[osint] US Army Hires Arabs as 'Iraqi' Extras for War Games in Germany

2007-02-11 Thread Dietmar Muehlboeck
SPIEGEL ONLINE - February 9, 2007, 12:38 PM
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,465402,00.html
US Army Hires Arabs as 'Iraqi' Extras for War Games in Germany

By Christian Fuchs

The US Army in Germany is looking for 600 Arabic-speaking extras for its 
Iraq training exercises in Germany. Willing participants can earn €90 a 
day -- their main task is to not understand US soldiers.

Does anyone here have anything against working with Americans? the 
gaunt German man asks the 29 Arab men and two women sitting in a bleak 
white-painted room in Berlin.

Several people answer the question by standing up, taking their coats 
and leaving the room.

You can leave any time, the German tells the others, somewhat forlornly.

The German is in charge of a casting session for the United States 
military, which is currently looking for 600 Arabic-speaking extras for 
its war games in Germany with the help of classified ads in tabloid 
newspapers such as Berlin's BZ. Similar casting events are taking place 
in other major cities across Germany.

The US Army plans to simulate the situation in Iraq from March 20 to 
April 11 in training exercises in Germany and want to add a touch of 
realism with the Arabic-speaking extras. The extras will live for three 
weeks at the Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC) in Hohenfels, 
Bavaria, located between Nuremberg and Regensburg.

The 16,000-hectare training ground includes ten artificial villages. The 
extras are supposed to play the role of an Arab in Iraq for 24 hours a 
day, according to the casting agent in Berlin. The women have to wear 
headscarves, the men turbans. There is a mosque, a brothel, several 
barracks and dormitories where the extras -- known as Civilians on the 
Battlefield (COB) in military jargon -- will sleep.

The extras have to play the roles of mayors, terrorists, pregnant women 
or traders. The US units taking part in the exercise will have certain 
tasks to complete as part of their training. The civilians' main task, 
on the other hand, will be to not understand the US soldiers.

Learning respect

The exercises are intended to help prepare US soldiers for the reality 
on the ground in Iraq. US President George W. Bush recently announced he 
plans to send 21,500 additional soldiers to Baghdad.

One aim is to bring the city under control again, including 
house-to-house fighting, according to Benjamin Schreer, an expert in 
security policies at the German Institute for International and Security 
Affairs (SWP). It's particularly difficult to bring large groups of 
people under control in an urban environment in a foreign culture, he says.

Militants often fire at US soldiers from the middle of groups of people, 
and it is exactly this kind of situation that will be practiced with the 
extras. One scenario will have 150 people simulating a mass 
demonstration, said the Berlin casting agent, who did not want to be named.

In addition, the soldiers will be taught how to interact with Arabs. 
They will be taught rules and respect, the agent says. Many of the 
young soldiers have never left the US before and don't know how to 
behave in foreign cultures before taking part in such exercises. They 
had better learn fast: A few short weeks after the training in Germany, 
they will be fighting in Iraq.

Bernhard Bergbauer took part in an earlier Iraq training session in 
Hohenfels in 2003. He is one of four German extras whose story is told 
in the new German documentary film Weltverbesserer auf dem 
Schlachtfeld (C.O.B. Civilians On The Battlefield). The US soldiers 
had a bit to learn, he says in the film. Afterwards they knew that 
you can't just say to a sheik, 'I don't fucking care who you are!' 
Instead they now know that this is an important person who must be 
treated with respect, he says.

What do the Yanks care about a dead Arab?

A debate begins in the Berlin casting session after the agent finishes 
his introduction. A Lebanese man wants to know how the roleplayers will 
be protected and if the press is allowed to be present at the training 
sessions for security. Who guarantees that we will be helped if the 
Americans make a mistake? he asks the room. What do the Yanks care 
about a dead Arab?

The mood becomes agitated. No, not a single word of the operation will 
reach the outside world, there are no media there, says the German 
agent. He tries to reassure the potential actors: But you'll be 
employed by a German firm. There are strict security precautions.

By this stage, more than half of the Arabs have already left the room. 
They were interested in taking part in a film, but the idea of spending 
21 days surrounded by smoke grenades, camouflaged Jeeps and Blackhawk 
helicopters, pretending to be shot with infra-red weapons, doesn't seem 
quite so attractive.

Some working days last ten hours, while others go on around the clock. 
The pay isn't that great either. An extra gets €90 ($117) per day -- if 
you leave 

[osint] Life Insurance for Palestinian Suicide Bombers

2007-02-11 Thread Dietmar Muehlboeck
SPIEGEL ONLINE - February 9, 2007, 07:02 PM
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,465438,00.html
Life Insurance for Palestinian Suicide Bombers

By Christoph Schult, Britta Sandberg and Ansgar Mertin

An important bank in the Arab world offers accounts paying a type of 
life insurance to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. But now 
it could soon face a lawsuit from American lawyers representing the victims.

On the morning of the day before he planned to blow himself up, Bassam 
Takruri wore a freshly ironed shirt, a blazer and polished shoes. At 10 
a.m., the student said goodbye to his father, who gave him ten shekels 
in pocket money. It was a beautiful Saturday in May in the Palestinian 
town of Hebron.

Everything seemed normal, at least for the rest of the family. The 
18-year-old Bassam, a boy with dark, earnest eyes, was ambitious. He 
wanted to become an engineer. His father called him his best son. But he 
spent the last night of his life away from this family -- something many 
suicide bombers do so as not to lose their nerve at the last moment.

On the Sunday morning of the day Bassam picked for his terror attack, 
Steve Averbach strapped on his pistol in a Jerusalem suburb just as he 
had been doing for years. Averbach was a police officer. It was early, 
not even 6 a.m. and his two small sons Sean and Adam and his wife Julie 
were still sleeping. At a stop in the northern part of Jerusalem, he 
boarded the No. 6 bus, a green accordion-stretch model. At around 5:45 
a.m. it reached the stop at French Hill.

Averbach scrutinized each new passenger. After serving in the 
anti-terrorist unit of the Jerusalem police department, he was now 
teaching the police, civilians and private security how to handle a 
weapon. His colleagues even called him Weapon Steve.

As the bus began to pull away, a man ran up to the side and the bus 
driver stopped and opened the door. The man was wearing the black suit 
and skullcap of an observant Jew. But his beard was too thin. Seeing a 
bulge underneath the man's jacket, Averbach quickly stood up and headed 
toward the stranger. But Bassam, disguised as a devout Jew, was quicker 
than Averbach and he ignited his belt of explosives.

Bassam died and Averbach survived seriously injured for life.

A few weeks after the suicide bombing, the phone at the home of Bassam 
Takruri's parents rang. On the other end of the line was a 
representative of Muassafat Usar al Shuhada, or The Organization of 
Martyr Families. He told Bassam's mother that the family had received 
money, but that they would have to open an account at the Arab Bank in 
order to withdraw the first deposit. The Takruris were puzzled, but they 
did what the man said. Shortly thereafter money was transferred to the 
new account. From then on, Bassam's family received $200 (€152) each 
month for more than a year.

The Arab Bank is one of the largest and most important financial 
institutions in the Arab world. The Jordan-based private bank, of which 
40 percent is still held by the founding Schuman family, is active in 28 
countries. The Jordanian monarchy even awarded Abd al Hamid Schuman a 
medal for his achievements and services to the country.

But the bank has long been suspected of directing money used to finance 
terrorism in the Palestinian Territories. And accounts at its 
Palestinian branches are also supposedly used to pay a type of life 
insurance to the families of youthful suicide bombers, who blow 
themselves up with the aim of killing as many Israelis as possible. The 
blood money paid for a son turned murderer is 20,000 Saudi riyal -- 
roughly €4,000 or $5,000. The funds take a circuitous route to the 
accounts of those families that prove the death of their son by showing 
a death certificate at the Arab Bank branch in the Palestinian 
Territories. Then monthly deposits are made just like in Takruri's case.

Suicide bombers with foresight can take care of all the necessary 
paperwork before they blow themselves to smithereens. A so-called Martyr 
Kit includes everything from a death certificate from the Palestinian 
Authority to an account card at the Arab Bank.

The attack carried out by the student Bassam Takruri on May 18, 2003 was 
one of the worst at the time. He had several kilograms of explosives 
strapped around his waist and the power or the blast was so strong that 
the bus was catapulted from the street. Seven people died and 20 were 

As the police found Steve Averbach's body inside the bus, his finger was 
still on the trigger of his pistol. He told them they should be careful 
since the weapon's safety was off. Then he lost consciousness. He spent 
five weeks in intensive care. Shards of glass had punctured his lungs 
and a ball bearing had penetrated his neck to become lodged between his 
third and fourth vertebrae. Since that day, Averbach has been paralyzed 
from the neck down.

A year after the attack he 

[osint] Memo to the American Media from Sheikh Muhammad al-Zawahiri

2007-02-11 Thread Beowulf
The fact is that much of what is reported in the American media reflects
not only the propaganda machines of the Left, but also that of our Jihadi
adversaries© often the content from those machines is indistinguishable.



Newspapers... serve as chimnies to carry off noxious vapors and smoke.

-Thomas Jefferson


Friday Digest




Memo to the American Media from Sheikh Muhammad al-Zawahiri


Recently, I participated in a three-day national security forum with some
knowledgeable military officers. The briefing focused on Fourth Generation
Warfare in the Second Nuclear Age, and the formidable threats we face from
Jihadi terrorists http://PatriotPost.US/papers/primer01.asp .


The non-attribution policy of such briefings prohibits me from identifying
any of the presenters, but I can tell you that one of them summed up the
current nuclear WMD threat as paraphrased:


If the American people could see the bone-chilling threats outlined in the
[classified] cable traffic concerning al-Qa'ida and other Islamist terror
networks, there would be little dissension about our military mission.


Unfortunately, there is a wide gap  between what the mainstream media
reports about Iraq and other theater operations,  and the underlying
rationale for those operations, which are classified  in order to protect
methods and sources. Though there is an effort under way now to declassify
more real-time intel, it won't close that gap because the major networks and
print outlets are more concerned with political agendas, which most often
mirror those of the far left.  Consequently, their journalism contains
much more fragrance than substance.


Notably, the most senior presente  r at the aforementioned briefing
discussed the topic Media as Terrain - how our adversaries use the media
as a battleground. He used this declassified quote to make his point:


I say to you: that we are in a battle, and that more than half of this
battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media.


That quote is from an intercepted and authenticated communiqué
http://PatriotPost.US/news/zawahiri.asp  from Osama bin Laden's chief
lieutenant, Sheikh Ayman Muhammad al-Zawahiri to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
before Zarqawi's termination last June.


The fact is  that much of what is reported in the American media reflects
not only the propaganda machines of the Left, but also that of our Jihadi
adversaries. Too often the content from those machines is indistinguishable.


Two weeks ago, this column took to task a mainstream-media organ (
http://PatriotPost.US/alexander/edition.asp?id=514 Newsweek ) for its
cover story on Iraq entitled, We're losing. There was nothing particularly
extraordinary about the Newsweek piece except that it typified the
Leftmedia's relentless and traitorous
http://PatriotPost.US/alexander/edition.asp?id=342  efforts to undermine
America's will and national resolve to defeat a dangerous enemy.


Indeed, Islamist leaders must be thrilled by the support they receive from
American media Leftists -those sympathizers whom V.I. Lenin once famously
dubbed  http://PatriotPost.US/alexander/edition.asp?id=275 Useful


This week, among other egregious examples of Leftmedia dissent, was a
notable tome that went beyond the normal disparagement of Operation Iraqi
http://PatriotPost.US/Alexander/edition.asp?id=470  Freedom and instead
adopted John http://PatriotPetitions.US/kerry/  Kerry's modus operandi:
Don't just question the war, attack the credibility of our warriors
http://PatriotPost.US/news/stuck.asp stuck in Iraq.


The offender is William Arkin, a military analyst for NBC and writer for the
Washington Post, whose bio fails to mention his previous employment and
affiliation with Leftist organizations, including the Institute for Policy
Studies, Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defense Council.


Last week, Arkin posted a column on the Post's website attacking U.S.
military personnel. The column exposed the underlying contempt held by many
MSM journalists for those who defend our nation.


Arkin wrote, in part:


Through every Abu Ghraib and Haditha, through every rape and murder, the
American public has indulged those in uniform, accepting that the incidents
were the product of bad apples or even of some administration or command
order. So we pay the soldiers a decent wage, take care of their families,
provide them with housing and medical care and vast social support systems
and ship obscene amenities into the war zone for them, and their attitude is
that we should, in addition, roll over and play dead, defer to the military
and the generals and let them fight their war, and give up our rights and
responsibilities to speak up because they are above society?...[T]he recent
NBC report is just an ugly reminder of the price we pay for a mercenary-oops
sorry,-volunteer force that thinks it is doing the dirty work.


The indulged rapists  and murderous mercenaries of whom