 I have described referenced pointers in depth in my tutorials published on the 
official wiki. Have a look at the dedicated tutorial and let me know if you are 
still stuck!

Peter Hrenka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : Hi Vincent,

Vincent Bourdier schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I'm making some function to modify graph after some operation, and so I 
> need to call some simple actions in functions.
> The problem is about ref_ptr :
> I need to do this :
>     osg::ref_ptr mygroup;
>     [..]
>     mygroup = NULL;
>     [...]
> To do that in a function, I use someting like :
> addonstack(mygroup, NULL); //prototype is : 
> addonstack(osg::ref_ptr caller, osg::Node* arg1);
> which did this :
> osg::ref_ptr nd = dynamic_cast(caller.get());
>         if(nd.get()){
>                 nd =arg1;
> But, the problem is that it doesn't change anything... I need, without 
> making some modifications in the addonstack prototype, a way to put the 
> ref_ptr to NULL .
> Any idea ?
> Thanks.

The addonstack function gets its own copy of the ref_ptr,
so it cannot modify the original ref_ptr.

To change the original ref_ptr you must change the signature to
addonstack(osg::ref_ptr& caller, osg::Node* arg1);

But the code above (with the ref_ptr called "nd") will still not
work, since this is yet another copy of caller. You use the
reference "caller" directly, e.g.
    caller = arg1;

> Regards,
>     Vincent.

Hope this helps


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