runtime.

 I need to detect who got transparent polygons. This problem is solved by a
 node visitor that checks the node's stateset and sees if it contains the
 BLEND state turned on.
 I can also say that render bin 10 is the only bin that contain transparent

 If I want to go for the group node solution then I need a group that point
 only to transparent objects, and another group that point to the same
 objects. I then need to render both in one go. Sounds doable, but would be
 quite messy when you shall fo example add LOD nodes that contains both
 transparent and opaque objects. I would need to split them apart runtime and
 actually rewrite the whole tree. I do not think that is doable.

 My solution was to mask the nodes so that I could use the cullMask on the
 camera to decide wether I want to render opaque objects or transparent
 objects. So I can have 3 cameras.
 First one render opaque.
 2nd renders transparent without depth write.
 3rd renders transparent again with depth write.

 The solution works like a dream this far.

 So what is the real problem?
 If someone add anything to the node tree, then I need to pre-process the
 nodes and set nodeMasks on them.

 I can as you suggest write an interface function that all of our code must
 use to add nodes to the tree. It would work nicely.
 Any future code will then be dependent on my library. Not a high price to
 Any future 3rd party products we use will also have to use my add function.
 This may cost more. If the products create a sub-tree which it give back to
 me  then I can add it through the function. If the product later on through
 OSG callbacks decide to add more nodes then I have a huge problem. They
 would not use my function and would proably have 0x as node mask
 which means they would be rendered one time per camera I use.

 So... I am struggeling to avoid this function. If I can somehow know that
 something is added to the tree, then I can simply re-format the tree. Any
 future products will therefore work automatically and no human errors can
 break the system.

 Sorry for writing such a large mail, but its hard to explain with letters
 :-) I hope it clearifies my problem.


 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:10:45 +0200
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is

 Hi Viggo,

 This is only a suggestion (you may have other reasons). To avoid the human
 error as you called it, meaning that if someone forgets to call the reformat
 then you should have a method that 3rd party code/humans must use when
 adding to your scene, for example

 void CMySceneManagerThingy::AddToScene( osg::Node* pNode )

Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-23 Thread Viggo Løvli

Hi Robert,
That sounds interesting. I hope it can solve my problem in a much better way.
I am looking at the camera class and so far assuming that I need to use the 
setPreDrawCallback function. Looks to me like RenderStage calls this after 
culling has been done.
My day is ending now, will look more into this tomorrow.
This is however an area I am not well known in in OSG yet, so if you have more 
information for me then please send a mail :-)
 Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:01:50 +0100 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: [osg-users] Is it possible 
 to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?  Hi Viggo,  I think you are on 
 totally wrong take w.r.t trying to track changes in the scene graph, for 
 what is effectively just a custom transparent renderbin setup, and has 
 little to do with the scene itself.  The way you should tackle it is to 
 customize the rendering backend so that the bins you require are built for 
 you. One one for instance would be to post process the RenderStage and its 
 contents after the CullVisitor has filled it in.  Robert.  On Wed, Jul 
 23, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Peter,  
  This is the problem I am trying to solve:  
 ---  Two partly transparent 
 polygons intersect each other. Example: A tree  created from two quads. The 
 tree has many pixels that is completely opaque,  and many pixels that is 
 semi visible (transparent) and of course many  invisible pixels.   If 
 you render them without writing to the depth buffer:  - One will partly 
 owerwrite the other.   If you render them with writing to the depth 
 buffer:  - One will partly block the other.   Solution:  Render them 
 twice.  First render without writing to the depth buffer.  Second render 
 with writing to the depth buffer.   When you have multiple trees then 
 trees that are close to each other will  some times overwrite or block each 
 others, so I need to solve this too. It  can be solved by rendering all 
 trees in one pass, then all trees again in a  second pass. Rendering each 
 tree independently in two passes will only solve  the problem for that tree 
 while it can still block or overwrite other trees.  So I must render all 
 trees without writing to depth buffer and then all  trees again with 
 writing to depth buffer.   This solution works greatly.The 
 following is a new problem occurring when I am trying to render parts of  
 the scene-grapth two times:  
   I need to reduce the number of polygons I render twice.  So, all 
 completely opaque polygons need to be rendered only once.  All transparent 
 polygons must be rendered twice.   The node tree is quite complex. It 
 contains many different nodes which are  turned on and off at runtime.  
  I need to detect who got transparent polygons. This problem is solved by a 
  node visitor that checks the node's stateset and sees if it contains the  
 BLEND state turned on.  I can also say that render bin 10 is the only bin 
 that contain transparent  objects.   If I want to go for the group node 
 solution then I need a group that point  only to transparent objects, and 
 another group that point to the same  objects. I then need to render both 
 in one go. Sounds doable, but would be  quite messy when you shall fo 
 example add LOD nodes that contains both  transparent and opaque objects. I 
 would need to split them apart runtime and  actually rewrite the whole 
 tree. I do not think that is doable.   My solution was to mask the nodes 
 so that I could use the cullMask on the  camera to decide wether I want to 
 render opaque objects or transparent  objects. So I can have 3 cameras.  
 First one render opaque.  2nd renders transparent without depth write.  
 3rd renders transparent again with depth write.   The solution works like 
 a dream this far.So what is the real problem?  If someone add 
 anything to the node tree, then I need to pre-process the  nodes and set 
 nodeMasks on them.   I can as you suggest write an interface function 
 that all of our code must  use to add nodes to the tree. It would work 
 nicely.  Any future code will then be dependent on my library. Not a high 
 price to  pay.  Any future 3rd party products we use will also have to 
 use my add function.  This may cost more. If the products create a sub-tree 
 which it give back to  me then I can add it through the function. If the 
 product later on through  OSG callbacks decide to add more nodes then I 
 have a huge problem. They  would not use my function and would proably have 
 0x as node mask  which means they would be rendered one time per 
 camera I use.   So... I am struggeling to avoid this function. If I can 
 somehow know that  something is added to the tree, then I can simply 
 re-format the tree. Any  future products 

[osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-22 Thread Viggo Løvli

My code is currently formatting the node-masks of the whole scene-graph before 
we start rendering. The formatting code is only ran once.
If a sub-node is added to the node-tree afterwards then I want to run my 
formatting code again.
Is there any way to know whether or not the scene-graph has been modified?
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to know when the node-graph is 'dirty'?

2008-07-22 Thread Peter Wraae Marino
Hi Viggo,

Don't know the details of your code, but if you are adding a sub-node then
you have code already that is called for adding the sub-node and
thereby you know when the scene-graph has been modified?


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Viggo Løvli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My code is currently formatting the node-masks of the whole scene-graph
 before we start rendering. The formatting code is only ran once.
 If a sub-node is added to the node-tree afterwards then I want to run my
 formatting code again.

 Is there any way to know whether or not the scene-graph has been modified?


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 osg-users mailing list

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