Hi Robert,
I'm making a separate thread out of this and putting it into
osg-users, because it's not a submission and really is a different
issue than what I was working on in my virtual file system thread.
The specific problem I'm talking about here is easy to test:

Make an archive archive.zip
Make it contain model.osg and texture.png
osgviewer archive.zip/model.osg

If model.osg references "texture.png", the texture will be loaded.
If model.osg references "some/crazy/path/to/texture.png", the texture
will not be loaded.

I think it should be loaded in both cases so that the full full
directory structure is not required inside the archive.  Do you agree?
- Terry

> Hi Terry,
> On 11 March 2012 01:58, Terry Welsh <mogu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think your osgDB::Options idea is mostly working for finding
>> references in the same archive as the parent. ?I find that this works
>> when the reference is just a filename, but it fails if the filename
>> comes with a path, such as the absolute path that an exporter might
>> give you. ?This should probably be fixed regardless of whatever else
>> we do on this subject.
>> This could probably be made to work if a call to getSimpleFileName()
>> was inserted somewhere along the way, but I don't see a good place to
>> put it yet. ?Somewhere in Registry::read()? ?Or in the archive plugin?
>> ?Any suggestions on this one?
> I've been working on various other topics over the last month so will
> need to spend some time getting back familiar with it again.  I think
> the best thing to do would be to create a series of test models and
> usages that flesh out what we want to achieve.  The osgarchive example
> could possibly be extended to have a unit test section, and we could
> add some simple archive models to OpenSceneGraph-Data.
> Could you make some suggestions about some simple example data and
> usages that we can put together to test the specific issues you are
> seeing.
> Thanks,
> Robert.
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