
I'm looking into using Multisampled Coverage in FBOs in our application, and 
I've run into an interesting snafu. According to the extension specification  
coverage_samples cannot be larger than color_samples. This is enforced in OSG 
in two places: osgUtil/RenderStage.cpp(352) and osg/FrameBufferObject.cpp(254). 
However, those two places take opposite actions to resolve the issue.

The first one, osgUtil/RenderStage.cpp(352), decreases colorSamples to match 
The second one, osg/FrameBufferObject.cpp(254), increases (coverage)samples to 
match colorSamples.

I haven't looked too hard at the code around this, but shouldn't this check 
only happen in one place (presumably FrameBufferObject.cpp)? RenderStage.cpp 
seems to lead into FrameBufferObject.cpp anyway, so it's doing a redundant 

I'm looking forward to hear your thoughts on this.

Kind regards,

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