Hello Pedro,

> I am making an application and I would like to play MP3 sounds. Do you 
> know how can it be done? Thanks in advance.

Please start a new thread by starting a new message addressed to 
osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org instead of replying to another 
message next time. It makes things easier to follow in the mailing list.

As to your question, OSG does not have anything to do with sound itself. 
There are some nodekits that allow playing positional sounds (osgAL I 
think, for example), but if you just want to play sounds with no other 
requirements, you can use any sound library (OpenAL, fmod, etc.). Look 
up their documentation and choose what is best for your needs.

Hope this helps,


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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