Re: [osg-users] adding tool tips to objects in a 3D scene

2012-09-19 Thread Christian Buchner
 I've been asked to add some tool tips to objects in a 3D scene, and I
 wonder if there is anything existing in OSG that would facilitate an

I figured it out myself - and I think I got that done with quite minimal effort.

We're already integrating Qt and OpenSceneGraph by means of a
QGraphicsView which displays a QGraphicsScene. The OSG scene graph is
rendered in the drawBackground() implementation of the QGraphicsScene,
and as an added bonus it is even possible to display floating Qt
windows (encapsulated as QGraphicsItems) on top of the scene.

So here's how I integrated Qt's existing tool tip system with the
scene graph. I am overriding the QGraphicsView's event() handler, so
whenever a tool tip is requested by Qt, I will ask the underlying
QGraphicsScene implementation whether a tool tip is required at the
mouse position and display that. Otherwise I fall back to the default
event handler.

bool MyGraphicsView::event(QEvent* e)
QHelpEvent *he = static_castQHelpEvent*(e);
QMouseEvent *me = static_castQMouseEvent*(e);

if(he  he-type() == QEvent::ToolTip)
QString tip;
bool handle =
(qreal)he-pos().y(), tip);

if (handle)
QToolTip::showText(he-globalPos(), tip);
return true;
else QToolTip::hideText();
else if (me)
return QGraphicsView::event(e);

The QGraphicsScene provides a hint as to whether a tool tip is
supposed to be shown by first checking whether a QGraphicsItem under
the mouse position - if not it means that the mouse is hovering over
content rendered by OSG. So it will shoot an intersector into the
scene graph under the mouse position. Our OpenGLScene implementation
also implements an osg::Viewer instance through multiple inheritance -
so I can just cast our object pointer to osgViewer::View and use the
computeIntersections() member. But for some unknown reason I had to
invert the vertical coordinate.

For now I display the osg geode's name (if defines) as tool tip (if it
is defined). Other uses like context sensitive pop up menus are now
within reach. Cool!

bool MyGraphicsScene::toolTipAt(qreal x, qreal y, QString tmp)
QGraphicsItem *item;

// first make sure we're not hovering over a displayed QGraphicsItem
if ((item = itemAt(x, y)) == NULL)
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;

osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = dynamic_castosgViewer::Viewer*(this);
osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_castosgViewer::View*(viewer);

// compute intersections with geometry cylinders
if (view-computeIntersections(x, sceneRect().height()-y,
intersections, 4))
hitr = intersections.begin();
hitr != intersections.end();
std::ostringstream os;
if (!hitr-nodePath.empty() 
tmp = QString(hitr-nodePath.back()-getName().c_str());
return true;
return false;

I hope this code is of some use to other people, so I am posting it here.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] adding tool tips to objects in a 3D scene

2012-09-17 Thread Christian Buchner

I've been asked to add some tool tips to objects in a 3D scene, and I
wonder if there is anything existing in OSG that would facilitate an

Essentially as you hover over a 3D object and leave the mouse there
for about one second, it should pop up with a small overlay containing
some text string that is associated with that object. As soon as the
mouse is moved again, the overlay should vanish.

Could anyone here offer some advice into how to implement this such
behavior with least programming effort, and if possible in a portable

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