*Greetings Open Spacers!*

It’s TIME. We’re ready to test the online World Happiness *Open* Fest on
QiQo chat next Tuesday.  For this first experiment only, we’ll be
partnering with the OS hotline time to launch. Other conversations on the
same topic will take place later in the New Year, in different time zones.

*Tuesday December 31, 2019*

*Noon EST to 1:30 pm*


*INVITATION Theme*: “Opening Space for World Happiness: Let’s Explore the
Opportunities and Possibilities”

Two world communities coming together. A shared mission, shared purpose,
and shared values. Opening space in the world for meaning, purpose,
well-being, freedom, happiness, peace and high performance.

*We are inviting you to explore how we can introduce and apply the
principles and process of Open Space technology as part of the World
Happiness Fest and the Happiness Agoras at live events and online. *


Join us in the Gardens of the World which will serve as our virtual
breakout meeting areas

As Luis Gallardo, president and founder of World Happiness Fest, said to us
when introducing the concept of gardens for our QiQO chat meeting places:
“We normally use the term of planting seeds and every time I think about
Open Space, the image of a beautiful open garden comes to my mind. The
world gardens will be our house and nature our natural habitat to plant
ideas and conversations as seeds that will grow and be nurtured over time.”


*Suzanne, Barry, Luis and Lucas*
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