[osint] 9/11 Courtesy of Obama: Muzzling America with Censorship and more Muslim Terror Threat

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf

rror-threat.html 9/11 Courtesy of Obama: Muzzling America with Censorship
and more Muslim Terror Threat 

Saturday, 10 September 2011 07:15 Eliana Benador 

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rror-threat/print.html Print
m-terror-threat.pdf PDF


 Allah hu akbar, Allah hu akbar were the last voices recorded in BOTH the
aircraft which crashed into the twin towers on 9/11.

Ten years and two presidents later, we are about to commemorate the massacre
perpetrated by Muslim terrorists, haters of American people and American
lifestyle, and who because of that targeted the core of our country. 

Unsuspecting men and women don't know that Barack Hussein Obama is ready to,
surreptitiously and subtly, deliver a blow to the morale of the American

Hiding behind the label of the White House, the Obama Administration has
quietly published 'guidelines' to government officials on how they are
supposed to hold the 9/11 tenth anniversary ceremonies.


For full disclosure, it has been impossible to find anywhere in the White
House http://www.whitehouse.gov/  website the slightest indication of such
guidelines, which have been first shared publicly via an article in the New
York Times, written by Thom Schanker and Eric Schmitt
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/30/us/politics/30terror.html .  

Appears that one set of recommendations is for federal agencies in
American territory, and another set is for overseas allies and their
citizens, made available via American embassies.  As if we were all one
country under one government. 

While 9/11 happened in the heart of New York, seems that the
Obama-guidelines are going to impose a balancing act remembering the
victims -only- and honoring those whose service has helped to prevent
another catastrophic attack on American soil.  

Indeed, it will be a good opportunity to acknowledge in front the world that
it was not only America but also other nations who have being targeted by
terrorists from Al Qaeda and other extremist groups who have carried out
terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world, from Mumbai to Manila, and so on.

Beyond that, the Obama White House 'insinuates' also in which tone we are
supposed to commemorate the work of evil:  It will be by a positive and
forward-looking message with mitigated emphasis on Al Qaeda.

True to himself and consistent with his long-term pro-Muslim agenda, Obama
announced the color during his radio weekly address
member , entitled Coming Together to Remember, on August 27, 2011. 

Pulling the strings behind this, reportedly is, Benjamin J. Rhodes, in
charge of answering some questions during a telephone interview with the New
York Times.  He said that the Administration needs to make sure they are
speaking to a very broad set of audiences who will be affected by the
anniversary.  Good to know. 

But, WHO is Benjamin J. Rhodes?
http://www.whorunsgov.com/Profiles/Ben_Rhodes  He is Obama's foreign
policy writer in the White House and the man who helps shape the
Administration's message on such sensitive topics as our military presence
in post-Liberation Iraq, military intervention in Pakistan and, even more
dangerously, on whether to sit down with rogue foreign leaders --without

But, maybe what will best describe Rhodes is his favorite quote: Our
problems are man-made; therefore, they can be solved by man. Signed: John
F. Kennedy. 

Rhodes version 

Thus, according to Obama and team, commemorations should honor victims of
global terror, arguing that citizens of 90-plus countries were killed as
result of attacks carried out by 19 hijackers who had previously seized four
planes, taking nearly 3,000 lives.


19 beastly Muslim terrorists on 9/11, perpetrated a despicable massacre,
slaughtering almost 4,000 unsuspecting, innocent American civilians in times
of peace. 

Bin Laden's timely death, gives the Obama guidelines a legitimate excuse
to tell us that Al Qaeda is losing their relevance, even in the Arab
Spring uprisings against longtime autocrats in the Middle East and North
Africa -and former allies of America, one must add.  

When, without consulting with the American Congress, Obama took America to
war in Libya, we found out that our men have been put to fight on the same
side as Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi

[osint] Soros: 9/11 Memorials are Nothing but Muslim Hate

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf


Click here: Soros: 9/11 Memorials are Nothing but Muslim Hate - Big Journalism 


George Soros has spent an inordinate amount of his life trying to change the 
landscape of economics to his benefit. Now he’s attempting to manipulate the 
sentiments surrounding the 9/11 anniversary. As the U.S prepares to acknowledge 
the 9-11 10th Anniversary, multi-billionaire financier George Soros released a 
report that claims a conservative cabal of groups and individuals are 
Islamophobic and the 9-11 memorials are more about hatred for Muslims than 
commemorating the killing of close to 3,000 Americans by radical Islamists. ...



 Soros: 9/11 Memorials are Nothing but Muslim Hate 

Posted by P.J. Salvatore http://bigjournalism.com/author/pjsalvatore  Sep 9th 
2011 at 1:18 pm in MMfA Propaganda Watch 
http://bigjournalism.com/category/mmfa-propaganda-watch/ , Soros 
http://bigjournalism.com/category/soros/ , media bias 
http://bigjournalism.com/category/media-bias/  | Comments (88) 

George Soros has spent an inordinate amount of his life trying to change the 
landscape of economics to his benefit. Now he’s attempting to manipulate the 
sentiments surrounding the 9/11 anniversary 


As the U.S prepares to acknowledge the 9-11 10th Anniversary,  
multi-billionaire financier George Soros released a report that claims a 
conservative cabal of groups and individuals are Islamophobic and the 9-11 
memorials are more about hatred for Muslims than commemorating the killing of 
close to 3,000 Americans by radical Islamists.

Soros calls these Americans, most of whom are conservatives, Fear Incorporated.

The Soros group known as the Center for American Progress (CAP) is deliberately 
attempting to take attention away from events in the U.S. that are in progress 
to commemorate the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, and focus that 
attention on claims of Muslim-bashing by members of counterterrorism 
think-tanks, terrorism analysts and some members of the news media such as Fox 
News Channel.

That one of the report’s authors is in custody due to a suspected relationship 
with Hamas says it all.

One of the authors of this Soros-CAP report was interviewed by Al-Jazeera’s 
Samer Allawi, who is now in custody in Israel facing allegations that he’s a 
covert agent of Hamas.

Israpundit http://www.israpundit.com/archives/39121  details CAP’s “proof”:

Center for American Progress released “Fear, Inc.,” yet another report in the 
increasingly hysterical bullying campaign to shout down criticism of political 
Islamist efforts to influence American foreign and domestic policy. Their 
latest “copy and paste” effort duplicates large sections of five nearly 
identical “investigations” just this year, complaining that millions of 
concerned Americans are Islamophobes.

The primary organizations– what should be called the “Shariah Defense Lobby”– 
are the Center for American Progress/ThinkProgress, the Council on American 
Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the 
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Southern Poverty Law Center 
(SPLC) with support from a handful of other far-left or Islamist bloggers and 
Washington lobbyists.


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes 
only. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material 
as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. 

[osint] Terrorists Destroy Israeli Embassy in Cairo; Israel Requests US Assistance - not Forthcoming

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf


Israel requests U.S. aid after protesters attack embassy in Cairo

By Michael Birnbaum
  and Ingy Hassieb, Published: September 9 | Updated: Saturday, September
10, 7:57 AM

CAIRO - Israel airlifted its ambassador home and sought U.S. intervention
with Egypt to help secure its embassy here early Saturday, hours after
thousands of Egyptian protesters besieged the building, with several
managing to gain entry and fling Hebrew-language documents from a balcony.

Protesters knocked down a 12-foot concrete wall that had been built last
week to protect the embassy, which is near the top floor of a 21-story
residential building in the upscale Dokki area. At least two protesters
scaled the front of the building to pull down the Israeli flag, hanging from
the 20th floor. It was the second time in recent weeks that demonstrators
had removed the flag.

The crowd burned Israeli flags and threw rocks at security forces as
protesters denounced the deaths of several Egyptian border guards last
month. The guards were killed as Israeli troops pursued militants who they
said had crossed into Egypt from Gaza to attack the Israeli resort town of

Late Friday, protesters appeared to have reached the embassy's foyer,
throwing documents from a balcony, said an Israeli official quoted by
Reuters news agency. It was not clear whether the documents were sensitive.
Egyptian security forces used tear gas and sent a string of armored
personnel carriers to try to clear away the protesters.

Egyptian Deputy Health Minister Hamid Abaza told the Associated Press that
at least three people died and more than 1,000 were hurt during the street
clashes with police. Earlier the state-run Middle East News Agency said that
448 people were injured in the fighting around the embassy, including 46
police officers. 

In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the incident, which led
to the departure of the Israeli ambassador and nearly all of his staff, a
serious breach of bilateral relations.  

The fact that Egyptian authorities ultimately acted with determination is
laudable, Netanyahu was quoted as saying by an official in his office.
That said, Egypt cannot conduct business as usual after this harsh blow to
the fabric of relations with Israel and gross violation of international

Israeli officials who tracked events during the night described tense hours
during which Netanyahu spoke by phone with President Obama to seek help in
protecting the embassy and extricating six Israeli security guards trapped
inside when a mob broke through an outer door into the public reception and
consular affairs area. The ambassador and other embassy staff were not in
because it was Friday night, the Jewish Sabbath, and a day off in Egypt,
when the embassy is closed.

Netanyahu was also in contact with the Egyptian chief of intelligence,
General Murad Muwafi, a member of the ruling military council, according to
the officials. Defense Minister Ehud Barak meanwhile, spoke to U.S.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and with Dennis Ross, the president's
Middle East advisor on the National Security Council, his office said. 

A senior Pentagon official said Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta spoke
Friday evening with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the head of
Egypt's ruling military council, Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, to
try to ease the crisis. Tantawi told Panetta that Egypt would take necessary
measures to secure the Israeli Embassy, the senior Pentagon official said.

The rioters were literally a door away from the security guards, said one
official, who spoke anonymously in order to talk freely.  There was very
real concern for their safety and their lives. The Prime Minister spoke to
them directly because he moved during the night to a situation room in the
Foreign Ministry, where there is a direct link to the embassy. It was a very
grave incident and we were very concerned that it was going to get worse. 

After tear gas was used to disperse the protestors, the Israeli guards were
eventually extricated at about 5 a.m. Saturday by Egyptian special forces
and escorted to the airport, where they were flown back to Israel on an
Israeli air force plane, according to the officials. Another Israeli plane
left earlier carrying the ambassador, Yitzhak Levanon, the embassy staff and
their families - about 80 people in all, the officials said.   

The deputy ambassador, Yisrael Tikochinsky-Nitzan, remained in a secure
location in Cairo to maintain contact with the Egyptian authorities, said
the official who spoke anonymously. He added that we know that American
intervention with the Egyptian authorities helped stabilize the situation
and get our people out. 

The Egyptian Interior 

[osint] Why U.S. troops should stay in Iraq

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf
A very very stupid idea.


Nation-building  muslims is not worth the effort.impossible in fact.


7th century barbarian scum.






Why U.S. troops should stay in Iraq

By Meghan O'Sullivan, Published: September 9 

As America looks back on this 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the
war in Iraq looms large - and usually not in a good way. At best, it's
regarded as a distraction, a needless conflict that took America's focus
away from Afghanistan and al-Qaeda. At worst, the Iraq war is decried as a
fiasco, the United States' greatest strategic disaster, as retired Gen.
William Odom, the former National Security Agency director, once put it.

There is no question that Iraq, as it stands today, has fallen short of
American - and Iraqi - hopes and expectations. And there is no question that
the costs of the war, for both sides, have been greater than anticipated.
Even so, Iraq's achievements - including the establishment of representative
institutions against all odds - are hardly minor. The country could still
become mired in a civil conflict that destabilizes the region. But it is
equally or even more conceivable that, with relatively small amounts of
continued U.S. support, the greatest strategic benefits of the Iraq
intervention will materialize in the next several years. And these benefits
would more than justify an ongoing U.S. military presence there.

This belief about Iraq's strategic potential is not based on the naivete
that underpinned many optimistic assessments before the war, and it is
rooted in firmer ground than the desperate hopes of someone, like me, who
has devoted much of the past decade to U.S. efforts in Iraq. While by no
means inevitable, there are at least three ways in which Iraq has only just
begun to show its strategic value.

First, Iraq can offer a great deal toward ensuring that the nascent
transitions from dictatorships to more accountable governance in the region
succeed over the long term. Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans
- and perhaps eventually Syrians and Yemenis - have an advantage over Iraqis
in the sense that they carry none of the baggage that comes with having a
regime removed by the armed forces of an external power. But they will face
many of the same challenges tackled by the Iraqis over the past eight years:
how to hold members of the former regime accountable without stripping
society of the expertise needed to rebuild the country; how to manage a
political transition amid competing pressures for both quick results and
inclusive processes; and how to deal with elements of the former regime
determined to unseat the new order.

For sure, Iraqis - and we Americans - did not meet these challenges without
mistakes and missteps. But Iraq's lessons can help other countries of the
Arab world make smoother, more successful transitions. Even before the Arab
Spring, Arab intellectuals had begun looking to Iraq
http://www.cihrs.org/English/NewsSystem/Articles/151.aspx 's experience to
gain insights into their own challenges.

Second, Iraq, perhaps paradoxically, is now one of the Middle Eastern
countries best positioned to maintain ties with the West and with the United
States in particular - no small matter in a region where U.S. strategic
allies have almost literally disappeared overnight. The eight years since
the ouster of Saddam Hussein have been traumatic both to Iraqis and
Americans. But at the same time, the shared experience has built
relationships and sympathies between the two populations that run deep. Even
Americans who lament the U.S. intervention in Iraq must realize that their
country made a large investment there and that there are benefits to some
sort of ongoing relationship.

The Iraqi view of the United States is more complex. Even while there is
real resentment, in private many Iraqi officials recognize that a continued
bilateral relationship is important to the future stability and prosperity
of their country. This mutual understanding is enshrined in the Strategic
Framework Agreement of 2008, which pledges robust, nonmilitary cooperation
between the two nations for the long term. A close U.S.-Iraqi relationship
may be an important asset as other countries in the region draw further away
from the United States, rejecting the policies of their former
authoritarian, but pro-American, regimes.

Finally, and most compelling, there is the role that Iraq may play in
averting a major global energy crisis in the coming years. The world
economic recession eased pressure on global oil supplies and provided relief
from the climbing energy prices of 2007 and 2008. But a quiet trend of 2010
was that growth in global oil consumption grew at the second-fastest rate
ever, at 2.8 percent, while growth in global crude oil production lagged
behind at 2.5 percent. If demand 

[osint] Broke Western countries to give tens of billions to Muslim countries to speed up Islamic sharia

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf


ive-tens-of-billions-to-muslim-countries-to-speed-up-islamic-sharia/ Broke
Western countries to give tens of billions to Muslim countries to speed up
Islamic sharia 

 http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/ creeping | September
10, 2011 at 12:45 PM | Tags:
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=finance finance,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=islam islam,
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=legal Legal,
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=sharia Sharia | Categories:
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=10735225 Stealth Jihad | URL:
http://wp.me/pbU4v-9yS http://wp.me/pbU4v-9yS 

via Finance officials to speed aid to Arab democracies
rab-democracies/ - Washington Times.

MARSEILLE, France (AP) - Financial leaders from the world's most developed
nations are discussing how to speed up the flow of tens of billions of
dollars to help support democracies in North Africa and the Middle East,
British Treasury chief George Osborne said Saturday.

Osborne told reporters that finance ministers from Europe, the U.S., Canada
and rich Arab countries will also commit to boosting trade with the region
during the talks Saturday.

Osborne spoke ahead of meetings between those finance ministers and the
finance ministers of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan, as well as
representatives of Libya's National Transitional Council.

What you'll see today is confirmation that we want to see the EBRD
(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) expand the commitment of
money now, Osborne said.

The bank is now changing its statutes so it can expand operations out of
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and into North Africa and the
Middle East.

Osborne said financial officials will also try to get some money to the
EBRD in the short term so they can get going ahead of the planned reform.

Along with financing from other international development banks, officials
expect to mobilize tens of billions of dollars in lending over the next
three years to aid the five countries invited to Saturday's meeting, Osborne

The idea was hatched by the Group of Eight nations - Britain, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the U.S. Several international
funds and wealthy Arab countries are also expected to put up money for the

Witnessing the slow suicide of Western civilization couldn't be more


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf
Subject: Fw: FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)


This is serious business!


-  -  -


The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

- Original Message - 

From: 1389AD mailto:ad1...@yahoo.com  

To: 1389 AD mailto:ad1...@yahoo.com  

Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 7:38 AM

Subject: FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)


My own HTML is attached, if you wish to re-post this elsewhere.





FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY) 

September 10th, 2011 | 1389 (blog admin) 
http://1389blog.com/category/1389-blog/authors/1389/ , Florida 
http://1389blog.com/category/world/north-america/usa/florida/ , Islamic 
terrorism http://1389blog.com/category/islam/jihad/islamic-terrorism/ , 
Pakistan http://1389blog.com/category/world/asia/pakistan/ , September 11, 
2001 http://1389blog.com/category/history/9-11/ 

 FBI Wanted Terrorist Jude Kenan Mohammad 
http://1389blog.com/pix/Jude-Kenan-Mohammad.jpg This is believed to be one of 
the men counter terrorism chiefs say are plotting a terrorist attack in America 
on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11.

An image of American-born 22-year-old Jude Kenan Mohammad has been posted on 
the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list.

He has been linked to what officials have called a credible but unconfirmed 
al-Qaeda threat to set off a car bomb on bridges or tunnels in New York City or 

Mohammad is among three al-Qaeda leaders that investigators believe pose a 
particular threat because they have lived in the U.S.

Should that mission prove impossible, the attackers have been told to simply 
cause as much destruction as they can.

Mohammad, who was born in Florida, dropped out of North Carolina’s 
Fuquay-Varina High School in 2006 and left the U.S. two years later to visit 
Pakistan, his father’s homeland.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina indicted him and seven other men in 2009 
on charges that they conspired to carry out terrorist activities around the 
world. Two of the men have pleaded guilty, and the trial of four others is set 
for September 19 in New Bern.

Federal authorities have never arrested Mohammad in the case, saying that they 
believe he has been in Pakistan since the indictment was issued.

(Via vinienco.com 
 ; h/t Tonka Truck)

Click here to view FBI WANTED poster. 




FBI Releases Image of Man Wanted For 911 Threats (SHARE WIDELY)

img src=http://1389blog.com/pix/Jude-Kenan-Mohammad.jpg; alt=FBI Wanted 
Terrorist Jude Kenan Mohammad title=FBI Wanted Terrorist Jude Kenan Mohammad 
style=margin: 20px 20px align=left /

This is believed to be one of the men counter terrorism chiefs say are plotting 
a terrorist attack in America on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11.

An image of American-born 22-year-old Jude Kenan Mohammad has been posted on 
the FBI�s Ten Most Wanted list.

He has been linked to what officials have called a credible but unconfirmed 
al-Qaeda threat to set off a car bomb on bridges or tunnels in New York City or 

Mohammad is among three al-Qaeda leaders that investigators believe pose a 
particular threat because they have lived in the U.S.

Should that mission prove impossible, the attackers have been told to simply 
cause as much destruction as they can.

Mohammad, who was born in Florida, dropped out of North Carolina�s 
Fuquay-Varina High School in 2006 and left the U.S. two years later to visit 
Pakistan, his father�s homeland.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina indicted him and seven other men in 2009 
on charges that they conspired to carry out terrorist activities around the 
world. Two of the men have pleaded guilty, and the trial of four others is set 
for September 19 in New Bern.

Federal authorities have never arrested Mohammad in the case, saying that they 
believe he has been in Pakistan since the indictment was issued.

em(Via a 
 h/t Tonka Truck)/em

h3a href=http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/alert/jude-kenan-mohammad; 
target=_blankClick here to view FBI WANTED poster./a/h3


hr /

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


  Post message: osint@yahoogroups.com

[osint] The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The 200 jumpers who flung themselves from the Twin Towers who have been 'airbrushed from history'

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf
And the fact that it was because of MUSLIM terrorists!


Never forgive, Never Forget.




 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ Description: Description: MailOnline - news,
sport, celebrity, science and health stories

Saturday, Sep 10 2011  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/weather/index.html
9PM 15°C 12AM 14°C 5-Day Forecast 

The 9/11 victims America wants to forget: The 200 jumpers who flung
themselves from the Twin Towers who have been 'airbrushed from history'

By  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=authornamef=Tom+Leonard
Tom Leonard

Last updated at 12:48 PM on 10th September 2011

Almost all of them jumped alone, although eyewitnesses talked of a couple
who held hands as they fell. 

One woman, in a final act of modesty, appeared to be holding down her skirt.
Others tried to make parachutes out of curtains or tablecloths, only to have
them wrenched from their grip by the force of their descent. 

The fall was said to take about ten seconds. It would vary according to the
body position and how long it took to reach terminal velocity — around
125mph in most cases, but if someone fell head down with their body
straight, as if in a dive, it could be 200mph.

Description: Description: Horror: A person falls to their death after
jumping from the north tower following the audacious terror strike which
shocked the world a decade ago

Horror: A person falls to their death after jumping from the north tower
following the audacious terror strike which shocked the world a decade ago

When they hit the pavement, their bodies were not so much broken as

Nothing more graphically spells out the horror of the 9/11 attacks on the
Twin Towers than the grainy pictures of those poor souls frozen in mid-air
as they fell to their deaths, tumbling in all manner of positions, after
choosing to escape the suffocating smoke and dust, the flames and the
steel-bending heat in the highest floors of the World Trade Centre.

And yet, tragically, they are in many ways the forgotten victims of
September 11. Even now, nobody knows for certain who they were or exactly
how many they numbered. Perhaps worst of all, surprisingly few even want to

From the earliest days after the 9/11 attacks, the American establishment
and the media showed an overwhelming reluctance to dwell on those who jumped
or fell from the Twin Towers. 

If this was simply down to qualms at being considered intrusive or
voyeuristic when individuals in the most appalling circumstances chose in
desperation to die very publicly, it would be understandable. 

But there are other, more complicated, reasons. In the aftermath of this
attack on America’s sovereign territory — a period of intense patriotism —
some considered that to choose to die rather than be killed showed a lack of

And in this country of intense religious fervour, many believe that to be a
‘jumper’ was to choose suicide rather than accept the fate of God — and
suicide in whatever circumstances is considered shameful or, indeed, a sin
that will send you to Hell. 

At the office of the New York chief medical examiner, a spokesman said this
week that they did not consider these people ‘jumpers’. She insisted they
fell from the 1,350ft tall, 110-floor skyscrapers, for jumping would imply

‘Jumping indicates a choice, and these people did not have that choice,’ she
said. ‘That is why the deaths were ruled homicide, because the actions of
other people caused them to die. The force of explosion and the fire behind
them forced them out of the windows.’

Description: Description: Terror: An estimated 200 people jumped to their
deaths to avoid being killed by the fires on 9/11

Terror: An estimated 200 people jumped to their deaths to avoid being killed
by the fires on 9/11

For those who have discovered that their loved ones may have been among the
estimated 200 or more who plunged to their deaths, this uncomfortable
official reticence can only compound the suffering they have already

University administrator Jack Gentul cannot possibly imagine his late wife’s
torment before she died. Alayne Gentul, mother of two and the 44-year-old
vice president of an investment company, was in the South Tower and had gone
up to the 97th floor to help evacuate staff after the other tower was hit.
In her final moments, she rang Jack to say in labouring breaths that smoke
was coming into her room through vents.

‘She said “I’m scared”,’ he tells me quietly. ‘She wasn’t a person who got
scared, and I said, “Honey, it’ll be all right, it’ll be all right, you’ll
get down”.’

Alayne Gentul’s remains were found in the street outside the building across
from the tower — sufficiently far from the rubble to suggest she had jumped.
Mr Gentul, who has since remarried, is not convinced she took that option
but is clearly irked that some believe jumping was some sort of cop-out.

‘She was a very practical person who would have done whatever she could to
survive,’ he explains in a 

[osint] Mr. President, Please Get Your Feet Off the Desk!

2011-09-10 Thread Beowulf

Mr. President, Please Get Your Feet Off the Desk!

by Keith Koffler on March 11, 2011, 10:22 am

It must be a sign of the tone deafness of this White House that they keep 
releasing photos – White House photographer-taken photos – of President Obama 
with his feet on the Oval Office furniture.

Here’s a photo montage of the president not minding his manners.

 Obama with his feet up on the desk

If you’re wondering, yes, the desk you see him with his dirty shoes on is the 
historic Resolute Desk, made from the timbers of the British Frigate HMS 
Resolute and given as a gift to the United States by Queen Victoria in 1856.

It’s been used by many presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt and every 
chief executive since Jimmy Carter.

But it is perhaps best known for this:

Yup, the very same desk cherished by so many for its depiction with the two 
doomed John F. Kennedys.

Mr. President, get your feet off this desk.

Thanks to Granny Jan, who blogs at 
http://grannyjanandjihadkitty.blogspot.com/  Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty, for 
putting together the montage.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Brooks Isoldi, editor


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